It started off with a girl's night to see "Mamma Mia"! I loved it and thought it was SO darling. I highly suggest going to see this fun film. Pierce Brosnan sang and it was funny to see him in this kind of role! He was darling though.

Saturday morning Bryan woke up early for a Triathlon! I am so proud of him. Despite his bike getting TWO flats, he finished it with hardly any training. While he was gone...
I woke up to poop all over Berkley's crib! She decided to finger paint with it and it was everywhere AGAIN! Worst I have seen yet actually. We're talking walls, crib, bumper, sheets, blanket, mattress, legs, toes, face, hair! It was SICK! WHY? WHY? WHY?
I then dropped her and Haven off to my mom's for an hour or so to go to a friend's baby shower. My mom put her down for a nap and thought she was asleep. 1/2 hour later she heard a noise and went in to check on her. She had climbed out of the pack and play for the first time and was toilet papering the bedroom! That should have been a CLUE of things to come...

That night we met some friends for dinner at the Spectrum. We had a great time eating, laughing and shopping.

Little did I know that while I was gone Berkley would try and get out of her crib and BREAK HER LEG!!!
We always put our kids to bed before we go out. They go to bed early and it works out perfect so that we know they are not able to be naughty for babysitters or get themselves into trouble. Sometimes they are in bed but not asleep yet. Our babysitter said that about 10 minutes after we left he heard Berkley crying. He went in to the girl's room where Haven had said that Berkley had gotten out of her crib. The babysitter didn't know that she had fallen out. Haven had just said that she had gotten out. So her put her back to bed where she cried for about 20 minutes he said (this is not un-common for her). He called us a few hours later b/c he said she was crying and slightly whimpering in her sleep. When we got home she was awake and crying. Since Haven was the only witness... I woke her up and asked her what happened. She told me that it was scary and that Berkley did a somersault out of her crib and bumped her head. All night I was worried sick and checked her every hour to make sure she did not have a concussion. She seemed to be OK! In the morning however... I got her out of her crib and she kept screaming "Ouch mama"! I then put her down and she would not move or walk. I told Bryan I think she hurt her leg when she fell and off we went to the ER! She was sad and I hated to see her in pain.

We tried to keep her attention off her leg so I went to the cafeteria to get us some breakfast.

We gave her anything in my purse to play with.

And watched lots of cartoons!

We finally went in for an X-ray where they had Bryan and Berkley put on these awesome 80's vests. There, we found out that she had broken her ankle!

They put on a temporary splint for now and we go in to the Ortho in about 5 days when the swelling goes down for her real cast.

Poor girl. She was a trooper!

After we had taken care of Berkley... we figured since we were already at the hospital, that we could visit two good friends who were in there for surgeries!
Carol Gardner (Amanda's mom) got two knees replaced and is doing GREAT! Her husband (also Bryan's boss) took really good care of her and brought a comfy blow up mattress to stay by her side the whole time. Way to go Rickey D.!!! What a supportive hubby.

Courtney Calkins took a shallow dive at the beach and broke her neck. She is LUCKY to not be paralyzed and her surgery went well too! She is not supposed to look this good in the hospital... you are gorgeous Court!

So, for the rest of the summer the Dr. said no beach or pool and I am to carry Berkley around everywhere! This should be fun! Haven has been super sweet to get down and play with her on the floor.
Jenny Tucker was nice to make our family a cute cast made of BROWNIES...

and bring some beautiful flowers!!!
The next month I will be serving her food while she watches movies and TV. I feel bad and want to pamper this little one.

Although it stinks... I am so grateful that it is only a broken bone. It could have been much worse and I was so glad that it was not a head injury! This girl is destructive. Maybe she learned her lesson!
poor little miss destructo! get well soon.
So sad. Lets us know if you want a to go do something to keep her occupied! We would love to play. Poor little girl.
Oh, poor Berkeley! I can't believe she has a broken ankle! Those pictures of her in the ER are precious! You are a good Mommy to take such good care of her and pamper her like that!
That is a seriously eventful weekend. So sad about Berks ankle, hope she gets better quick. Hurt babies is no fun at all. They are so tough though. I remember when O got stitches under his chin, he was tougher than I was. Give a snuggle for me!
Poor thing. That x-ray room is no fun. Hudson had x-rays there and it was very scary looking. I hope she gets better soon. I guess you now have to get a crib tent and a hip sling to carry her around.
Let me know if I/we can do anything. We can bring fun, new entertainment over to her.
Out of all you "weekend" posts, this one takes the cake for the busiest! I'm so sorry for Berkley that poor thing but how lucky she is to have such a good mama to take care of her. Looks like a big girl bed is on the way!
Summer, that is so so sad. Poor Berkley. I'm worried for you that you have a wild child on your hands. Don't you just feel awful when you baby is in pain and you don't even know what's wrong? I'm so glad you took her in. HOpe she feels better soon.
Berkley has the prettiest eyes- so big and beautiful. That is SO sad about her ankle!! I'm sure Daegan will be trying to climb out of his crib soon- oh boy!!
HOLY FREAKING COW!!!!!!!! Summer, you really did have quite a weekend. Poor little B! I am so sorry that she fell out of her crib. She is so cute and I feel so bad for her and you! Hope she feels better soon. She'll get used to the cast super quick and be just fine!
Oh my gosh! Poor Berkley and I can't believe Courtney. That is insane. Jenny is too cute to make you (I mean, Berkley) a cast brownie.
OH MY HOLY summer...poor little thing! i feel so bad for her..not fun!!! i hope her legs heals fast...but you're right..it could've been much worse....have you thought about putting berkley in a toddler bed?? or do you think she'd run wild..ha!ha.! we put ella in a toddler bed about 2 months before she turned two..'cause i knew she was such a climber and i was so afraid that she was going to climb out of her crib and get hurt...and she always has done great in her toddler bed..i thought it might be tough at first...but she's really good about going in her bed and falling asleep....just a thought..but then again every child is so different:)
OH MY HOLY summer...poor little thing! i feel so bad for her..not fun!!! i hope her legs heals fast...but you're right..it could've been much worse....have you thought about putting berkley in a toddler bed?? or do you think she'd run wild..ha!ha.! we put ella in a toddler bed about 2 months before she turned two..'cause i knew she was such a climber and i was so afraid that she was going to climb out of her crib and get hurt...and she always has done great in her toddler bed..i thought it might be tough at first...but she's really good about going in her bed and falling asleep....just a thought..but then again every child is so different:)
I swear- you are such a vigilant mom but your kiddos are always one-upping you! Poor baby girl! Feel better soon!
spuds, her little cast is adorable, why is jenny the nicest thing, i broke hillary's leg when she was that age cause i was so fat and i fell on her!
Sooo sad! I'm sorry to hear about Berkley! She's such a doll!
Livy was doing the same thing so we moved her into a twin a couple weeks ago. She loves being in the same kind of bed as Maddie & feels like a "big girl" now.
Of course you would know 2 people in the hospital...and if you didn't...you'd meet some new friend!
I hope Berkley recovers soon. I kind of feel guilty? But it was a really fun night!
what a weekend indeed! poor poor little berkley!
k, that picture of poop is disgusting. was it really necessary to put that picture up and have it even say boners.com in the corner? err. take down asap.
Drew- I figured that picture was better than the actual thing... trust me! And did not realize what the bottom said... funny.
that is so sad for her! seroiusly, that must have hurt sooo bad! I'm going to literally die when my twins start crawling out of their cribs!!
oh summer- how sad! I am glad that it is only a broken bone...poor sweet little thing!
I cant believe it summer. Call me if you need some help friend. Would you like me to take Haven so you can just keep your attention on berkley? I know it must be rough! Poor little girl. Click on the link below and invest in this fun thing. Abi had to get one because Kate kept on getting out of her crib! This way you will never have to worry again!
No beach or pool? What are you going to do! At least you have a great backyard! I'm soooo sorry, and poor Berks!!
Oh my goodness! It is so scary when your kid gets hurt, especially a little one that can't really talk to you. Poor Berkley!
Oh my. Never a dull moment in your life, but I didn't expect to read this! I'm so sorry for Berkley. It breaks my heart :( And I heard about Courtney Calkins. I cannot even believe that, and am so grateful she's okay.
Hang in there Summer! Sorry your beach/pool days are over but so glad Berk is going to be okay.
Poor thing! Cutest girl in a cast I have ever seen though! And Jenny's brownies? RAD!!!!
So sad! I am glad I took a moment to get the whole scoop. I knew I could count on your blog to give all the details! I will have to take Haven out more often with us.
Okay, she looks adorable in her little cast. I can't believe all that happened while we were out. Poor thing.
Thanks for a great evening once again. It's always great to hang out and this was no exception.
Great job again on the tri, Bryan. You didn't mention the 2 flats on the bike, amazing!
...p.s. When you were taking care of the red eye on yourself and Megan, you could have also clicked on my daggers:)
oh Summer, I feel so bad for that little cutie! I hope she gets feeling better soon!
my nephew broke his arm a few summers back and they got him one of those gortex casts that was waterproof so he could go in the ocean still. I don't know if they still do those, but that might be nice for you!
Poor Berkley! She is such a pill! It's amazing how much fire that little girlie has in her.
I still can't believe Courtney's accident! I am so glad she's going to be okay. Scary!
Good job on the triathlon.
I'm sorry I was laughing through your entire poop story. That was SICK! Maybe it's time for the toilet after all!
Mamma Mia was darling. I've had this line in my head for 3 days:"If you change your mind, I'm the first in line, take a chance on me..."
Haven did indeed tell me that she would be wearing those pjs every night. Except when you had to wash them.
Sweet Berkley...Feel Better Soon!
where did your other pic go? I would have killed you for posting a pic of me in the hospital! -LD
Uh Lisa, you must have missed my 'daggers' in the group shot! yikes!
That is crazy! Poor little girl! I hope she recovers fast!
Ouch, poor kid! Hope it heals quickly. You are going to have your hands full, literally. Your arms are going to be way buff carrying her everywhere. Good luck!
Megan and Lisa- I didn't edit any of the pics... didn't even notice the red eye daggers with your beautiful faces
much better poopture. get it? poop picture, ha!
First off, I am so sorry your little Berkley had to go through that, so horrible! It is amazing kids survive past the age of anything! I guess maybe just my boys. I hope she is back playing really soon.
I absolutely love it when couples can get together and have a great dinner. You all are such handsome couples. Good times.....
BTW.. My brother and Jamie are friends and hopefully will date soon, but she is datting a really cool guy my brother said. My sister Rach used to do things for her mom, and is good friends with them, they live right by them. And you know how sisters pick who they want there brother to marry. We do love Jamie, she is a class act....
It is a killer when your kids break bones or have to have stitches but it eventually happens to every mom. Give sweet Berkley our love. Oh, the poop is a given too.
sweet berks! she look so cute though. and poor courtney caulkins! so scary....
Oh, that is SOOO sad!!! Taking your child to the ER is the worst! Hope her ankle gets better soon!
nothing is worse then taking a child to the ER - i've done it a few times and it is aweful!
OMG! Poor little girl. I feel so bad for her.
Poor Berkley. Weston has managed to get out of his crib a few times. Luckily we haven't had any bad injuries. So sad!
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