Wow! Where do I even begin with what a great time we had at American Idol! When we first got there, we valet parked at The Grove and walked through a back alley of CBS studios. A man was walking through an employee entrance in the back and we jokingly yelled to him "Do you want to let us in too?" He said "OK" and told the security people to let us in as well. As we walked with him... we found out that he has worked on Idol since the beginning and also does "So you think you can dance". Talk to him longer and find out that he is a "Big Wig" there on the show. He asked us how we got our tickets and we told him just online. He asked us if we wanted to check out the rehearsal and we said "Of Course". Well, we ended up being this guy's VIP guests for the night! He was sooo nice and really made our year! During the real taping, our seats were right in front of Justin Guarini. We chit chatted with him for a while and then 2 minutes before the show started, we got kicked out of our seats for the girl from "Everwood" and "Brothers and Sisters". So we ended up in the pit again! It was still fun. David Cook walked a Rose down to Amanda that was on his guitar. We screamed like groupies of course. After the show, our "Big Wig" friend brought us to the back lot where we got to meet the contestants and a few other fun people.
If you blinked... you missed my 1/2 sec chubby face on air!
Group shot right after we valet parked. You can see our future friend in the green sweater walking in the background!

We told him that he made our year and thanked him again and again!

This season's Brandon!

Inside the studio!

David Cook giving his mom a hug and some flowers!

David Cook with his Rose!

Gavin Degraw... he was super nice!

Archie's dad Jeff!

Syesha... tiny and gorgeous!

Derek Hough from Dancing with the Stars

Ricky Miner from the A.I. band!


We ended up having dinner with David's Dad and voice coach at Maggiano's! David met us later and Amanda bought him dessert! It was surreal to talk with them one on one. David is just as nice and humble as on the show. And seriously, has the cutest personality. He is way more outgoing than you would think. I told him that he is famous now and not to let Hollywood corrupt him b/c he is too good of a guy. We also told him that we would really appreciate if he waited 15 years to get married and end up with one of our daughters.
Love this guy! And love that we are the same height!

Amanda, Jeff and I
JT and I!
Our precious Rose from David Cook!

A Pinkberry stop on the way home!

And a stop at a Psychic palm reader that I have been wanting to try! It was awesome!!!

Things I will NEVER forget:
1. Having dinner with the Archuletas and hearing all kinds of stories from David, his dad and his voice teacher.
2. Amanda calling Ricky Miner... Ricky Martin! Then he kissed her on the lips!
3. Telling Seacrest that the "My husband has a man crush on Seacrest" sign was mine. He was dying!
4. Amanda telling every celebrity she met that she was going to send them Sprinkles cupcakes.
5. Seeing Ryan Seacrest goof off in jeans, a coat and a baseball cap at the rehearsal with the fake Paula, Randy and Simon.
6. Screaming "FIRE" the whole show after performances with the funnest gay couple behind us!
7. Usher telling us that his CD comes out May 27 and then to Maryam "Buy two... one for you and one for your baby"!
*** Bryan will be going to the Results show tomorrow night! I am so excited for him!***
Freakin' Awesome! Nothing more to say!
How do we top a night like that? I don't think it's possible: David's dad and I shared a little tear together, and some lasagna...actually I was too nervous to even eat one bite, the best part of the whole dinner though was when I look over and all of a sudden you were frantically putting blush on before David came to see us (he was still in the studio wrapping things up). And then when you told him that if you weren't 13 years older and married... you guys could make a cute couple.
seriously! what a fun night, how fun that you got to meet all of those people, and I don't understand how you had dinner with the Archuletas?? how in the heck did that happen! that's awesome!
I found your blog the normal way, lurking from other friends blogs!:) I hope you don't mind. I love reading your American Idol posts. Looks like so much fun!!! I wanted to let friends know about your cute blog, would you mind me posting your site on mine so friends can see it? I know they would all love the AI stuff, especially David A! Comment on my blog.
You need to call the Utah news and defend David's dad. He seems to be getting alot of crap lately!
summer. I am DYING. that AI night tops all. I need details of how you ended up having lasagna with lil' David! And is that Cookie's hand on amanda's shoulder? be still my heart! :D
you are crazy! such a fun night. i love that you aren't shy about going up to celebs. looks like you had a blast, we'll be looking for bryan on tv!
holy crap! I don't believe all that, how awesome! How did you have dinner with the Archileta's? who would have thunk. We will keep an eye out for your hubby tonight.
Please, can I have your life!!! I'm so jealous right now. SO FUN!
Thanks for a 5 star day, "common folk" friend!! Nothing can top last night. Loved every minute. xxo
WOW!!! What a night you guys had! That sounds like so much fun. I can't believe everything that you got to see and do! That is so awesome! I love that you told Ryan that that sign was yours!!! That is great! Glad you had a good time.
um. your life is pretty much out-of-control cool! Thank you for letting us all live vicariously through you. what a fun night!
But Summer...was it as cool as the band we saw when driving home Friday night? I didn't think so!
You're crazy...I really can't believe that you ate with the Archuletta's. You probably invited them over to have Sunday dinner with the fam too! Funnest night. Who is going with Bryan to the Results show?
so cool...I am so jealous!! That "big wig" guy probably was bummed that you guys were married-HA!!
What a great night!! Maybe we will see Bryan tonight...tell him to wear a Hot Pink colored shirt-Haha!!
I am glad you could use the pic-and you dont have a chubby face!! You look great, tv star!
oh my gosh. i don't know how you do it. so gnarly! the fact that you met usher too is awesome.
Summer this is the BEST!!! I felt so excited reading the post and I LOVE the picture of you with Usher! So funny. Please tell us how you got him to stop his car so you could run over!!!
woops that was me d-dawg
Um...HOLY COW! That is amazing! You have the best luck, seriously. You have to teach me your tricks when I come to visit.
I have to run my tivo back to see you...I totally remember looking for you during that spot with Ryan but that CREEPY guy to the left of him was cracking us up so we must have missed you! We actually spotted the girl lower right that we thought was you for a second and then it clearly wasn't you, but you were right there!!! How did we miss u?? Glad you had an amazing night!!
D-dawg... we thought it was Paula's car so waved. Then, when the back seat windows rolled down... it was Usher. He had been the performer at Dancing with the Stars that night which is taped in the same lot. He was really nice and we asked if we could take his picture and he said yes and then I asked if I could come over and get one and he said Yes again. He was actually really cool.
What did Seacrest say?
I am just totally jealous you met Usher. My secret crush!!
I'm speechless! How in the world do you get to so lucky?!! I love that you told Seacrest that that your husband has a mancrush on him! Too funny!
I can't handle it! Way too much for one night. I can't believe you got to meet all those people. So fun! I'm jealous! Can't wait to see you tomorrow night.
Yep, I saw you again! You are a regular, they should give you VIP seats.
Wow, awesome night. I am totally jealous!! I am going to have to tag along with you guys when I come into town in a couple weeks. You guys always do such fun things!!
I am jealous about Usher. When we saw him after the Grammy's and Dorfmann made a fool of himself I was to embarrassed to ask after that.
That really does sound like an amazing night. How did you end up at dinner with David and his family. Is it true that his dad has been banned from all rehersal's? Is Seacrest as cute as I hope he is? I really like the Hough boy dancer's teeth. They are perfect. Nice, light healthy gums as well. Glad you had a great night.
Are you going to reveal what the psychic had to say?
This is Dane. Andrew's friend...He told me to check your blog out because he knew that I would be extremely jealous...and I am! I drove down to LA from Provo a few weeks ago and went to 2 tapings of Idol. I tried my hardest and still did not get to meet anybody. However, I did score a job waiting tables at Maggianos at the Grove. I start in June. Hopefully I will have some success for So You Think You Can Dance...
Lisa, ummm yeah Seacrest is HOT!!! Small crush, Bryan and I both! And yes.. it is true about David's dad being banned. It was kind of sad. We heard a few things bad about him behind the scenes but I choose not to believe them. He was really nice. We ended up going to dinner b/c we didn't get to meet David after the show so the dad said that after he finished up that we should all meet for dinner. And the Psychic was so cool. She was right on about almost everything. She told me that I was going to have 3 kids with out me even saying anything about that. 3 is the number Bryan and I have felt for years.... it was crazy. She said a few other things that were dead on!!! I want to go back.
ok seriously Summer everytime I stop by your blog I laugh my head off! You are such a riot and seem to be in the right place at the right time! Good job! I love all of your pictures! What a scream of a night!
p.s. who are you voting for on A.I.?
hey! So lucky girl! You and David make a cute couple! I can't believe how little he is! It is unbelievable that you got to have dinner with him! You should've asked him to sing to you! That would've been awesome!
Can I please go next time? I am so incredibly jealous!!!! How do you have the most fun experiences ever? I am glad to know that Amanda is still alive! Just so you know, I am on the way to L.A., next time you are out this way!! How fun!!
of course i am alive vicki, i finally caved and started a blog of my
nothing in your life surprises me anymore. I mean, come on, that is one crazy night. David Cook looked so cute, too!
How do you find the time to do so many fun things?!? Some days I can barely find time for a shower. lol
I remember that close up last night when the camera was on Seacrest in the crowd, but I was too distracted by the goon standing to his right (the left if you're looking at the TV) as this guy was a total freak and making weird faces back and forth into the camera! lol So ya, I missed you, but glad to see a still shot of you...BUT if I hear you reference yourself as chubby one more time, I'm going to drive over to your house and pinch your head off!!!!
Glad you had fun! Man you're one crazy, social girl! :)
US Daily needs to become a Celeb Mag! You are so cool! I love how you got a picture with Usher in the car!
Fun Summer!
Sat by Andrew Lloyd Weber tonight!
I'm right behind Randy the whole show
Love it! All of Baylee's teeny bopper friends are SO jealous of you right now! Half her school was checked out last Friday to go see David while he was in Utah. You crack me up... looks like a blast!
P.S. I think Gavin Degraw had a crush on you!
good heck--my friend karlin sent me to your blog and i am DYING. i am pretty much an AI freak. love the show (i'm not sure how much my husband loves that i love it) but dah well! i am going to have to go back and read your american idol posts. what a life! i'm glad you think seacrest is hot...because DANG. i do too!
Okay, now I am convinced that you must be a MAGNET for celebrities! They just find you wherever you are!! It is crazy! I was still getting over how you ran into Tim Meadows a few days ago ( love him ) and now you go and hit the A.I. celebrity jackpot... and USHER... come one! I have so much fun reading your blog Summer! Glad you had such an amazing night. I love David Archuleta!
Where is Bryan's TV shot. I totally saw him... I need his story now!
You sure crack me up. Thanks for the invite friend. For some reason I am not making the LA invite list from you!!! Just teasing!
Patience... you are killing me Mrs. "I'm on bed rest and am going to have a baby any day!" Of course I am not going to have you come b/c the last thing I would want to do is put my friend's health in jeopardy. Hope that you are feeling OK and can have this baby OUT soon! Call me if you need anything.
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