Or George Bush! Today I received my letter that said to look in our checking account where the IRS deposited some money! $600 for me and Bryan each and $300 for Haven and Berkley= $1800.00! I wish that I had more kids now! I am loving that all of us U.S. citizens get this Economic Stimulus Payment (and if you don't know about this ladies... your husbands are hiding something from you). My first big purchase with my money today was a BRAND NEW pair of brakes and rotors for my car... Isn't that SO exciting? There went $700! What a RIP!!! So.... what are YOU going to do with your money to stimulate the economy???
that leaves $1100 for cupcakes!!!!!
Spuds- you forgot that I get 600. I'm putting it towards my new carbon fiber surfboard.
6'1" Cole Quad Batwing - how sweet is that!?!? Summer enjoy your new brakes! That is what you get for driving the way you do....full speed ahead - quick stop....full speed, quick stop....ect.....
and don't get me started on the way you play bumper cars withy complete strangers...or with bushes, poles ect...
and lets not forget about the parallel parking using a minimum of a 13 point turn....
Your lucky all you had to buy is new brakes and rotors with that money.
I'm going to NYC for the Sex & The City premiere with mine!!!
Meg... no fair. You have the life! And we will be using the rest of our money (I mean BRYAN'S money) on new tires for my car. They are needed next month and have NOTHING to do with my driving skills... just a routine procedure. And by the way... I am a GREAT driver! Bryan is just jealous b/c he can't say he has never been in a car accident.....
P.S. Amanda- You+Me+Sprinkles= tomorrow afternoon???
What's this free money you speak of? How come I know nothing about it?? Call me. I just got your message from last night. I was neck deep in a snooze fest.
HAHA, Summer, that is hilarious. I spent ours on the EXACT same thing. New brakes and rotors for me too! However, the rest is going for new tires.. lame huh!
I just your comment to Meg.. you are getting new tires too, how funny is that.
I am paying for our bathroom remodel! Yay you have to come see it!
We are spending ours on blinds and screens for our house! Pretty exciting eh? We figured we better get some so that our house isn't the only one on the street that is a fish bowl where everyone can see in, especially with having to feed a new baby coming soon. I wish we could spend it on a trip! I am in the mood to travel!
LOL your husband is hilarious! Funny thing is that's the same thing part of ours is going towards too, brakes for my car. Oh, and a new cement pad next to our driveway. SOOOOO excited. NOT. I think I should have taken it and gone on a sunny vacation.
CRAP! I wish I could do something fun with it! --- ummm pay bills. BORING
Somehow ours is gone, and we didn't do anything special. Just paid bills. I guess it came at a good time! Oh Well...
And if there is someone who doesn't know about it, not everyone qualified for it. You had to make under 75,000 for a single person, and under 150,000 for a married couple. If you made more than that, your payment is reduced or eliminated. I figure if you made that much, you probably wouldn't be as excited to get a measly $1800 bucks in the mail, but I'll take what I can get...
Bryan- don't forget her backing into my house...maybe she didn't tell you about that one actually, sorry. Thank goodness for that money, i can survive for another month...ha ha! (seriously though!)
lol to bryans comment(S). and i'm feeling really lucky, that parker doesn't care to know how to access blogs, and/or comment ;)
i'm due to brakes too....and your driving sounds very familiar.
I need to discuss this with Eric ASAP.. !
i'm still waiting to get my check!!
it must be a man thing. jason thinks I drive just like bryan thinks you drive. they are wacky. jason drives like he is 104 years old. hopefully i can get a new baby with my money!!!
we just got ours too! $1500 smackers! We are putting it toward a beefy new sectional! We are sick of our one couch family room! I need more than two cushions to sit and eat bon bons (or swedish fish) all day long! :-)
We got a whopping $111.00! Spent it before we even knew it was in the bank. :)
summer..i was laughing so hard at your husband's comments! that sounds like something josh would want to do w/ the money..new surfboard..my response: you have 50 million in our garage!..anyway..i don't think josh is going to be buying anything 'cause we've got to put that money in the savings account..this housing market needs to change! i have a feeling we're going to be holding on to that house on the mainland for the next 20 yrs. yuk!!
Don't you love when you come into some money it goes to boring stuff like cars? Sal and I want to go to see wicked and then the rest is in savings for the summer! That means lunch with you and amanda!
I'm busting up over Bryans comments. He's such a crack up.
We spent half of ours on plantation shutters in our living room/kitchen. Isn't it funny the things we get excited over now that we're "grown ups?" I never in a million years would have figured I'd get so thrilled over shutters in my life! lol
Umm, Nordstrom Sale!!! Oh and I need to fix some stuff on my car too. I love when you get free money!!!!
when do I get mine??? SHOW ME MY MONEY!!!
i felt like i just finished a book catching up on your blog! so many fun times girl!
Okay...for some reason we didn't qualify! AND, with 4 kiddos we REALLY could have used the money! That sucks.
I am still waiting... We were supposed to get ours already, but can you really count on the gov???
We are actually doing something with ours (whether we get it or not) - Costa Rica. We'll see if I am crazy in about 3 weeks (I am going to be 6 mos prego-hmmm...)
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