28 May, 2008

Berkley's choice of toy...

Why do my girl's think these are STICKERS?  They are NOT and they waste them daily.  I finally told Bryan that we need to put locks on the bathroom cupboards and drawers.  Especially for Berkley.  Every morning when I am getting ready, there is some magnetic force that attracts her straight to the lovely little pads.  The other morning I found her like this with them stuck all over her.  It was actually pretty funny.  Who would have thought that these would entertain her more than a cheesy, colorful episode of Barney?


Brooke Wilkins said...

Oh my goodness. Save that one to show her dates! JK Berks is getting so old and so funny! Can you believe it!?? What happened to our babies???

Nate and Tasha said...

Berkley is looking so much more like Haven. She is getting so big. Before you know it, SHE will be the one needing those pads! LOL

Hess Fam said...

That's hilarious. My solution...live in a place that was built in the 1930's and your drawers are a nightmare to open. Even for me!
How's Haven today???

Kelly Fam said...

That funny. It's funny what entertains these munchkins the most. Of all the things we get them......

The Robin Family said...

I can't stop laughing. Berkley is so cute. Isn't it funny how kids are always more interested in things other than their toys.

Lisa Harris said...

Love it. Tell her I've got a full box from Costco to send her from my recent episode. Wouldn't that be a fun package to get in the mail?

Bill and Paige said...

LOL!! At least they are new ones:)

amanda said...

fedora here it comes...pads, hilarious!

Tiffany said...

That is awesome! At least she is not digging them out of the trash and chewing them like a dog :) My question is, why do you have pads? After wearing them after having a baby, I wanted to kill myself!
Don't worry though- Zaylin is obsessed with Tampons- go figure!

Roney Family said...

Hey, at least she makes it look cute!

Lesley said...

That's so funny! She is too cute!

queenieweenie said...

When Jakey was a little guy I went to check on him and he'd plunged A WHOLE BOX of tampons and WAS CHEWING ON THEM! I about died. At least it's your girls playing with them-only slightly more appropriate!

Janice said...

Ha! She is having so much fun too! Gavin and Collin used to pretend they were Surf boards for their action figures. I cant believe how big she is getting!

The Dean Family said...

that is sooooooo funny!

karlin said...

That is classic... Avaree found tampoons 2 days ago and keeps asking me what they are...

Elizabeth said...

that is hilarious! She's so cute!

SUMMER said...

Tiff... I don't do tampons! Long story but they somehow always get stuck... Pads forever for me!

The Trotter Family said...

I've got some "stickers" left over from the hospital if they need more! By the way, I am going to the old ward this week. Hopefully I will run into you in the halls!

Mama Mia said...

Now those are some super pads! LOL Brooklyn calls them bandaids! In away she is right..what do you say!

Tarah said...

Holy crap!! I love kids. Karli was just telling me yesterday about the tampon rockets Ella spread all over her house.... later her brother in law found a bunch behind Ella's bed and was confused at what went on in there. Kids do crazy things

Jenny said...

Tiffany - AMEN sister! I can't even imagine using them.
My nephews used to "shoot" the tampons into the toilet to see them "explode."
I guess Berkley's just into accessories like her mommy. You should try glitter glue and markers. She has quite the fashion sense!
P.S. Not sure how I missed this post before?