Happy 30th Birthday to an amazing husband and father! I can't believe that we have known each other for half our lives now! Thanks for making my life and many others so fun, happy and exciting! Here are "30" friends and family that wanted to say something to you on this special day:
from another mother.
He took me surfing in the sea,
Bryan's the type of guy I want to be.
Wish we could celebrate with you!
Have a great Birthday!" - Paul Jackson (brother in law)
Or there's also the time he came to pick me up to surf at 5 in the morning in the old white Jeep....with Britney Spears blasting so loud it woke up all my neighbors." -Joey Jorgensen (friend)
11."Happy birthday Bryan You have more talents than anyone I have ever met!! You are a great artist, (and we have some great art pieces in our house to prove it), a great and creative cook, a piano player (by ear), and so many more wonderful talents. Thanks Bryan for letting me part of your life and not be embarrassed as we went through cubs, boy scouts and explorers together. You are the best, and I love you!" -Ted (Dad)
12."Bry is the most metro man I know...and he surfs too. Please get a new
pair of clippers:)" -Brad Barber (friend)
13."one of my favorite things about bryan and believe me there are many...are bryans stories. remember the, "its not my fault" story? he is the best story teller. we love you bry." - Katie Nichol (sister in law)
14."When it comes to work

15."bryan, happy 30th! i hope your triathalons only get better and that you maintain your speedo ready body over the next 30 years. love you" -Tanner Nichol (brother in law)
16."So what is new with fashion?" - Micah Denison (friend)
17. "Bryan is ALWAYS ready to have fun!" - Dana (father in law)
18."welcome to the club b-dog, the big 30! you are so great & one of the funniest guys i have ever met, you carry a room wherever you go and everybody loves you! and, i still think you are a wonderful dad even if you did leave berk in the car at the beach, oops. p.s. and, after all these years you have got the "spp-u-d-s"!!!!! telephone greet down!!! SPUDS!" - Amanda Ridd (friend)
19. "Bryan was my favorite Young Men's leader. He was so fun and understood all of us guys. I will never forget our trip to Half Dome in Yosemite and Bryan's talks and songs on the car ride up." - Seth Chatterly (One of Bryan's old Young Men)
20. "Bryan is the kind of neighbor everyone needs. He is truly the nicest, most positive and uplifting person. Not only do all the adults like to be around him but the kids too. He draws everyone in." - Polucha Family (neighbors)
21. "With out sounding too gay, I think Bryan is getting more handsome with age. I appreciate his sensitive nature... kind of like a baby fawn but that can talk and give you a hug. And he always dresses really nice. Way nicer than me. And I'm jealous. Actually maybe I don't like him so much now." -Marc Hemeon (friend and neighbor)
22. "Hi Dada" - Berkley (daughter)
23. "I like when my Daddy throws me up in the air. I also like to hammer with Daddy but he doesn't let me do it with him... it's not very nice. But I love him still." - Haven (daughter)
24. "Bryan, I've known you for 1/2 of your life. You are a wonderful son, husband and father. I Love you." - Beth (mother in law)
25."Hey Buddycups ~ You're old!
Welcome to the other side of the hill. Who knew so long ago that our kids would be learning the art of sassiness together? We love your willingness to get down and dirty to play with the kids. Cate loves that you dig her a big hole at the beach, and I'm sure one day Mack will love that you will take him out on a surfboard. Hopefully you get a ride on the magic chair today! You deserve it!" -The Tuckers (friends)Do you want to go play golf at Santa Ana CC? We can bring Scottie D.
Happy 30th buddy. Hopefully we can see you in the next 12 months??" - Tom Bottiaux (friend and member of Bryan's former golf course)
28. "You are thirty two years away from being social security eligible so enjoy the journey. You bring joy to the world and are a pleasure to be around. Keep smiling because gravity will take over soon." -Ricky D. Garnder (Boss and friend)
29. "Bryan... I will never forget the time in Hawaii when you made us play 9 holes of barefoot golf. We almost got kicked off the course until one of the members threw some money around. Those Hawaii trips were sure fun with you around." -Scott Wilson (friend and former co-worker)
30. "My favorite memory with Bryan was going to Yosemite with the scouts. After hiking half dome, we turned the kids loose for a few hours and Bryan and I rented bikes and putzed around the valley. We saw bears, pretty meadows, and just had a good time discussing the meaning of life. We later learned that turning 10 teenagers loose alone in Yosemite might not have been the most responsible thing to do, but a good time was still had by all. The whole weekend, we kept thinking, "When are the adults going to show up?" Happy Birthday Bryan." - Dave Bourne (friend)
Shute, guess I missed the deadline!! Alright Bryan, here's my shout out to you!...
Bryan, it's been a solid 30 years together...well, 15?? Highlights: Well, we met in English class sophomore year at MVHS, liked the same girl for awhile, ha, played hooky on my dad's seminary class to go eat fat breakfasts at Ted's, and wrote C.S.C. letters between S. America and the REAL Muthaland! You designed my greatest hit t-shirt of all-time "Smooth Criminal", gave me tips on how to write like a "G", and untucked the back of my white shirt about 72 times in church. I hope you have a great birthday! Blast Tim Mcgraw's "My Next 30 Years" at full volume and embrace the 3-0! I love you man! (I have to add "man" there to not look like a gay)
Happy B-day Bryan!! I just turned 30 too on May 1st.
Shannon Chabot (Kempner)
#32 Bryan is one of the coolest cats I know. I remember meeting him in the singles ward about 8 years ago... He once complimented an outfit I had on at church and that instantly became my favorite get-up. I wore it everywhere. Why? Because it had the Thacker stamp of approval. Love you guys. Happy Birthday old man.
Ha! My favorites were Maeve and Marc Hemeon's comments. Pound me! Have a great day Bry!
Happy Birthday Bryan! Hope your day is Great!!
I have many memories of Bryan. I won't mention the thousands of victories I had beating him at tennis, golf, & ping-pong. But I do remember a time when I wanted to take up surfing like Bryan. We would go way early in the mornings. Most of the time I didn't want to get up. So he he would go to the side yard where my window was and spray it with the hose to try and wake me up. I remember seeing the water and still not getting out of bed! Another good one is when we went running and I threw-up meatballs that I just ate. Oh yeah, and "Friday tie days." This is one of my favorites... You know how Bryan thinks he's so fashionable. Well, when we first started hanging out in High School, he would wear ties on Friday's and rocked a braided belt. I always thought he was at a MUN conference or something. I was wrong, he told me it was just "Friday tie day" - what a geek!
Happy 30th b-day broham!
Even though I've only hung out with Bryan on a few trips he's definitely one of my favorite dudes, and I know some high quality dudes. He makes me want to be more out going and fun.
My favorite Bryan memory? Palm Springs without A/C. That was hot.
Happy Birthday sucka!
Wow, our families could share a lot of birthday parities. Haven and I have the same, you and John have the same and Bryan and Paige are 1 day apart... crazy - Summer you better plan to have a February or September baby so we can share other birthdays. :) Happy B-day Bryan! May you have many many many more spectacular b-days!
Those were all so great to read. I didn't know my hubby was so sentimental. I guess it is Bryan we are talking about...by far one of the greatest guys ever. I have had nothing but fun times with Bryan, starting our freshman year in seminary going all the way to him teaching me to play the drums in big bear. Love ya Bryan, hope our families stay close for the next 30!
Happy Birthday ... May 7th birthdays Rock! You are so lucky to have such a beautiful family!!!
Summer cute post! You are such a good wife and mommy!!
That was such a creative post! Bryan is so well liked by everyone. Happy 30th Bry!
What is going on! Our mom's have the same birthday and so do our husbands!!!! That is so funny! What an awesome tribute to him. You guys are beyond darling together! Have such a wonderful birthday Bryan!
happy birthday Bryan! That's such a cute post summer, what a great idea! Any fun plans tonight for his birthday?
Fun! I am sure that he loved that little surprise on your blog! What a great idea! Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, Bryan! May 7th is such a great day. Don't worry 30 is great! That is a nice post, Summer. Good idea.
Happy B-day Bryan! Great idea Summer! I was practically in tears reading the 30 birthday comments. Bryan is truly a unique guy! Love you guys. :)
Happy 30th Bryan- make it a great one!!!
Fabulous idea Sum!!!
what a fun tribute! He sounds like a great guy!
Happy Birthday!!! Wow, the big 30!! Congrats! Summer and I are next!
oh my gosh....that is the freaking cutest thing. i shall reserve the right to copy for parker's 30th-next year!
what the h is that voting thing at the bottom of the posts? it's on mine too, and i didn't add it...it just appeared. did you add yours, or same thing?
Summer, you are such a thoughtful wife to do this for Bryan. I always have liked him so much, but now I have a little crush on him. When I read his mom's little story about him on his big wheel I got misty!!! That is such a sweet and endearing story. Happy Birthday, Bryan! You are one cool dude!
Kanoe- I have no idea what the rating thing is. I am SO confused. I am looking on some people's blogs and see it and others I don't. How do we get rid of it? WEIRD!!!
Can I just say, I was laughing out loud at his mom's comment and the friend wanted sign? He sounds like he is so fun! I hope I get to meet him one day!
I forgot to mention that only a true friend cuts himself a mullet when you ask him to. You owned it bra, and you looked good doing it!
I laughed out at loud at the "pound me" comment!!! Bryan, you are a great friend and a great hubby to Summer! Happy 30th! We love you!!
Thanks for the birthday wish Summer! And wish Bryan a happy day too! Shell and I have always remembered we shared May 7th for some random reason! And what a great post idea.
Happy Birthday Bryan! Summer is a lucky girl. I knew that from the very start. (You are very lucky, too!)
Summer how cute is this tribute! Im going to copy it for Michael's 30th! :) super cute. Happy Birthday Bryan!
Happy 30th Bryan! Loved reading all the tributes. My favorite was your Mom's.... that was the best story! You are so talented and fun to be around. Jason and I STILL talk about your singing voice and you are a good story teller and you've got style!! Hope you had a good day!
So both Teagan and Travis were born on this day!!
(See my post of them in the younger year..)
Brian's Mom and I have a lot in common:)
Fondly, B.
Happy Birthday Bryan! What a special tribute Summer. You are such a sweet wife!
Happy Birthday Bryan! You are one of the coolest guys we know! You and Summer are so much fun! Great post Summer!
You are always so kind and friendly. We wish you a great birthday. You don't look a day over 27! ha
-Jake & Wendy
way to orchestrate such an amazing bday blog!!!!
To Summer & the Other Blog Contributers-
Thanks for making my Brithday so special.
Yay for May 7th! It's Gavin's birthday also and I still have a post in the works! You two are just perfect for each other.
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