It started out thursday night with a Birthday dinner for Melissa at Lucille's BBQ! Happy B-day girl!

Friday morning while our older kids were at pre-school, Laura and I walked Dallin and Berkley over to the duck park where they saw lots of animals including...

A friendly Squirrel

and a Turtle laying out on a rock.

Friday night we met up with the Hemeons and saw Kung Fu Panda (which was really cute)!

Then headed to our new favorite spot "Cherry on Top" for some build your own yogurt!

After the kids went to bed, I went to the mall with my grandma who is in town. She is a true digger when it comes to finding deals. I know where I get it from and we have fun doing it together!

Saturday morning Bryan was so nice to hand wash both of our cars!

Then it was time to play at the beach. There must have been a wedding b/c right when we got down there we saw this in the sky.

My dad (w/ his red trunks to match his red skin) taking a little walk on the beach with his BFF Ricky D. Gardner.

That night we went to Javiers with some of my high school friends to celebrate Tim's 30th B-day!

He and his cute wife Allyson were high school sweethearts and now have 3 kids.

A See's candy stop on the way home made for a perfect ending to the night.

Sunday we went to Stake Conference for church
and the weekend ended with a family dinner where Berkley got to play with her cousin Reese.
Until next weekend.....
Hey Summer!! It's Sarah's friend Betsy. I don't know if you remember me, but I know your husband will. Your family is so cute and I appreciate you sharing the secret for me to check out your blog. I am glad to see you are all doing so well. Please pass on my regards to your husband. Thanks!
Love that dress that you are wearing at Javier's! Is that the one from LA? I love it! Where is that duck pond? So cute! Do you think that Reese would sit through Kung Fu Panda? I want to see that!!! I think that I look like a monster in that pic with all the girls at Luicelle's. I look huge!
Sounds like another fun and exciting weekend. I don't know how you fit everything in. No wonder why yo don't go to bed until after midnight. Javier's is so good.
Madison and Chris saw Kung Fu Panda this weekend and loved it.
Pure fun! I'm really liking your blue dress..but you know that would be a mini skirt on me! Not fair. And Berkley is too cute in that last pic!
how fun, i cannot believe how busy you were! It looked like a really fun weekend! I wish I could have made it to MElissa's bday party! i can't believe how many girls went!! That's awesome!
Berkley looks like such a big girl now! What is Patience doing out and looking so fab already! Makes me sick! :)
holy moly. tell Bryan we could use some car washes around here!!
oh my summer, such a fun weekend you guys had! I love that blue dress! and Hallie has that same Baby Nay outfit that Berkley's wearing. one of my FAVES!
I was seriously starting to wonder if you went home at all. Looks like an action packed day. Summertime is going to be so fun!
fun weekend summer!...hey the picture above the ducks..the one with you and the 2 other girls..the girl sitting by you..did she go to ricks? i see her so much in your pictures and i keep thinking she looks so familiar?? we want to go take ella to kung fu panda too...looks so cute!
Danae- YES! The girl in that picture with me (Julia) did go to Ricks... that just goes to show you how small that school was! Ahhh... LOVED that place!
Fun, fun, fun! I look possessed in that pic of you, Julia, and I...what's up? Yes, your blue dress is the cutest thing I have ever seen and I am now mad that it's not haning in my closet. Dang it!!!
lovin the m n h outfits on the girls, they look adorable...looks like they r next seasons models. your dress is hot!
? Do you ever RELAX????
Thanks for voting for Matt!
what a fun, busy weekend! that cherry on top place sounds so good! i wish we had one around here! that's cute that you go shopping with your grandma!
Car washes by hand! He is Father of the Year....
I also love your dress, but agree with megs it would be a mini on me, I hate that! You do look stunning in it.
I want that Cherry on Top right now as I blog.
Thanks for a fun post ance again.
Summer, you always have such fun I love to read about it. Also, why is Berkley so huge and a big girl in the last picture? She is supposed to be a baby! Your girls are SO SO cute.
girl... you do it all... I am envious of your energy!! And you look great doing it all... You are a great wife, mom and friend!!
berks is getting so big. cute pics of my nieces. and classic picture of dad and ricky d! haha.
Busy girl! I totally joined the Cherry on Top club and took Micah yesterday. We loved it and he even sat on those crazy stools. Cute pictures of the girls. They are growing up so fast!
What a busy weeekend! You are so good for documenting it so well.
Fun weekend that you went to the mall with your cute Grandma...oh and Bryan is amazing to wash the cars! Come do mine please!!!
Did Berkley sit through the movie? I haven't taken kate to a movie in a long time...because I don't know how she will do. I will have to try. Cute pics. I love the girls matching outfits!
Ummmm you're exposing my daughter in the kung foo shot! You guys never take it easy on the weekends do you?
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