This is going to be a long post so sorry for the bore in advance. Today was a great Mother's Day. I feel so blessed to be a mother to two wonderful girls. They teach ME things everyday and I can't imagine life with out them now! Thanks Bryan for the breakfast in bed, cards and nice gift. You always treat me so good!
On friday, Haven had the CUTEST Mother's Day performance at school. They were all purple lilacs and sang us darling songs. They also handed us lilac pins with their faces in the middle of the petals and a potted lilac that they had decorated. The BEST part was when they had a small luncheon for us and served the food. It was too darling! Ms. Shirley also asked them some questions about their mom and my favorite of Haven's answers was "How old is your mom?" Her reply... 40!!! Yikes... I better start easing off on the sun.

Okay... I am SO embarrassed about this AGAIN but think it is too funny! My mom gave my sister and I matching dresses and bracelets for Mother's day. I think that she figures we are not in the same ward and it is nice to have us open the same thing. I don't mind it at all. I think my mom has great taste and always does well picking things out (I had actually hinted about this dress a few weeks ago for a possible b-day gift)!

My sister is a GREAT chef! She got her hands on the Sprinkles recipe and made the strawberry cupcakes for dessert. They actually tasted almost identical!!!

I'd say that Bryan had a fun week of B-day celebrations starting with last sunday at his parents house for dinner and presents.

The next night we went with my parents to dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse.

My parents surprised us both with a trip to San Francisco for our 30th Birthdays (mine is in 8 weeks). So, we will be going there in June and can't wait. Except I am obviously nervous about flying there.

His actual B-day I tried to stick with a "30" theme! Bryan said he wanted "experiences" this year. So, in the morning when he got in his car... I had a Starbucks experience for him with a "30" dollar gift card to have another experience there later (and his drink is de-caf... just FYI)! :)

Haven and the neighbors made him some sidewalk signs while he was at work.

His first "experience" when he got home was a beverage one. He LOVES beverages and his favorite drink is diet Dew! I stocked our garage fridge with that and "30" dollars to BevMo for another later experience.

Next up... foot rub and "30" dollar certificate for a future pedicure and foot rub.

His favorite Fro-Yo place to have a "30" experience.

There were a few more experiences (movies and Nordstrom) that I had for him. Then that night we had dinner just the two of us at a new restaurant.

Saturday night we got a sitter and did some B-day and Mother's Day shopping at the Spectrum. Bryan found a suit that he has been looking for and it was a $500 suit on sale for $75 at Macy's! We couldn't believe it!
And last but not least... my DAD had a birthday yesterday too!!!! Happy Birthday Poppy and Dad!!! I love that your face matches the sign in this picture.... that's our DAD/ Redface 55!!! XOXO!!!
Happy Birthday Dana Face...spuds, you and Katie look adorable in your new dresses, I told her today that your mom always gets you guys the CUTEST dresses for all the holidays!!! And, Katie brought me a couple cupcakes too, YUM, maybe now we won't have to drive all the way to Corona for our fix, we can just call Katie...Happy Mother's Day! xo mo
thank you! in advance, for emailing me that sprinkles recipie. strawberry is my favorite...and i haven't even tried it yet ;)
the dresses are so cute! and such fun gifts for bryan.
Really cute gift giving ideas Summer! I am sure he LOVED them:) Happy Mother's Day...all your pics are adorable!
Happy Mother's Day. I love your cute dress. Your birthday present ideas were so cute. I love the Diet Dew that filled up your fridge. That was the best. How did Berkley do using those chopsticks?
What a fun filled week! You guys are always so busy. I love the matching dresses you and Katie have. You two are darling little mothers. Happy Mothers Day!!
Loved your 30th birthday ideas! You two do special things for each other! Glad you had a great Mothers Day!
You guys are so sweet to each other, That fridge would be my dream fridge, only diet coke!!
What a fun weekend. I love what Haven's school did for you for Mother's Day! That is so cute! I too, love your dresses! How fun! Your mom does have great taste! Glad you had a fun, busy weekend! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!
Wow creative are you?! I LOVE all the fun you did for Bryan's b-day. He's one lucky guy!
Happy Mother's Day!!! You guys have been busy! You are a fun wife to do all those creative things for Bryan. I am loving the stocked fridge...nothing better than unlimited DEW! :-)
What a busy girl you are. Looks like you had a wonderful Mother's day and Bryan had a great birthday. Love the matching dresses!!
Happy Birthday to everyone, busy month! I love the mothers day pictures of the lilacs. My brother and sister went to Ms. Shirleys I bet it's the same one. She is so sweet! Love the pics.
The post was indeed long, but well worth it! What a fun week! Can't wait for another exciting week!
looks like you had a fun weekend! I love what you did for Bryan, that was so creative! I love the matching dresses too!
Happy Mother's Day! I love that your Mom is so good to you (always buying you cute dresses!) and a trip to San Fran. How fun. Cute gifts for Bryan. You are thoughtful and lucky that Bryan will shop with you. I tried to get Jason to go shopping for Mother's Day but it didn't happen. Happy Birthday to your Dad.
You and Katie are so cute! Love all the pictures, and happy birthday to all!
that was good. I may need some "tips" for father's day suprises!!!
That first picture of you and Bryan is money. I love that you filled an entire fridge full of Mountain Dew. I hope you're not trying to get pregos. That stuff will kill sperm like no other.
That is so creative of you. If my husband asked for 30 experiences, I would probably tell him to figure out his own gift! Have fun in San Fran!
fun times! i love it that your girls like side walk chalk too! ella, along w/ the rest of the neighborhood, loves it sidewalk looks like it should belong in Compton:)....i love all of your gifts for thoughtful! and i loved you & your sister's matching answer your, ella hasn't had a hard time at all w/out her pacifier..thank goodness!
What a fun weekend! Darling gift ideas for Bryan! You are such a good wife! I can't handle Dana and the red sign!! When he is laying out,,, or putting his face out the car window while driving you guys should hurry and spray him with 50 SPF!!!!
How exciting to go to San Fran for a fun vacation! What a treat! I am pretty much starving for a nice R&R vacation right about now!
great birthday week! good pic of dad, ha. and stoked about your trip to san fran--that's awesome!
Love the Mountain Dew fridge! ha. And I've heard of those cupcakes...they look amazing!
You're a birthday genius and always have the best weekends. Love Sapphire by the way. I craved their salmon my whole pregancy and would always make the hubby bring something yummy home from there when he could.
Well hellooooo Miss Clever---- you always amaze me with your cleaverness! Nice Job Sum!
I am very impressed with your creativity, you might have to give me some lessons...
You and Katie are so cute in your matching dresses! I love it! And what fun birthday ideas for the big 3-0. Trent turns 30 in Dec. and I am trying to think of fun ideas for his birthday...I may have to borrow some of your ideas :o)
Summer, you had such a fun weekend. Happy Mother's day. Also, great job on all of the creative gifts for Bryan... I'm going to have to use that idea sometime.
Cute dresses, where are they from?
You don't know me...I'm friends with Shelley Cooley and I grew up in the same stake as your husband. Anyway, me and my sisters just saw you on American Idol and we recognized you because we've seen your cute blog. So beyond jealous. We decided you have the funnest life ever!
Saw you on Idol...took a picture,come see on my Blog.
Teagan's Mom
Way FUN!! You have the cutest ideas!!
hey go to my blog!:)
Did you go to AI tonight?...I saw Jenna & Ashley all night!
The dresses are from Banana Republic.
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