First, I am so excited that I learned how to text message last week! I can't believe that I never did it before! I am a little obsessed with it right now and think it's great! I also think it will cut out money from my phone bill. Better late than never right?

Second, I have actually been VERY bored so far this summer! I work much better with a schedule and I seem to be waking up in the mornings and twiddling my thumbs! I feel like I am wasting time. Also, with Haven home every day... my house tends to get very messy! We don't have any summer vacations planned and I need some ideas of how to entertain my kids everyday! What do you all do in the summers when your kids are home?
I go to the pool or beach almost everyday with some other activities sqeezed inbetween. My suggestion: playdates - it's a great way to keep your kids busy and away from the TV. I have paige signed up for a summer camp at the Ocean Institue and Owen is going to go to a gymnastics camp... good luck.
what's worked best with my kids is to force them back to sleep and get an extra few hours in of shut-eye.
My kids and I love to go to the library and they have story time there. Also you can check with the pottery barn kids by you and they do story time and sing alongs too! We try to get to the fun splash parks that they can run through and we swim a ton in our pool. Also here in Vegas they do free movies(previously released) throughout the summer at regal cinemas check out there website. Hope this gives you some fun ideas! Love-Kira
summer..i love make me feel so want to hear a funny one: tiff's boyfriend just texted me last week wanting my parents mailing address so that he could send tiff something while she was in montana.... well..i texted him back but didn't get to far..i knew how to do the alphabet but didn't know how to get the numbers...i'm so dumb! so i just had to call him and tell him..he was laughing so hard and told me, "that's okay that you don't know how to do something that most 8 yr. olds know how to do"...i don't get it..but i'm glad you figured it out!...summer things: the barns & noble here has story time and ella loves it..i know a lot of stores do that...park, beach, play groups...i've found that even if ella just has one friend over it keeps her so entertained...they usually play in her room and i can get stuff done!
plan a vaca to az. i could use a little extra help over here! i've felt way busier this summer than durring the school year....and i'm so over it! we'll be in cali soon.....hope you can fit a sprinkles run in sometime!
Summer, you should check out
It is a blog designed for moms living in OC. They have tons of great ideas and places to take kids for free and lists of events in OC.
the beach and the pool! sorry, that's literally what we do almost every day , SO i don't have any more ideas! :)
Swim lessons every morning for us.. Gets us out of the house and then we are ready for the day. I feel the same way if I don't have activities scheduled.
Summer, I too have just learned how to text. I text all the time now since my kids have a fit when I'm on the phone.
During the summer we have playdates, go to the water park, pools, free movies, scooters jungle, park, spectrum fountain, Disney. WE'll have fun today with the kids.
Cool, I'm going to start texting you now. And, you can come and hang out with us ANYTIME. We need to hit the Ladera water park next wk. Wanna come? Our pool is always open for you, too. We love it when you are around so come hang out with us!!!
I agree with Camille. You need to start coming to the beach with us. It is a blast. Are you going to 3 arch on the 4th? What are your plans? Sorry you are bored. I am getting so FAT! This morning Bret patted my belly and was like hey little one, and I was like is it already pouching out that much? And he was like, a little. How said! 8 weeks! horrible!
Well I hate to say this because Bryan will read it, but... get a dog. The girls have been so entertained by him and don't ask to watch t.v nearly as much as before. I was against the dog, it was a total surprise when Eric brought him home. I think it's really been good for the kids to teach them to be a little more responsible. Just a thought..
Great news on the texting. Sounds like our friendship just went wireless!:)
Well I have a hard time believing you can't find anything to do!
I just read you san fran post (sorry I've been away for a while). I loved it. I started laughing at all the people you took pictures with. But quickly realized that it is a perfect example of you! You genuinely love meeting people and hearing their story and that is a gift! Thank you for sharing your fun vacation.
We go to the mall & shop, go to the pool & watch his cousins swim lessons, go on walks (sometimes 2 a day), layout & swim at friends houses, playdates are the best or he hangs with his cousins either at their house or our house, lunch at the park, a trip to borders bookstore....sometimes there is TOO much to do! I don't remember the last time I sat down and watched TV.
i like andrew's idea. :) and i love texting. i can't believe you lasted this long w/o it. i used to have texting races, it was great.
and i've seen this q a lot lately on blogs, so you're not alone. one of my favorite answers i saw was a mom who said she wanted order to her summer, so she started off everyday with small chores for her kids (her kids were a little older than yours) then making sure they all made their bed. then, she would have an acitivity to do - swimming, playing with friends, museums, whatever, then lunch, blah blah, i can't remember the rest, but i think the concept is fantastic. she made a list of every single possible thing she could think of, then penciled in something for everyday a week or so in advance so she always had at least one thing for her kids to do everyday. also i heard the website and the parents magazine are excellent resources for creative ideas.
i hear you on needing activities. my house is a wreck if we stay here for too long. we are driving out tomorrow so lets get Ty and Haven together!! Along with other plans that hinge on Megan. See you soon.
i keep forgeting that i am a "reader" not kara sorry.
My kids are older, but we get a big chart for each kid and they get "points" for their chores, etc. It motivates them to clean up after themselves.
Then, we periodically count up the points and they get to go do something fun (Build-A-Bear, etc.)
Also, we do the free movie thing (at most Edwards), BEACH, BEACH, and MORE BEACH!
If you want a change of pace, come meet me in Carlsbad :)
OMG... I thought I was the only one who doesnt text! As trendy as you are, I am VERY surprised that you arent the texting queen. I dont think that it is all that it is cracked up to be, so you are more than welcome just to call me the old fashioned way any time you like :)
You beat me. I still can't text. Oh my Summer schedule is the craziest because we can actually play outside... we go to the pool and schedule weekly playgroups to different things but heck, you have the beach. You are ALWAYS doing something! Summer bored, really? I don't believe it.
sum you crack me up!!
this blog is so fun...I wish I lived in So Cal to partake in some of the fun things on there. Check it out and tell me what you think.
I am totally behind the times with the texting too. I just started a couple months ago. I am still super slow, but it totally does the job! I can't say I feel bad for you having some mellow days. You life is so fun and full of activities, I am sure things will pick up soon!
shoot. I have never texted either. I feel like a grandma.
I just barely stated texting too - it all came when Tony bought me my new phone. It is like a whol;e new world opened up huh?! I do love it though because you can just send quick little things and not always call. It's great. Oh, and my gripe for the summer so far? Kylie is SO sassy with me. Is it maybe we are spending too much time together now that there is no school? I don't know, but I am so not loving the sass!
i get in my car and pick up a potato bug and two mini potato bugs, and we evade officer-out-of-it on our way to where else? the rest are for rookies! spuds, i can't handle your sanfran trip, how do you do it? was perez as goofy in real life? and the brown twins, that's you and katie in 60 years! I CAN'T HANDLE IT...spuds, our trip has been kinda a bust we were at the hospital all day yesterday w/hank & grace they have some weird virus called herpangina...WHAT? anyway, they are highly contagious and our downstairs flooded, so, we might be stuck up here for a few more days...of course...i will call you asap so we can plan your #30!!!!!! SPUDS...i see a fun-filled day in your near future...a little LA psychic told me so....
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