30 May, 2008

I miss this show so much...

... that I can't think about it during the day or I get sick to my stomach!  I will not be able to wait until January.

I am in a state of depression.



Bill and Paige said...

The wait will totally be worth it! But if you are desperate...you could get the WII...I know they have an american idol game!

Marcy said...

You're so funny Summer. You crack me up. But I'll admit I miss it too.

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I regret to tell you though that the photographer I used is in UT. My sister found her for a steal ($75 for 2 hours and you keep ALL pics on CD) so I used her when I was last up there. I wish she lived here...you can't find deals like that around here. Sigh.

Here's her link in case you're ever up there and want to schedule a session:


Brooke Wilkins said...

I totally agree! TUedsay used to be my FAVORITE night of the week! It was awesome! I miss it so much!

Jenny said...

I miss it too! I guess we could fill our days reading the scriptures or doing service for others! That would probably keep our mind off of our fleeting 15 minutes. HA!

SUMMER said...

I just miss watching it with Bryan every week. It was the ONE show that we both looked forward to watching together. It is SO good. And I know Bryan will sure miss seeing Seacrest's outfits every tuesday and wed night....

hub of the house said...

hang in there! January will be here in NO TIME!!!

amanda said...

i am in mourning this morning over our ai extravaganza!!!

Anonymous said...

I will miss this show every week... It is one of the best shows of all time! And Seacrest is one of the best men of all time!

amanda said...

i like the post you left as "bryan" spuds...p.s. i am waiting for iron maiden and the skullet...

SUMMER said...

Is there any other way Spuds?