... for this guy! One of the things I wanted to do for Bryan's 30th birthday was take him to The Montage Resort for a spa day. I had two gift cards there that I have been wanting to use and thought this was the perfect occasion. We had massages scheduled last saturday but the weather was cold and crummy. One of the best things about their spa is the outside pool they have with lunch service. So, we rescheduled for yesterday and it ended up being HOT yet there was a little breeze. Bryan and I had fun!

I absolutely LOVE The Montage. We were lucky enough to stay there a few times (once for Valentines before the pricing skyrocketed and once when his boss gave us a hefty gift card there for Christmas). Both times... we left saying that it was well worth every penny. It is the Nordstrom of hotels... the service is AMAZING. Although we had a good time yesterday, Bryan and I left and talked about how it wasn't like it usually was. First, they have totally raised their prices. Ridiculous amounts. This is what we got:
Bryan- 60 minute massage and a sandwich at the pool
Me- 60 minute massage and salad at the pool
No drinks... we had water
Our bill- $598!
I thought that was outrageous! Our bill alone for our salad and sandwich was $69! And the service was just average this time. I still recommend that place b/c it is gorgeous but I just don't know who has money like that. It is CRAZY expensive! So that may be our last experience there. And also, I was super disappointed about no Bon Jovi sighting this time. J/K! Happy birthday again Bry... let's stretch this one out!
I LOVE The Montage!!! Trent sent me there for a spa day when I was pregnant with Kamdyn and I was in heaven! I'm sad to hear their prices have gone up so much...I was hoping to go there this fall when we're in CA.
How fun that you and Bryan got to have a nice day together at the beach!
I'm so jealous. I can't believe how expensive they are. I guess I'll be sticking to Burke Williams. It looked like you guys had a fun and relaxing day out.
that looks like so much fun! that salad looked really yummy..i think i would've paid $69 for it:)..hee!hee!...resorts can be down right out of control..but it's fun to splurge every once in awhile & treat yourselves:)...it looks like you guys enjoyed your stay..i'm happy for you that you got to get away:)
That is so funny you guys were there on Sat...I just just below at the beach enjoying the HOT weather!!! Such a nice day!
HOLY COW! 600 bucks...I'm sure you'll remember that day FOREVER! :-) I guess I am not used to those SoCal prices...if I lived down there I'd have serious spending issues! :-)
I LOVE the Montage! I'm glad they don't charge for just walking around it, that's my favorite!
And everybody needs a birthday "month". :-)
I guess that's why I haven't been there before. But we love to take Sunday walks on the grounds and the beach in front.
That is insane! I think that is craziness! But at least you had fun! We were there at the beach below on saturday! how funny is that?? I cannot believe how expensive it is for that stuff! But too bad no Bon Jovi! bummer!!
i would pay 598 for a massage right about now. well, maybe.
thanks for the pricing update. I guess I will cross that right off my wish list. we ain't got that kind of moolah floating around!
i hate rich people. who does that sound like? haha, dad's classic.
HA! I'm glad you got to go. It's fun to splurge once in a while right?
Love the beautiful view!
OUCH on the $$$! I does look wonderful though! YOu two look so cute and happy!
SIX HUNDY! Are you kidding me. I'm such a tight wad, i could never justify that. And it's a good thing i don't like massages! Looks like a real nice place, and good for you and bryan to get away from the kiddies!
Kanoe, don't worry... we have $440 in gift cards but yah... still! It was crazy to spend $150 MORE of our own money!
i am so jealous!!!
holy crap! lucky ducks.
WOW!!! What a great day! How nice and relaxing. Glad you guys had a fun day together without any kids!
You guys look fab, as always. Summer, once again, you have confirmed your A-list status.
Fun in the sun!
Sounds like the perfect way to spend a 30th birthday!
I loooove massages. I always try to find the super cheap deals though. No Montage for me baby. Feel free to get me a gift cert there for me for my birthday though and I'll gladly try it out. :) I just realized today I never sent you the check for the mother's day gift. I'm sending it today.
Brooke- Did you see Gwen Steffani when you were down at The Montage beach? Haven's pre-school teacher said that she sat right next to her and Gavin Rossdale and their little boy saturday afternoon. She said they were SUPER nice and that she had no nanny. You may have left early to get Reese down for a nap. Funny that we both missed her though huh?
Sucks for you that you were up at the spa when the really famous people were slummin' it at the beach! :)
Good thing you had a gift certificate!? Ouch! I bet it was nice though!
did any naked ladies get shot at the montage this weekend? spuds, this is officialy my favorite picture monday picture to date...he looks hot!
You and Bryan are so cute and my question is where did you get $440 in gift cards? Lucky!
HOW FUN!!! I wanna go!!
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