My parents sent Bryan and I to San Francisco to celebrate both of our 30th Birthdays! So we left these two girlies to play with their dolls...

...while we woke up at 5:30 a.m. saturday morning to hop on a plane!!!

I HATE to fly and always need to talk to the Pilots when I first board the plane to see if they seem like trustworthy guys... These two passed with flying colors! I just really need to take my Xanax or Valium next time like I usually do. It makes a difference... Bryan can attest!

On the plane we met up with a couple who was on their way to GAY PRIDE week which took place this weekend! We had no idea and boy was it colorful in town. These girls knew a lot about the city and directed us from the airport to the Bart which we took into the city.

I wasn't expecting the weather to be a high of only 64 degrees so after a quick clothing change... we were off like two little lovebirds!

I had to stop and warm up with some hot chocolate!!!

And then not long after, Bryan needed to fuel up with some delicious food!

Got to meet Perez Hilton at a meet and greet he was in San Fran for...

and then on to LOTS of fun shopping!

While in Macy's... we saw these two "guys" dressed up like "girls" and when I said to them, "Hey guys... can I get your picture?" They replied "We are NOT guys!" Ummm OK! They were so interesting.
That night we were able to meet up with one of my funnest friend from Ricks named Denae (aka D-dawg) and her husband Dave. We ate at a YUMMY Italian Restaurant called Scala! While there we noticed some interesting people sitting at the next table over.

We could NOT stop staring and couldn't believe our eyes! Was this for REAL? It was two twin old ladies with oodles of makeup and silly hats dressed the exact same! We had to find out their story and talk to them. Their names are The Brown Twins and they are well known in San Fran. They even had a plaque above the table they were sitting at with their name on it along with 7:00 pm saturday night! I guess they go there every saturday night for dinner! They were sure something else! When we asked them to take a picture they said "SURE! But not before we put some more lipstick and blush on!" And away they went with their mirrors while we sat and waited for them to be ready for the photo! They told us that they each have over 100 hats!

We then decided to head up the street to a fun diner and have some ice cream sundaes for dessert!

It was so fun to see Denae and Dave!

The next morning we woke up and walked down to Fisherman's Wharf for breakfast! We walked through Nob Hill and North Shore.

And even stopped in Chinatown to pick up some cheap souvenirs for the kids!

Bryan got some hot chocolate and found himself a comfy spot on the street!

We walked around for awhile...

and made a stop at Pier 39!

We finally made it to brunch at a great place on the water called "Butterfly" where Bryan got his signature virgin bloody mary!

We did some more shopping after and found ourselves in the heart of the Pride Parade. I won't go into detail about some of the horrific things I saw but let's just say I cried a little.

Everything was just very in your face and it is sad that our world has to be like this now. We did have fun though. Of course being together alone was so wonderful!
Bryan was a gentleman and carried both of our bags all the way through town, on the Bart and to the airport!

I ended the trip with some creamy Ice Cream at the airport from Fentons!

While Bryan ended the trip with a lost IPhone and nice Pilot who tried to help him by going back on the plane to find it.... NO LUCK though!!!

It was quick! It was fun! We are sure glad to be back together as a family now. I really MISS when I am away from my kids!
wow. i bet you are a new woman now. i bet the trip was a total blast. too bad your not awake or I'd call. it's 4:15 am. and to anyone reading, I'm not that lame, I can't sleeep.
poor shell.
looks like such a fun trip, lots of fun people to watch! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
How fun! You and Brian are the cutest couple! Happy Birthday to you both. What a great gift from your parents...I think that is the coolest idea.
I hate being away from the kids, but at the same time it is so wonderful to be away, isn't it?
Oh Summer I"m so glad you got some Fentons! So sorry about Gay Pride though I bet it was so sick. I'm glad you guys had so much fun and it was a blast to see you!!!
what a fun weekend! I'm so jealous, i love San Fransisco!!
i love that city! You did so much in such a small amount of time! But should I expect anything less??
I have so much to comment on.
Love that you met the Brown twins. I took my very first pic in SF with them. They are legends in that city.
Glad you got to eat Buckhorn. Yum and also at Scala's.
I am laughing that you were there during gay pride. That is one of the scariest weeks to be around for. I'm sure you saw things that will haunt you for years:) Did you happen to see the naked group of about 100 on bikes with their junk hanging off to the side? Sorry for those use of words but it is one of the my worst/funniest memories. How many naked men did you see wearing only leather chaps?
I bet Bryan's happy he lost his iphone just 12 days before the new one arrives in stores. Eric hopes his get's "lost" too:)
Glad your trip was a success. You couldn't have picked a better city to have fun in.
What a fun time!!! So nice to get away I bet. I am glad that you were able to meet up with Denae and Dave! What a fun night and how funny are those Brown twins!!!!
looks like you had a blast! what a fun way to spend your 30th! love you both.
Ok, seriously those twins are the funniest thing ever!! They look like they are stuck in an episode of "I love Lucy"! Glad you guys had a nice weekend together!
It looks like you had such a fun weekend together! Happy 30th birthday to both of you from all of us!
There is nothing better than a quick weekend away alone. How fun and I love how you have pictures of everything.
Sounds like fun! I love that you have no shame asking for pictures. Looks like San Fran has an interesting array of people!
Your descriptions did not do your trip justice. I'm absolutely dying over those twins. It brings back a certain memory of you and Amanda furiously putting your blush/lipstick on at dinner. Hmmm..... maybe in 50 years, you'll have your own plaque above the Sprinkles display, and people will ask to take your picture :)
I'm bummed about Bryan's phone. That is just awful.
I heart Perez.
I hope your other friends from Ricks won't read that Denae is your funnest friend. Although, I'm sure they will agree. She IS indeed hilarious!
Glad you guys got away! I've been trying to convince Brad we need to go to San Fran as well. It's been a LONG time. We'll see!
Glad you're back. My hours between 11 and 1am weren't the same. I didn't have to sit on the couch with a phone next to me because you might be calling.
bryan is the WORST at remembering his things, haha.. but that sucks, iPhone is nothing to laugh at.
you guys look like legit fashionistas on the street. nice shades too, where's my pair? and that chair bryan found by the smart car is freaking rad--the fact that it was just there on the sidewalk.
San Francisco is a crazy town. Jason and I went once years ago I can only imagine what it is like now. Your blog is so entertaining. Your pictures crack me up of the girl/guys and the twins. Also, so proud of you for flying! Too bad about the iphone.
Looks like you had a great time!!! How nice! I cant believe your b-day is coming so soon!!!!!
so much fun..i love it that you re-connected with d-dawg! and I LOVE IT that brian likes virgin bloody marys too! they're my favorite!!!
What a trip! I would love to escape to San Fran. Maybe my next trip away, with just Patrick and I will be for our 50th wedding anniversary.... Love seeing all the photos of how happy you and Bryan always are. I am sure the girls had a blast and were watched with tons of TLC, but missed you both tremendously. You look just darling in every photo.... And Bryan looks marvelous also, we have to give a shout out to the hubbys once in awhile.....
Natalie- Amen- you've got to give it up for the husbands once in a while.
I know everyone is feelin' my beard and cardigan - I know the gays in SF were feelin' it! That is the first time that we've gone out where I was getting checked out more than Summer was!!!
Thanks for the shout out!
I LOVE Scala- I always go there with my parents & have seen the twin a million times- they have the best matching outfits! What a fantastic get away
Nice timing with the Gay Pride Parade. Well, at least you would have a lot of shopping buddies available!
Looks like a fun trip!
I am the same way with flying... Valium is my BFF and I'm glad my husband has an unlimited supply at work for me.
We took Maeve to San Fran several years ago and happend to be there for the Bay to Breakers race...the race=naked men running! Man it was an eye opening sight for our sheltered eyes! I can't even imagine the Gay Parade! So glad you were able to get on a plane! Looks like a fun trip!
I can't believe I'm the first one to say anything about the twins' teeth. Can we talk about that for a second? Someone needs to get them to the dentist immediately.. maybe they can even get a "2 for the price of 1" deal. I'll even pay for it.
Looked like a ton of fun. Happy 30th you two!
What a fun weekend away. I can't believe Bryan looks so at ease after just loosing his phone. Good thing the new one just came out for $199, right Bry?!
What a fun getaway - I heart san fran!
Gotta love a get away without the kiddies. Oh wait I don't even know what that's like yet. Glad to see your trip was fun and colorful.
Great Trip!! I loved it, it felt like I was right there along with you ...except, WAIT, where are my shopping bags?!?!
Can't wait to see the post that shows all the fun stuff you got.
Happy 30th!!!
So glad you had a fun time. Brian and I visited friends in the Castro District (gay capital of the world) there a few years ago and there are still images that we can't erase like a guy in high heel thigh high boots with ass-less chaps and nothing else! What a sight! It's a great city though. We love it:)
We got ENGAGED there! Love SF!! Great food, amazing shopping, fantastic sights....never a dull moment in that city! Glad you had a blast! An entire day in the fashion district was a bit much for Darren, but not me- I loved every min of it.
what a great trip, love the grown up alone time. and i those twins kill me. - Kara
What a fun and memorable trip! Those twins are KILLING me! :-)
I love SF...but hate to fly too! We just flew home from SLC the other day and I was basically screaming the whole trip there and back...and was CONVINCED we were all going to die on that plane ride!
Happy early birthday to you and Bryan...such a fun and romantic trip! :-)
Lucky girl! I wish that my parents would send us on a trip! Looks like you had so much fun. It is always nice to have a get away with just the two of you.
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