This girl is already out and about and moving everywhere. She is CRAZY! Good thing that the Doctor said it is OK if she walks on her ankle now. It is healing nicely and she doesn't really seem to be in much pain. I am so glad to see her doing better.

really though, she couldn't be cuter in that pink gem!!
Her pink cast is so cute and goes with everything.
I have missed a lot since I have been gone. Wow! I can't believe she broke her ankle, at least the cast is a pretty color. I am also in disbelief about your Costco/Gordon incident. People really need to butt out and mind their business. I hope things are going better for you. Looks like you have been busy with the good and bad :)
That is way too cute. She wears a cast well! And thank you for posting picture Monday. Sick!
Meg- that pic has been up since last monday silly. It will be changed tonight...
I love how Berk's bow perfectly matches her cast! What a fashionista!
poor berkeley! i love the pink cast though! I hope she feels better!
so sweet, if anyone can pull off a cast it's her!
Oh my goodness, she is just so adorable how do you stand it?! I love the pink cast. Very chic!
Love the pink cast. I'm thinking you had something to do with that:)
Poor baby girl. Looks like she is pretty tough and doing well. Hope all is well with you!!
She looks lovely in pink. As sad as the cast is, she looks adorable wearing it.
Too bad you can't see the sparkles!
Bennett just saw the pictures and said..."how does she get her pants on?" She seems like she is still having fun, kids are amazing. Can you imagine if we had a cast on? We would complain ALL day and sit for a month!
Summer, only your girls would have bows to match their cast perfectly!
never thought any kid could look that cute with a cast on! love her.
Cute pink cast! Remember when collin broke his leg at the park on easter? Its amazing how they get around with a cast on...hang in there berkley!
Berk-er-ly is so adorable! I love her sweet face. Take lots of pictures because hopefully this is the only cast that she has.
so cute and so sad all at the same time!
Poor little Berkley! She looks so cute in her pink cast, as bad as that is! What a trooper.
Oh, I am so sorry! That is so hard for BOTH of you!
Of course you are coordinating outfits, bathing suits, hair accessories and jammies for her! You do NOT miss a beat girlie!
She is so cute, cast and all. AND she doesn't look like it is bothering her at all!
Hot pink rules - she is adorable!
How long does she have to sport the cast??? Poor Berks. Good choice on the color! Did she pick it out?
that's the cutest cast i've ever seen! SPUDS
Poor thing! But she does look so cute in that little pink cast. I love how her bow matches her cast - it looks like the ability to accessorize has been past from mother to daughter. Too cute!
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