A stop at Disneyland

And the Spectrum to meet up with Julie and Lily

Bryan went to an Iron Maiden concert with some guys in our neighborhood. WEIRD and SCARY! P.S. rest assured that he and Marc have Henry Weinart's root beer in their hands.
Beautiful beach day!

While there, I met this darling girl Kara for the first time through a mutual friend and as we were chit chatting...

her son Ty and Haven were kissing!

And back to the spectrum for date night with Christy and Art!

I can't even remember what it was like when Bryan worked weekends... life is so much better now!
And look what Archuleta did this weekend... went to church! My brother's mission companion (the guy next to Archie in the white shirt & striped tie) ran into him at church in SLC today! Why is he so cute with his scriptures? LOVE HIM!!!
I love your yellow jeans! They are so adorable!! I lvoe love love them! Where was bryan in those crazy pictures? Funny!
looks like haven is taking after her mommy...ha!
Matthew is green with envy of Bryan's Iron Maiden Concert! He's quite the fan!
Your make up looks really pretty in your yellow pants date night!
Tell Haven to get in line for Ty! He might already be spoken for!
what a fun weekend! That is so funny that Haven and that little guy were kissing. watch out...she's gunna be a heart breaker!
bryan is crazy. is some guy on fire? fun weekend, looks like the weather got better.
Megan... Collin can have Ty's little bro Drew. Perfect!
Andrew... Bryan is so crazy! Yes, some dummy did a somersault into the fire! Bryan thought it was the coolest/ funniest thing he has ever seen. LAME!!!
Where did Bryan get that tattoo sleeved shirt?? I love it!!!
Your weekends are always filled with fun. I love your dress and yellow pants. Super cute. Great picture of Haven's little kiss. The concert Bryan went to looks a bit scary. No thank you. Love your Moday picture of Berkley.
That must be so strange for David A. to be asked for a photo at church. Get used to it, I guess.
You met my girl Kara... she is the coolest, cutest and nicest girl ever! I can't believe what a small world it is. How cute ty and haven kissing-HA!! she's starting early you better watch out!
What a fun weekend!!
Great pictures! What a fun weekend. I too am loving your new jeans! That picture of Haven and Ty is so funny!! I was cracking right up! Way to go Archie!!! What a good kid!
I love it! Archuleta in a setting I can relate too! He looks even more like a little boy than on the show. I want to squeeze him. Jealous that you got to! ;)
This is Kara. Tell Haven thanks for making Ty's birthday wish come true.
What a fun weekend! Your yellow pants are fabulous. I could never in a million years pull those off. Loving Archuleta with his scriptures. Too cute!
did you show Rickydoodle the picture yet? Love it.
I'm a little scared about the IM concert!
i wish i could see archie in a tie...! how do you get so much done in one weekend spuds...next weekend i want to go to the beach but i will be in az...so, how bout the 14th?!?!?!? spuds, i am waiting for the potato bug post!
summer..i can't believe the DEALS AND STEALS you got in LA...you go girl! i love getting things for so cheap too! i love it that your husband not only went to that concert but totally looked the part too!...looks like you guys had a great weekend..oh ya..haven is so funny kissing that boy...so cute!
what a fun and crazy weekend! I don't know how you do it all!! I love David Archuleta and miss seeing him on TV every Tuesday and wednesday!
I love David A. even more now! Love the weekend pictures. Sounds like a lot of fun!
I gotta know...is that guy that's standing next to Brian at the concert PEEING?! It is mysteriously cropped!
Love that you can go to Disneyland at the drop of a hat, love your colored jeans you got at True Religon, who knew Iron Maiden still exsisted and what a small world that you met up with Kara! I used to work with her at Hair Do, and seriously how cute is the pic of Haven and Ty kissing?
Emily... let's just say he had a bottle pointing... and yes- it is a bad crop job! Bryan insisted I put up that picture... I did not want to!
Even though we all know that David A. is LDS, it's strange but also fun to see him with scriptures in his hand instead of a microphone!
Kiss kids...how cute! By the way, I wish I could pull off the yellow jeans. They are so cute on you!
Summer, I didn't realize your blog was private again and none of these posts were showing up in my google reader so I thought you just hadn't posted in awhile! Now I know to check it directly and not wait for my reader to update. Anyway, it looks like you guys have been having tons of fun lately. I love your yellow pants! And Haven kissing her new friend- so funny!
Were you at D-land on Friday??? We were there all day!
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