The man who made it all possible

Ace Young

Teri Hatcher and daughter Emerson

Lupe and Jeff Archuleta were nervous before the show
Melinda Doolittle (this one is for you Lisa)

Jason castro

Justin Guarini

Our After Party Tix

My cheer advisor in high school is the spiritual leader for the Idols

Michael Johns

Makeup station at party

Carly Smithson

Kristy Lee Cook and her not so cute dress
David Cook's proud mom

Jeff Archuleta and little sis Archuleta

My brother and Best friend forever!

Light up fruit!

Brooke White (says "Hi" to Megan Price Hess)

Fun fruity drinks

Delicious food

The Cupcake Queens


Jason Castro


Holy cow Summer! I was watching the finally and wondering if you were there. You always do fun stuff like that. And I cannot get over that Lisa is the spiritual advisor for AI! That is too funny!!! What a fun night!
Looked like a great show. I can't believe you went to the afterparty. So much fun.
Hey -- looks like fun! Summer are you sporting some fake lashes?? I like!
How much do I hate that I was in AZ and not there with you!!!! Looks like the funnest party. Thanks for the shout out from Brooke!
Are you kidding me? Who didn't you meet? What a fun night, one to remember!! How hot is Micheal Johns??
how did i know. i knew you would be there! i can't stand you! looks like the funnest night ever! i do think you beat me out as cupcake queen. i finally had a run-in w/ red velvet....i have thought about it every day since.
I knew I could log on here this morning and see some great pics from last night! lol
Glad you had fun! You gals look so cute!
Wow Summer! Tim and I were watching the finale last night and asked me if you'd be there..... and I say No because I thought there'd be no way you'd be able to go again after just just getting to go! Then I see that not only did you go to the finale, you got tickets to the after party too! Geez! How do you pull these things off girl? It looks like it was a blast!
What a great night! Seriously you saw everyone! That is so fun that you had afterparty tickets! WOW!!! You look really pretty! Loved all the pictures! Where did your friend Amanda get her yellow wedge shoes? I have been looking for some like that!
Ummmmm did you pinch Michael Johns' bum for me?? He is such a hottie! By the way, did you throw a fit that Archuleta didn't win? I cannot believe that you got to go again! So luckY!!
spuds...you are MY brother, MY best friend forever!!! do you think we will get lice from the hat?!?!? how did you already get this posted, i woke up this morning with a tattoo, what the heck happened? lol!!!
Amanda- No- I don't think we are going to get lice from that hat... I think we are going to get it from Jason Castro's smelly head! I ALWAYS knew that it would stink like that!
Jessica- Yes I wore fake lashes... Amanda, Jenny and Maryam tried to tell me that I needed to wear them everyday... yeah right! I wish I had time to glue fake lashes on everyday before I change poop diapers all day and hang out at the park.
How fun! I can't believe you got tickets to the after party. Lucky you!
Well look at you little missy..
So fun. I am laughing at the music you have playing as I am typing. I forgot about the "i am your brother" man. You two look really sweet together:) I have to imagine that Jason Castro's hair smells similar to mine at day 9. I still really like him. Thanks for thinking of me and Melinda.
Looks like a fun night. Glad you ended up going. Megan was bummed as she and I were at Fashion Square with 3 cranky kids, an upset stomach and no great deals. Wha..
You can't begin to imagine how INSANLY JEALOUS I am of you guys!!! Just ask Haley ...throughout the whole show, I kept saying "I can't believe they are there...I want to be there so bad...what a cool concert. We love the Jonas Brothers. The whole thing was great...and then the after party. SERIOUSLY???? One of these days I need to go with you guys.
You'd think your good luck has run out by now but NO. You guys look awesome. What a night to remember.
I am sad that Archie didn't win. I know that he'll have an amazing career no matter what, but I was just so loving him. I will be looking for his album for sure! You guys are so lucky and what a fun night that must have been. Carly looks so cute and fun. Love her smile with you guys. I can't wait to hear all of the sorted details. LUCKY!!!
I KNEW you girls would be there! Did your new friend send you guys tickets? What a fun night! Loving all the pictures...but ticked off Archie didn't win! :-(
p.s. you look hot with the lashes!
obsessed with the lashes! and amanda's hair!
how fun! I can't stand that you got to go! that's awesome that you got to meet all of those people and what a fun after party! I love it!
wow sum, these are raddd pics! glad you had a great time, but why a picture with sangina? ha.
Hello Summer --- did you miss your ticket as a star! You should go for it already your in already! HOW AMAZING. I am soooo jealous like everyone else. AND you got to see George Micheal, I worshiped him as a kid!
p.s. nice close-up or carly smithson's tatt. i like it.
How do you do it? You are always doing so many fun things with major hookups! I am so jealous.
Life of the Fun and Flirty! J/K! Love your connections! What a memorable night!
You must have been dying the whole night...what fun. Years ago I was obsessed with Bryan Adams and used to go to all his concerts and sit front row and go back stage and all those memories came rushing back when he came on last night! I was loving it and you were there!!
Nowhere to go but down now, huh ladies? So much fun!
I am on my way to the store right now to buy some cucumbers for these swollen eyes. So tired, but sooo worth it. It was like prom.
Summer! What?! How fun to go to the after party! You all look so beautiful! Was Michael Johns nice? I like him.
I'm just jealous you got to touch Michael Johns. Is he as hot in person?
ok so much fun!!! You tire me out girl!! Love the pictures!!
lesley-the shoes are just Jessica Simpson at Nordstrom and they are super comfy, i think i am the only one who didn't end up barefoot! good luck! amanda =)
What an event!! You might need to name your next born after the guy who gave you all the hookups last night! What a fun night!! There you guy Summ....I'm comment number 35, or something like that. :)
Looks like such a fun night...I'm so jealous!
Where did you get your headband? It's soooo cute!
I got my headband at forever 21 for $3.90! Can you believe it?
I seriously hate you and amanda! Can you please get the hook up for "So you think you can dance?" I will give you a million dollars if you can get me into that! I am glad you guys had fun!
OF COURSE you went to the afterparty! It looked like a lot of fun, thanks for the little sneek-peek of what it's like to be a 'star'.
summer! wow so fun! i love ALL the pictures...you look so hot! i love your shoes! did you get your headband at forever 21? i just got ella some headbands from there and they're so cute! i love it that you took pictures with some of the latest idols and some of the older ones! i'm so bummed that archuleda (sp?) lost..what was up w/ that!!
Stop!! It just keeps getting better. I love it. You all look beautiful... love your lashes! So jealous... I have to brag about you to all my friends who are addicted! What are you going to do now?? What did you think about David Cook winning??
And I am grossed out by Jason Castro's hair STINKING!
summer, you are my IDOL! i love that you get all the hook-ups... honestly... when do i get to accompany you to LA and celeb stalk? let's do it... btw, mark was dying you got a picture w/simon's best friend...
ps. we just met with your awesome f.i.l. for some stake stuff and we just love him!! he was oogling over sarah...
What a fun way to end the season! Glad you got to go and have a great time!
What a PARTY! Summer you could totally make it big in Hollywood! Everyone already knows you!
Wow! I am not surprised that you were there! How fun! YOu should get eye lash extensions! NO more glue! I am going to get them when my sister moves here--she does them!
Just tell me you wanted David Archuleta to win! He was robbed...there was a IP phone glitch and he really received the most votes...I just know it. Why are they treating him like a winner? because he was supposed to win but it was just easier to have David C. win.
Just tell me you wanted David Archuleta to win! He was robbed...there was a IP phone glitch and he really received the most votes...I just know it. Why are they treating him like a winner? because he was supposed to win but it was just easier to have David C. win.
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