Haven has been driving me nuts lately with wanting to pick out her own things and then to top it off... only wanting to wear a dress or skirt. It has become the biggest battle between her and I and it is really hard. I decided to make a chart where she picked a color and I picked a color and we sat down together with a calender and I colored a day and then she colored a day. This left the calender with us trading off every other day. Orange days I get to pick and purple days she gets to. On my days, she has talked me into letting her dress herself again at the end of the day when we are done with whatever we had that day. Here is what it looked like the other day. And I think she is rubbing off on Berkley...

Thank you Haven for remembering your tights, your lip gloss and 2 bows. At least she's good at accessorizing!
at least d.a. is going to trust your style!!!S-P-U-D-S
just roll with it summer! they are only this age once. and hess family is right...she does have the accessories down!
I remember talking with you about this. I think what you did was a great plan-great idea on the calendar. She's awfully cute in whatever she wears though, so that's a bonus, right? lol
I go through this already with Leda and she only JUST turned 3. She turns into a wet noodle and cries if I insist on something that doesn't fit her mood. Heaven forbid she wear pink when she's feeling like blue. I'm in for it, right? lol
I am looking forward to this day I am sure. Right now, O could care less what he's wearing, in fact, he'd be happier in the buff. I guess thats just boys right! Starts early!
I think the two bows are the best. She sure is cute. Don 't cramp her style friend, she is so unique in her looks. Maybe you put Punky bruster on too much. Just teasing. She is adorable!
so funny that she has two bows in her hair! love it...and the calender sounds like a great solution
I feel you pain...I feel your pain! :-) oh well, at least they are strong willed, right? it will pay off someday!
You have to pick your battles, right? Ave went through the same thing. Well, she still is. I let them choose what they wear on "off" days. They can come up with quite the ensemble. Avery likes to wear about 15 hair clips all in the front of her hair..she calls it a french braid.
Berkley has the sweetest little cheesy grin.
Oh summer, we are going through that as well and usually if we are just chillin at home I could care less what she wears but when we go out I give her 2 choices of outfits and she gets to pick one...it usually works out but some days I can't fight the battle!
what's wrong???... I like their outfits- they are going to be trend setters!!
So cute!
Summer, Macey is the SAME right now. She will only wear dresses or skirts so I had to go stock up on them so she would have clothing everyday. I kindof love the dress thing but not the mismatched crazy clothes. Good luck. Some girls just know what they want!
Kids are so funny. They both are so adorable! I haven't had to deal with this quite yet but I am sure that it's not too far off! Oh boy! I too, love the bows!
i just gave up on trying. but your too fashionista to do that. i just need a shirt that says, "she picked it out ALL by herself and by the way it looks....I don't believe I bought any of it!!!"
Tooooooooo stinking cute!!! Haven has such a great personality...just like her mama! I really don't think your girls could look and sweeter. I remember giving my mom the same grief when I was about this age. How funny!
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