Oh Gordon! Where did my perfect little dog go? The poodle who hadn't had an accident in my home and was already house trained? Gordon has had several accidents the past few days. I don't know what is going on with him. Last night Bryan was getting into bed and he had peed on our comforter all the way through to the memory foam pad. Bryan just walked it right down to the trash... Bummer! I need to figure this out though... he really is a sweet and good dog.
So moving on to a a different Gordon episode yesterday. Sometimes I bring Gordon in the car when I am running quick errands in and out of places. Yesterday I went to the Right Start to buy a net for psycho girl's (Berkley) crib because she is still trying to crawl out even with a broken ankle! After that, I ran into Costco to see if they carried my camera still and to buy the girls a churro. We were in there for approx. 5 minutes. When I came out.. there was a lady at my car who resembled this:
She had a pen and paper and was writing down my license plate. She was also on her cell phone. I knew exactly what was going on. She was MAD that I had left my dog in the car. Please keep all of these things in mind: 1. it was only about 80 degrees yesterday 2. I had all four windows open at the top to allow airflow 3. I was in there for 5 minutes

Here is how the conversation went with Ms. Grouchy:
Me: "Can I help you?"
Lady: "Is this your car?"
Me: "Yes!"
Lady: "Do you know that I am on the phone about to dial 911 on you?"
Me: "No, but I think they would laugh at you if you did call them for this."
Lady: "This dog is going to die. This is animal abuse!"
Me: "Your kidding right? I went in to get my kids a churro and have been gone for 5 minutes." She could see that I was telling the truth b/c I only had a stroller, two girls and two churros! There were no other Costco purchases.
Lady: "How would you like to be locked in there for 5 minutes? And it wasn't 5 minutes... it was 10!"
Me: "It was 5 minutes."
Lady: "I am an animal lover. I can't believe you would do this!"
Me: "I am an animal lover too."
...and she walked away!
I really wanted to tell her to mind her own business and that I love my dog and that is why he is not locked in a crate at home! I was really heated about this. I see dogs in cars all the time with their windows rolled down. It is not against the law. I do realize that she had his best interest in mind but I would never harm Gordon. She made me feel like I was such a bad person.
Flashing back to monday night when we went to fly kites for family night! We brought the camera to take some pictures:

I realize that it is a mystery b/c I remember putting it in my car after the park... it is so confusing to me. Last night however... we bought a new one. Haven had a dance camp performance today and I didn't want to miss any pictures of it! $300 later a new camera. Then, tonight Bryan finds the old one in the bushes in front of our house!? So weird! It must have fallen out of a bag or something when I was walking in! We were freaking out that it didn't have any water damage from the 3 1/2 days of sprinklers. It actually was in one of the only spots the water doesn't get to!

So glad to have this thing back. And any dog training suggestions I would appreciate.
that old crotchity lady at Costco...hilarious story, but ridiculous! Some people have nothing better to do than worry about others!
and your camera incident...I'm sure Costco will return your new one. maybe you already did that! if not-now you can have a camera for the car and one for the house!
I can't believe you found your camera in the bushes! NICE WORK!!Gma & Gpa gave you that lovely memory foam....
funny story. i really cannot handle people who can't mind their own business and when they are rude. that's happened to me once (confrontation) at the mall when tilley was less than 2 weeks old. i had two kids in a double stroller, tills in the bjorn and little parker holding on to the stroller....and she had the nerve to say i took HER parking spot. is she for real! 4 kids, under 4 without husband, is she for freaking real! she was old and grouchy too.
I had to laugh about the car incident. The same thing happened to my sister and it was an even cooler day (low 70s). We were all cracking up when we heard about it because she is obsessed with her dog. He is spoiled, goes everywhere, doggy day camp, and so on. Who would be stupid enough to accuse her of animal abuse?
Sorry about the lady. So lame. My friend was in the post office with her WILD 4 year old boy and a older lady had the nerve to tell my friend that she better have her son checked for autism or some other behavior disorder. People lack tact..simple as that.
Glad you found the camera.
Hmm..maybe you could contact Gordon's previous owner and ask what worked for him there as far as going to the bathroom outside. I really have no advice for that, I just finished cleaning dog poop of my tile.
what an action packed post!
Ms. Grouchy and my Seaworld friend should get together and have a biotch showdown. don't people have better things to do?
and about the dog. I am so sorry, but thank you for reminding me once again why I will never have a pet.
The lady at costco needs a hobby other than searching parking lots looking for dogs in cars!
Glad you found your camera. I would die if I lost mine:)
Good luck with the dog training! That can't be fun:(
dog training advice! don't get one!! JK I love my Greta Lou Boxer dog, but she's SIX and still pees in the house when shes mad at me! Since baby girl has come home, she has found herself outside fulltime.
FYI - Dogs in parked cars are also at risk in hot weather; an enclosed car heats up in minutes, and the heat can kill a dog. Owners can be punished for leaving a dog in a car, under anticruelty statutes or laws that specifically forbid leaving a dog in a parked vehicle
As far as the dog training, if you catch him in the act, hurry and pick him up and take him outside then praise him with a treat. We had to take our dog out every 20-30min. to let him do his thing and we would really praise him and give him a treat when he went outside and always use the same door so he knows where to go outside. Hopefully it's just a phase but with consistancy for a few days he should be good as new.
So glad you found it!!!
spuds, do you want to take my kids to fly kites? i hate them!!! so glad you found your camera, i ran mine through the washing machine in december, whoopsy-daisy!
I love the Usdailyreader comments that stay anonymous. Cowards!
Sorry about the grouchy lady. It makes me mad when I see animals locked in cars with the windows rolled up in hot weather. When I see happy-go-lucky poodles enjoying some peace and quiet in the shade with all the windows rolled down for 5 minutes, I think, Ahhh, that owner takes their pooch everywhere. They must love them.
Glad you found your camera. You would have been lost without one for too long.
And, once again, Bawk, Bawk, Bawk!
I've had camera drama lately too. I actually dropped mine so we went and bought a new one at Costco but I don't love it. I think I am going to return it. What kind of camera do you have that you love?
That's crazy about the dog lady... seriously - who do people think they are sometimes!
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