My little brother and his fiance came down this weekend. We had a great time and not only is she DARLING but super NICE too! It was a HOT weekend and we had hoped for better weather for their stay. It was fun anyway. They started off the weekend with a day at Disneyland and then we went to the beach, dinner, date night and to our grandparents with them. It was FUN!
Beach day!

Dinner at Javiers! Haven LOVED the chips as you can see...

Later that night we met up with Andrew and Elle for some ice cream. We ended up checking out this new candy store right by my house (I'm in trouble) called "Powell's sweet shop"! They had sooooo much inventory! I have never seen that much candy in one place. I think you could find ANYTHING you were looking for! It was great!

They also have homemade gelato!

See these candy pills? I will be needing them in about 2 weeks when I turn 30!!! Ahhh!

Elle with her new nieces at grandma and grandpa Garlocks!

ELLE is darling darling - so cute- LOVE her bathing suit! the candy store looks super hip and I really enjoy your headband. when are they getting married?
Elle IS adorable!! What a great couple her and your bro make! I love your dress! Where were Katie & Tanner and the kids?
Meg- Nov 1st!! How EXCITING!! Where will they be getting married, out here or where her fam lives?
Meg and Sarah! Yes- they are getting married Nov.1 in the Newport Beach Temple down here. They will also have their main reception here in So. Cal. They are CUTE CUTE CUTE together. Katie and Tanner were in Oregon visiting Tanner's family. He had a business trip there and Katie and the kids went too.
ummm...who is the tall guy in the photos?
Meg- I am guessing the guy with us at Javiers? That is my brother's good friend. His parents live next door to my parents and he and Drew graduated from H.S. together and were rommies for awhile. He is a HOOT!
Super cute. Elle totally fits in with your family! I can't wait to meet her. Glad your gig for Archuleta went well. I know you worked your butt off prepping for the big day!!
I love that you've made Elle a pretty popular gal. All your readers feel like they now know her. Well I'm in love with her bathing suit but only she can wear that cuteness!
We just got a Powell's down here on 2nd street. Total fun store.
She is just darling. I would have to agree that she just fits.
Everyone is loving her bathing suit...BUT I am loving her red and white dress...TOO CUTE!! I am telling you I need you and her to be my personal shopper.
you guys look like sisters, you are both gorgeous! how did you squeeze all that in one weekend, oh that's right, you are the spuds mackenzie!!! i can't wait till this afternoon, what are we going to do, i am off for my 6am run, aren't you proud of me SPUDS, i told you......
Summer...too funny because I almost tagged you! You sneaked by:)
We almost have the same bday! I'm turning 30 on July 30th:)
such a cute, and fun new auntie for your girls! how cute is her swimsuit! i could never pull that off though.
vvl=val vista lakes (a clubhouse) for my parents subdivision
cvs=yes, the pharmacy!
hey! How fun! I love your long dress it is super cute! Thanks for making it to reese's party even though your weekend wa crazy as usual!
Love that you have such a sweet tooth like me! Where do you get all your cute, modest suits?
I love that striped dress. that is so fabulous. what is it?
They make a very cute couple - congrats to your family!
Shell- it is an H&M dress and it was only $12.90! Do you want me to look for one in your size and send it up? It would be perfect pregnant and not pregnant. Let me know!
yep yep, and she belongs to me!
thanks for making it a great weekend, we had a lot of fun with you guys.
fun weekend. i want to go to powell's but i probably shouldn't with it being so close to my house and all! and really, how darling is elyse!!
We loved Powell's too! A whole wall with just chocolate. Could you ask for more? Your new sister in law is beautiful. She looks so put together on the beach. I am usually sweaty and gross by the end running after kids!
ha, I was sweaty and are deceiving! But, thanks again Sum , I had such a fun time and just love you and the whole fam! And I am so excited that you found that anthropologie dress! What a steal.
sum fun seeing all of you at the bay! Andrew looked so happy, we are very excited for the love birds. see u next weekend at the beach.
Elle is DARLING! Love her suit, love her dress, love everything. Drew is STOKED!!!
we are bummed we missed out. looks like a great weekend!
please don't tell my girls about the new candy hot spot! I don't know what has gotten into me but I let the girls buy some sour patch kids at henrys and I am the one eating most of them. You look adorable as always Summer. I have to say you will be the youngest looking 30 year old ever! You couldn't pass for 25
how fun to have a new sista'... she seem nice and it looks like your kids like her.
Elle is beautiful. Just perfect for Andrew. What a fun sister in-law she will be. Looks like your girls loved her too.
Oh my goodness, what an adorable couple! Seriously, they look like they were made for each other. She is too cute! She will be a great addition to your family.
What a fun family addition! I wish that I had a cool sister in law!! :)
How darling is she? I can't wait to have a SIL on my side of the family. I'm hoping things work with Robs current girlfriend. We'll see!
I was curious to know what that new sweet shop was like. Looks fun!
And you look adorable as ever-don't sweat the 30, though I too can't believe I'm 30. It's a weird age to turn, I think it's cause I still feel 16, but with a ton more responsibility. lol
You crack me up how you change outfits throughout the day for different events! Elle and Andrew are quite the cute couple. Where are they getting married?
Wow! You have been busy Summer! How fun is that working with Archuleta! Nice work! Your sister in law is really cute and sounds like she is super sweet! I can't believe how hot it has been--today was nicer though!
Elle is darling, and seems a great fit for Drew. And that candy store? Hello, free day!!!
Summer, she is the cutest thing! It seems you all get along so well- I'm so happy for your family!
What a fun time! That candy store is amazing! It is a very good thing that I don't live by something like that or I would be in trouble! Your new soon-to-be sister-in-law is so cute! I am so excited for your family!
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