This girl has been nothing but TROUBLE lately! The past fews days have already consisted of smearing poop all over her crib AGAIN, ruining MORE of my good makeup and smearing Bag Balm all over her clothes and ruining those too! She is getting into anything and EVERYTHING! The girl has fine motor skills like I have NEVER seen! She can unscrew any lid and open up any package! It AMAZES me. The other morning I caught her trying to take a pack of Sweettarts I had given Bryan. We didn't think she would be able to get it open and sure enough... she runs into the bathroom to see what tool she can use and finds some tweezers. Then she sits there and picks at the top of the package for a few minutes and the next thing you know... she has got one in her mouth! It is nice to see some aspects of her personality come out. I will say that she is very determined. That will be a good thing down the line right? She is really so fun but I tell you, always into something and very close to the "terrible twos"!!! Question... how do you chase a little crazy person around the house all day if you are ill with morning sickness? I am NOT pregnant yet but wondering when I am going to be able to be now.....
spuds...like my mom says, "you need a rubber room, that you can just hose down every night", either that or a cage, these little ones, are big trouble!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck with that one! I only had Micah to run after with morning sickness and I just laid on the couch ALL DAY! That little stinker is going to give you a run for your money, but she is just so cute. It is hard to be mad at them when they are so adorable!
Wow, she is determined. I love it. You can't think that hard about getting pregnant again, or you never will! Somehow it works out better than you expected though!
She is adorable. Owen is the same way, into everything! I love how creative she is, with the tweezers!
You're crazy because Berkley is the sweetest easiest little gal. I love her and all of her cuteness.
Another fun night with 'Big Time'!! Love it!
I say just plan on waiting until your husband gets home and cleaning rather than chasing. I'm guessing that is what I would do. That and hope it doesn't last long.
summer...so cute! ella is a little busy body too so i can so relate! my dad is coming in tonight and i spent all morning cleaning..i just put ella down for a nap & realized that she had gotten into a bag of neon rubber bands and they are ALL OVER my living room floor..and it hurts to bend over..and i'm dreading walking out there and bending over and picking up ea. one...one by one....but it's all age appropriate... they're just curious..and you're right this will be a great attribute for her down the road..hang in there!
summer, berkley (and that angel face) is killing me... the poop thing is really bad though...we had a few fun episodes of that at berkley's age too. and no, it's not easy having morning sickness and 2 little ones,,, sorry, just being honest! but amazingly we do it and do it again!! keep on keepin' on! xoxo- keli
Ok, I know I am in for what you are experiencing..
Lilly is only 9 months old, however, that doesn't stop her from climbing anything she can reach, getting into my make-up, ripping up my school book, writing on my planner with pen, eating Aaron's father's day card, and much more.
Justus was so easy, and this one is crazy!!!
Look at that face! How can you call that trouble???
She's pretty quick, I'll give you that!
About your other dilemma? Put doors on your TV room. Problem solved! It solved mine completely. And teaching her how to turn on her own cartoons helps too. :0)
that is hilarious! I mean not really, but i know EXACTLY what you are going through!!
It has to be the second child syndrome. I swear Avery was and still is the same way!
Shan and Christy! It must be a 2nd child thing for sure b/c Haven was never like this. I didn't ever even child safety anything for her. This is a new world to me. Today... once again, her favorite thing to get into was the Bag Balm! So Gross! I caught her 3 different times in it!!!!
I this what it is like to have a 2nd, I am in trouble:) Seriously though, how could you get mad at that face? "Who, me?"
we for sure don't want the crib back... She is still adorable
okay I don't even know what bag balm is for...
Bag Balm is the best Mia.. super thick vasaline stuff! lather it on those buns and your kids will be happy campers! :-)
Summer...good luck with cute little Berkley! I HAVE TO PUT THINGS UP...HIGH UP! :-) We went through the stupid bag balm crap too...so not fun to get out of carpet!
Summer, I know exactly what your going through. Same thing is going on over here.
oh summer. this is my life right now. "clean up on aisle jack" is our favorite slogan that we are using more often than not.
When you're sick, you just let her do whatever she wants and when Bryan gets home he will find fruit snack wrappers everywhere, whole cereal boxes dumped out onto the carpet, empty sticky Capri Sun packages scattered around the house, and your kids will be in their underwear jumping on the couch watching Spongebob (or any show you despise, but are just desperate for anything that will keep them entertained.) Just so you know.
i find it hard to believe that those dainty lil' arms could cause much damage... as for the messy diaper problem, try duct tape(my mom did that for my bro) and for the morning sickness... ACCUPUNCTURE!!Dr.Shin in laguna will fix ya right up!
I am wondering the EXACT same thing!! How can I be pregnant and keep with my 2 kids?
It IS a second child thing. I never baby proofed a thing with my first and my second daughter threw me for a huge loop. And now my third is EVEN WORSE!!! It just kept going down hill after #1.
I am wondering the same thing about the morning sickness/what to do with your kids thing!! That is the only thing on my mind right now because I dont know if I can have any more kids! I can barely handle the ones I've got!!
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