I had a really great birthday! So far 30 isn't so bad. My day was really nice and although I woke up with not too much planned... it turned out to be busy. In the morning Tarah, Jenny and I took our kids to the free movie at the Spectrum. We saw Waterhorse (very long) and then walked around for a little while. Our kids wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel and secretly I have been wanting to as well.

The new Forever 21 accessory store opened and everything is so cheap! It was fun to look around but too many kids= too much trouble with jewelry everywhere!

Maren and Berkley on the Ferris Wheel

Haven with some flowers she picked somewhere there

My friends Liz and Jill took me to get a manicure and pedicure. It was so nice of them and I was really in need of one. I don't think I have had a manicure in a couple years! I usually just do my toes.

Liz and I tried something new... instead of painted polka dots, we had them use rhinestones for the dots.

We met my family for dinner later and Reese and Berkley LOVE each other. They will be in the same grade at school and I think it will be so fun for them as they get older.

Silly Faces

Blowing out the candle.

Why do my kids refuse to eat dinner but are somehow hungry for all the treats?

We ended the night eating Sprinkles with my GREAT neighbor Patti and her fam. Why could I eat these things daily?

I must say one of the BEST parts of my birthday was getting sweet Gordon! He is the nicest dog! It has been really fun to see my family interact with him. He is certainly loved around here.

I just wanted to say Thank you to everyone for making my 3-0 birthday so special! I feel so blessed to have such nice friends and family. You are all SO wonderful!
Happy belated birthday Summer! Sounds like you had a great day. How is it that you always look so dang perfect, seriously! Those cupcakes look so yummy right now. I love the idea of rhinestones for dots.
happy birthday summer!
Happy Birthday again, looks like you had a wonderful and special day. The girls look adorable in there matching dresses. You and the girls always look amazing. Glad that it was a fun birthday for you. I am sure there isn't much in life that you do that isn't fun! You are the life of the party girl!
Happy Birthday Sum!! I have just been catching up on your blog...cant believe you got a dog!! I love his name too...hope your birthday was special!
Summer! I have something for you! You need to call me so I can know when you are home so I can drop it off! I love you! You are the hottest 30 year old around! I have that same dress that you wore to dinner! How fun!
Summer - My mom said that she ran into you guys at dinner last night. She said that your family was absolutely adorable and it looked like you were having a lot of fun (I think she is jonesing for grandkids). I can't believe part of her made it into one of your pictures - small world. Gordon B looks super cute!
Happy Birthday Sum! You don't look a day older than the first time I met you. Happy 30th. Let's celebrate with a trip to G's and Dolcissimo!!!
I am laughing at Gordon's GIANT head and paws resting on your shoulder. He looks so cuddly.
Your birthday looks like it was a success:)
happy birthday summer! I'm glad you had such a fun day!!
Happy Birthday. You are everything your family said you are and more. You're a crack up. Hopefully we can see you soon in CA or AZ. Love the Cooley Family of 6 (almost)!!!
Happy Birthday Summer! You can tell that you are definately loved by all those who know you. I'm so happy for you that you finally got your pooch, and he's so cute. I went to Sprinkles the other day and thought of you! My hubby wasn't thrilled that I spent 38 bucks on cupcakes but it was worth every penny as you well know!
Happy late bday! I am so glad you had a great day that ended well (sprinkles!) Take care!
Happy Birthday Summer! Looks like you had a wonderful day with LOTS of FUN and yummy food!
I love the picture with Gordon on your shoulder Summer! He's like a baby! I'm glad you had such a fun day. Those cupcakes look divine.
What a fun day. Happy 30th, Summer! How fun about Gordon, I love the hugging picture - he looks so sweet.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Wish we could have been there!
What a great day Summer!!! Birthday's are the best!
Happy Happy Birthday Summer! I'm so glad you had such a fun day!
Hey Sum, Happy "late" birthday! I wish I could have been there on Friday to celebrate. I miss you tons.
Lilly has been really sick, bummer, and you know how that goes....
I would love to get together with you soon.
First of all - Happy Birthday! The 30's are fabulous, so welcome!!!
And I swear I know your friend Jill. Do you know if her maiden name was Wetengale? If so, she grew up in my old stake in HB and I taught school with her mom - small world!!!
Sorry, I forgot I signed in under your password - the above is from Kelly Moody (in Katie's ward)
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