HAPPY 30th Birthday Summer!
- Love Your Family: Dana (Dad), Beth (Mom), Katie (Sister) and Andrew (Brother)
30 things to love about Summer:
1. She's Fun
2. She Finds the best Deals
3. She's Fashion Forward
4. She is always up for a "Sweet Treat"
5. She's Fun
6. She's a celebrity magnet
7. She'll eat a Tommy's Burger at Midnight
8. She's not afraid to speak up at a restaurant if the food is taking too long
9. She's Fun
10. She Blogs
11. She genuinely wants to get to know people
12. She is ambitious
13. She dresses the girls in cute matching outfits
14. She'll call you at midnight to discuss Saturday Night Live
15. She's Fun
16. She'll go shopping with you anytime
17. She is Friendly
18. She love ice cream
19. She's a huge USC Trojan Fan
20. She's Fun
21. She can wear a robe when she drops off Haven at Pre-School and feel O.K. about it
22. She can tell you where to go for the best haircut, pedicure or great pair of shoes
23. She loves the Gospel
24. She loves watching reality shows
25. She is Fun
26. She can still kick a mean soccer ball
27. She is a Good Mommy
28. She is a Wonderful Wife
29. She is a Great Sister
30. She is a Perfect Daughter
You have brought us 30 year of joy and happiness and we love you!
Happy Birthday Sum-
I love you.
Happy Birthday Mommy-
Maybe we can get an ice cream today for your birthday?!?
(Love you Mommy)
Woof Woof
(Love you Summer)
Happy Birthday Summer. Have a wonderful day!
Happiest Day Summer! May you get 30 birthday wishes on your blog! I'm sure you'll far surpass that you 'fun' gal you!
Party hard today! Cute post Bryan!
I hope you have a great day- you deserve it! Hope to get down there to visit soon! Love-Kira
Happy Birthday Girl! I'm coming over this morning with a surprise!
Happy Birthday Summer. You are a good friend and are always so thoughtful! I hope you have the BEST day!
happy birthday summer! You look so good! You look way better at 30!!!!
Thanks Mom, Dad, Katie and Drew... this was VERY sweet!
Happy Birthday Summer. I hope your day is a special one! Those are 30 great things to be said. What a sweet tribute. You are a wonderful PPF! Muah..xoxo
...Gordon's new do looks great. Grind those teeth away:)
Happy Birthday Summer, You make 30 look good!
Wait, I swear we were just turning 20... what the heck just happened??
Happy, Happy 30th to the Sumster! I hope your day is perfect and super FUN! Have a fantastic day!
Happy Birthday friend. I hope you have the best day ever!
Happy Happy Birthday Summer dear...
happy days will come to you all year!
If I had a wish than it would be....
A Happy Happy Birthday to you from me!!
I thought being 30 now you might appreciate thinking back to your younger days in Primary! I hope you have a great day!!
Joyeux anniversaire to my pint sized friend!! go easy on the sprinkles today. xoxo
Happy birthday Summer! Have a great day!
Happy Birthday! Now you're getting old like me :)
love you sum! hope you have the best day ever!
happy birthday sums! yay for 30!
Happy 30th Summer! Have a fabulous day! I love your new dog by the way.. so cute!
Happy Birthday, Summer! Party hard tonight.
Happy Birthday, Summer have a great day love The Patopoff's
Happy Birthday! I promise 30 is not so bad. In fact it is pretty fun!
Happy Birthday Summer. I will be thinking of you all day. I am glad I know such a fun person.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day.
happy bday! it's so great that 30 really is the new 20! you are one hot mama! hope you have a blast!
Happy Birthday Summer... I hope you have the best day today! I am sure you are already celebrating in some super FUN way!!! Very sweet post!
Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!!
Happy Birthday Girl!
Happy Birthday Summer! Hope you have a great day and do something fun to celebrate!!!
Happy B-Day! We love you!
Happy Birthday Summer! I hope that you have a great day!!
Happy Birthday Summer and welcome to the "30 AND OVER CLUB" we welcome you with open arms... psss... it's not that bad - in fact I think we are all in denial - we're still 22 right?
BTW... don't look a day over 12 right? Oh... that's not funny!
What a husband, what a beautiful lady! Loved the post, and I am sure this day will be spectacular to say the least... Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Wish I was there to drop off some goodies.....
Happy 30th Summer. I hope you have a wonderful day!
HAPPY 30TH hope you have a great day!
You've Had A Birthday, Shout Horay!
Happy Birthday, everyday is a fun day for you, but i hope today is even more fun!
You are loved girl! Happy birthday!
Happy 30th, Sum! I just have a few more months in my 20's! Love you! P.S. Do you ever take a bad picture? :)
Happy Birthday Summer!!!!
I have to agree on the Fun's. Summer you sure do make life fun for all of us who are a part of yours! HAPPY 30th, though you look 16!
Happy Birthday from the BG Garlock's!!! Hope you've had an amazing day:)
Summer, Happy birthday! I'm sure you've had a great day! 30 is not so bad!! Enjoy the rest of your night!
Turning 30??!!! Oh my gosh do you feel old? I'll be there in a few short months- how does it feel? You don't even look 30- your're so lucky!! Hope you had the BEST day ever!! xoxo
I love you, Summer! There is nothing to not love and that's what I love about you most! You are truly a fantastic girl. Happy, happy birthday to you!
xo ,Camibunk
spuds...i love this post, i love your family, and i love you...i hope you had a great bday and next week we will be doing the guru since it didn't happen tonite...what's going on, what's going on, what's going on!? you vanished spuds!!! hank barfed on me twice in the past hour & frelly tried to climb over the stair railing a half hour ago...so, obviously, i couldn't have left them anyway...SPUDS, enjoy the next 1 1/2 of your bday!!!!!!!!! p.s. i can't wait to see what the next 30 years bring you...adventures await...i'll be there every step of the way....
1 1/2 hours of your bday...just had to clear that up....oops. GOODNITE!
Is your birthday actually today?! Well HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY wishes whenever it is. You are the cutest. Too bad we couldn't hook it up in Carlsbad this year like last, maybe next..... oh, and your new dog is adorable.
Happy B-day! Hope it is great!
SUMMER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I can't believe you're 30 now!! How does it feel!? I hope you have the best day- you really are such a fun girl and I'm so glad we re-connected through blogging!
happy birthday! hope it's a special one!
Happy Birthday! You just get more and more beautiful every year! I hope it is fabulous! Woo Hoo! Eat a lot of sprinkles!!
Better late than never, Happy Birthday! It looks like you had an amazing day. Congrats on getting your wish, G.B. fits right in to the clan.
Oh, I can't believe I didn't comment on this yet. =(
I am so glad that you are in my life. Truly. I consider you my alibi. If anyone ever needed to prove my whereabouts, they need look no further!
Here's to another 30!
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