We had a great one. It started off with some great memorial day sales. I have been looking for some colored jeans and I picked myself up these two pair at the True Religion outlet for $35 each. Originally $180 each! I feel like I got a smokin' deal.

We also hit up the H&M friends and family sale and I got a few cute blouses from their $5 clearance. I got an additional 20% off too! Bryan needed a few new spring/ summer things and made out well also. Wish I could get him to model his new what he calls, "Shia Labouf" suit. It is a suit vest with matching pants. I have never seen him more excited. He also bought himself a white suit b/c why? He said that it is a summer MUST have in his GQ magazine of course! I will see if we can get some modeling shots later this week. I promise they will be good. He already modeled it for the missionaries with a baby blue shirt, navy tie and navy blue Sperry Top siders while telling them he was ready for the upcoming summer wedding receptions! Sadly, this is NOT a joke!

Amanda and I did some cupcake tasting at a new cupcake shop. They were NOT as good as Sprinkles!
The weather by our house was crummy so we headed out to Palm Springs where it was 80 degrees and beautiful. The girls loved playing in the pool all day.

Dinner at CPK one night

And dinner with Mike as well with him and Bryan in matching shirts.

We stopped at Bryan's parents for a BBQ on our way home where Berkley thoroughly enjoyed the Ice Cream mud pie!

And the biggest news of the weekend... Drew and Elle got engaged today in Park City!!! We couldn't be happier and can't wait to have a darling new sister in law! To hear how he proposed click here or here.
Congratulations on the engagement!!!!!!!!! You guys are the cutest couple! B-Dog, I think you should wear your "cut-off" suit to work Tuesday, I hear it's en Vogue...I want to be in Palm Springs (especially with Big Deal B)!!!!!!
What a fun weekend! Lovin those colored jeans...so cute! can't wait to see the pictures of Bryan in his new get-up!
and Congratulations to your brother and his cute fiance. I know you are so excited to have a Nurse in the fam! :-)
k so it's rachael again! i know i'm border line stalker, i don't know how i was able to see your blog again (i was having probs before), but i don't know if you got my email on tips for me to get tickets for sytycd? i looked online and there are several people to go thru what did you use for a.i. tickets? i know they aren't avail yet, but i'm trying to just get a head start. i'm a nerd i know, but i so WANT to go! so if you could give me some tips that would be awesome. my blog is thebatesfam.blogspot.com. k thanks!
Congrats Drew...the ring is BEAUTIFUL!!
What a fun weekend you had, can i just say you are one of the best shoppers I know!!! Great Deals!!!
And I am SO excited to join the Garlock clan as well :) Andrew's a pretty great fella, I must say. And an AMAZING ring-designer...I loved it! So happy.
thanx for the post sum! we are so thrilled!! can't wait to come down and hang out with you guys in june.
Oh, they are a cute couple. Her rings looks beautiful.
Glad your trip was fun. Great jeans deal. Eric and Bryan would make a perfect pair in their summer suits. So funny!
You truly win the award for best bargain shopper! And I think Berkley looks more and more like Haven, they are so cute!
Cute stuff! Bryan is so funny! I cannot believe that ring! So beautiful! She is one lucky girl!
cute clothes! that is an awesome deal! your brother and his fiance are so cute together!
congrats to Andrew that seems so weird. Beautiful ring and beautiful girl. Can't go wrong!
Seriously...BFF with Mike? He's the hook up right? Please keep that great contact!
I'm sad that you got that black plaid shirt for $5 and I paid full price probably. Oh well...at least I got a cute skirt out of it! Call me when you are up!
SO cute! Congrats on the new clothes for cheap... that is always wonderful. Thanks for adding me again!
I saw your comment on my blog and I will GLADLY take your newborn. I will just turn it back over when it is sleeping through the night, and starts going crazy like my little guy.
SO cute! Congrats on the new clothes for cheap... that is always wonderful. Thanks for adding me again!
I saw your comment on my blog and I will GLADLY take your newborn. I will just turn it back over when it is sleeping through the night, and starts going crazy like my little guy.
I almost made a little trip to H&M on Friday. When were you there? Now I am bummed I didn't go. Sounds like some great deals!
Please have Bryan model his white suit! One of our friends was sporting one the other day (with a bright orange tie and hankie in the pocket) and I couldn't stop laughing. It actually looked so sharp, but it still cracked me up!
How exciting for Andrew!!! I still remember him as being 14! His wife to be is beyond darling and that RING is fantastic!
Congrats Andrew! She is darling! What a perfect couple. I still can't believe you played with Big Deal B this weekend!!
Congrats to Andrew! She looks like a part of your family already! How fun!
Good deals! Congrats to your brother. They are a darling couple.
Good deals! Congrats to your brother. They are a darling couple.
I wish I were coming up this summer so you could take me shopping. next summer for sure when I'm hopefully back to my size. maybe even b4 then!!!
I love the True Religion outlet! Lots of great deals!!
congrats andrew! she's darling!!!
That is GREAT News! What a cute new sis-in-law you have. How exciting- when is the wedding?? Do not forget the modeling pictures you promised... I am dying to see Bryan's suit and show us your jeans on! So fun and I am laughing about Bryan modeling for the missionaries- classic. They'll always remember that I'm sure!
What a fun weekend! Looks like you found some great deals! I too, want to see your cute jeans on! Congrats to your brother! That is so exciting. She is really cute and they make a cute couple! That is great! I love those pics of Berkley eating her mud pie! So funny!
What a fun weekend! I am SO excited for Drew. She looks like a doll! Love the matching gingham and Berkley's foot coming out of the seat!
The weather was crummy here, be glad you got away!
Only you can pull off red and yellow jeans, seriously! I wish i had gone to Palm Springs, the weather was a bummer here, looks fun. Can I get in on one of your next cupcake outtings? I need one.
I want to see a picture of Bryan in the white suit doing the John Travolta pose... please!
cute jeans and top and congrats to your bro and his sweetheart! She's a doll.
As far as your survey goes, I don't know! Two of my fave shows!
summer congrats to your brother! ella loved looking at berkley's dirty face picture...she was laughing and said.."baby's dirty...yuk!".....she's still darling, though, dirty or not! ...and that's what ella looks like after she's done eating cake & ice cream!... great deals on the clothes..and i'm glad you found some nice weather in palm springs...our neighbors took their kids to disney land this past week and they said the weather was so weird..a few days was in the 100's and then there were times when it got down in the 60's..so weird! take care!
Darling Sis-in-law to be! I was shopping at H&M this weekend too...and I tried pinkberry for the first time ever... loved it and thought of you!
cute clothes...cute kiddos...cute new sister-in-law!
Dude -- I LOVE her ring. Normally I don't notice rings but your little bro did good on this one!
Congrats to Andrew! They look darling together.
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