I was supposed to leave on an airplane today with:

and Amanda

To meet up with Denae in Utah for Women's Conference
Go see Maeve and meet baby Miles

and meet Elle, my possible new sister in law
But EVERYTHING changed when this girl came down with a 103 fever and is miserable.
Look at that face and those hurting eyes. How could I leave a sick child for a few days? I just CAN'T! I was really excited. This would have been my first time leaving my kids. And although I was nervous about it... I knew that it would be good and that I needed a mommy break. But life will go on.... and hopefully I can figure something out with my ticket so I can try to use it another time. I will try not to cry today but really, I am super bummed! She has been healthy for so long... why did she have to get sick NOW?
that pic of Berk is so adorable. I am sorry you missed your trip! bummer for you.
spuds, you made the right choice...andrew, are you kidding me? she is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!~amanda
SUMMER...NO WAY! I cannot BELIEVE Berkley got so sick! Poor little girly! I am sure you are so bummed. But you are a sweet mommy to stay and take care of her! You should go to UT next week..I'll be there and we could hang together! :-)
I'm sorry you missed your trip Summer. It had to of been Disneyland. Everytime we go, days later one of my kids gets sick. Even after disinfecting them after ever ride. I hope she feels better soon.
OH no! What bad luck...hope you can use your tickets!
What a bummer! I am so sorry you missed out. I am sure there will be other times. But you made the right choice, your little baby needs you!!
Sorry you missed your trip. But maybe that is the best! You have to take care of the Berkley girl! She is sooo sweet! Look at those eyes!
Sick kids are the worst! I always feel so helpless. It is totally snowing here in Utah, if that is any consolation to missing your fun weekend.
Sorry Summer! That stinks...kids with their timing! It ALWAYS happens that way! Good luck!
Mia- Delta stinks! I just found out my $200 ticket is down the drain.... Ahhh!
So sorry! Yes, I am hating Delta lately too! It is $400 to fly from NE to UT...sometimes I can find a good deal ($360) Ugggg!
She's faking!
And P.S. Does Andrew care that you wrote that? It's only a blog-hop away for her (or him) to read this.
And I AM sorry that you couldn't go...
Maybe 1 year olds can fake it when they will miss their mommys! Little Terd Berks. Seriously though... the poor thing cried and wanted to be held ALL DAY. All I could think about was eating at Cafe Rio with out kids in silence. And my brother does NOT care... I called him right after I put the post up to get the OK! :)
Crap! Sorry she is sick -- I really hope this doesn't spread over and infect my little Vaughn.
So what's he waiting for?...
Okay her face is so sweet. Such sad eyes. Sorry you had to cancel. You could have just been a bad mom like myself and left your kids anyway only to feel guilt and spend an entire day trying to get back home. I hope she get's feeling better soon.
Bummer! Kate got super sick right before a wedding of my cousin (We grew up with across the street from each other and are days apart...) it is a bummer missing out on things for sure, but your kids come first when they are sick!
I've been wondering when you were coming!! I've been looking forward to seeing you... darn it! And there is NOTHING you can do about the ticket? You can't use it to come another time? I think you are using Berkley as an excuse because you are afraid to fly... j/k! Poor Berks. I have a crazy weekend anyway. My brother is getting married on Saturday. Drew's girl is CUTE! I need to come visit there, hopefully soon. Next time, huh?
sure you're bummed you didn't come; we also could've gone to dance parties, byu sporting events and the creamery, ha.
Ha! I love you already. Thanks for the unofficial welcome :) I am also very sad you couldn't come...but at least you're missing the cold weather here! There is a good thing. Hope your little gal gets better soon. And, I'll see you in June! Can't wait.
summer..i feel so sorry for you! what a bummer..but i agree with you...look at that little girl..she looks so adorable and looks like she needs her mommy...i sure hope she gets feeling better and that you can re-schedule your flight for another time...
Oh so sad. Total bummer. I hope she starts feelin better soon. And BTW...your possible sis-in-law is so pretty!
I am sorry Summer. That is a bummer. I have to admit though that that little look on Berkley's face is too cute. I wouldn't have been able to resist and would have stayed home too. So sorry though, Cafe Rio does sound delicious right about now!
Yeah- SO glad I didn't leave Berkley... she woke up at 4:15 am with a 104 fever this morning!!! We will be at the Dr.'s at 10:30 and hope to find out what she has.
I would have done the exact thing you did. I have never left my girls either...and I know what you mean about "needing a mommy break"- we do need them...but it is so hard to do...especially when they are sick-thats killer!
I hope Berkley feels better soon...just use this time to snuggle her up. Its always so sad when they are sick but its fun when they want mommy to just snuggle with them.
Let us know how she's feeling.
ps-your brothers girlfriend is CUTE!!! so you think theres a question he will be asking her soon? how exciting!!!
hey summer! fun that you found my blog. i know i swear i get teary eyed when i talk about all the FUN times at rexy! they were some of the BEST times. your blog is super cute and i love that your such an a.i. fan! sounds like you guys had a way fun night! and fun to be there for all the paula drama! bummer you didn't get to go on your mommy trip, but you'll def have to go another time! i love my getaways to ut once a year! they are great! k take care!
The exact same thing happened to me when Kylie was a baby. I had tickets and she got an ear infection the night before I was scheduled to leave. You can't go - of course you would never leave them when they are sick especially, but oh was I ever bummed! So sorry Summer! :-)
Oh! Dylan just had the same thing! It came out of nowhere. He had a 103 fever for 3 days, he threw up a little bit twice, no other symptoms other than he took 3 hour naps and then, poof!, it was all gone. The strangest thing. Not your normal stomach flu and it could have been something else that made him barf because it was such a small amount and not full fledged heaving. I should have told you that so you could have gone. Bry can love on her just as much, right? BUT, I understand. I couldn't leave my sick baby either.
Bummer. So sorry for you. At least you got to go see American Idol! That's a hugely happy thing.
Hope little Berkley feels better in no time! Andrew girl is so cute, she will fit right in with your fam perfectly!
I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you, but I must thank you for the bed I slept in Thursday night...I heard it was yours.
Hope everyone is healthy at your house now.
OMG I am so sorry. That is a total bummer. If you would have gone, you wouldn't have had any fun anyway because you would have been worrying. That is too bad. Her pants are super cute though!
Big bummer! She looks so sad and forlorn in that picture. It is good you didn't go, but I am sure you would have had fun. There is always next time, right???
At least we had a good laugh last night!
So sorry you missed out on your weekend! Sick kids are a bummer. You looked to cute today, I need you as my fashion consultant! And Andrew's girlfriend is so pretty!
This is becoming a pattern! I.E. Disneyland meeting...but kids come first and I wouldn't have left that little face for anything.
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