***BEWARE*** You will eventually see a picture that is my most embarrassing one ever! I am talking BAD (Ali Degraff and Lisa Harris... yours have NOTHING on this)!
First, let me start off by telling you that my nickname in high school was "Chipmunk". I guess you could say that I have always had cheeks. I gain my weight in the face (nice huh? Just where you want to gain!) Many people do NOT believe that I went through a chunky stage if you will. Well folks... the proof is in the picture. Here we go!
Jennifer Aniston in her pre-tend fat suit!

Pamela Anderson in her pre-tend fat suit!

Nicole Kidman in her pre-tend fatsuit!

This is what happens when you do this the whole time in college...
You gain 18 pounds your freshman year (and on a 5'1" height... that is a lot)!!!
Then this is what happens when you come home with 18 extra pounds on and then wake up the morning after having all four of your wisdom teeth pulled!
Summer Thacker in her NOT pre-tend fatsuit!

Enough said! This is for all of you who didn't believe that I have ever been heavier. I DOUBLE DARE anyone to beat this picture!!! Impossible.
YESSSSSS!!!! Thank you!
are you kidding me, I was the biggest chunk in college, it wasn't even funny! I for sure gained 20 pounds!!!!!!!!
I am obsessed with this picture. First of all you are not fat, you just have cute chipmunk cheeks, like you said! Hahaha! Last night was fun! Thanks
You crack me up friend. Those pictures are great. You of course are not fat, 18 pounds on you just makes you looks normal, and the cheeks were because of your teeth friend. You are way too silly!!! You make 18 pounds heavier look great!!!
Summer, I laughed Wednesday seeing this, I laughed Thursday, and I am still laughing. I love that I am not the only one who's weight starts in their face. These pictures are the perfect start to flashback Friday! No shame, keep them coming week after week. xoxo
FFFF..( fat face friends forever)
um you just had your teeth pulled! you were not fat! i too gain weight im my face first! isnt it lovely? urrrrr!
Summer you are hilarious! I gain weight in my face first too; especially when I'm pregnant...it's great.
Such a funny post SUmmer! I just remember thinking you were tiny back in college, but I guess you just proved me wrong! I was also about 10-15 pounds heavier in college when I met Cam. I look at old pics and I am chubby and Cam is SOOOOOOO skinny! It does kinda look like you are in a fat suit, but just because you are so small right now, not Fat back then! Just a little soft! Nothing wrong with that, I am always a little soft and smooth!
Such a funny post SUmmer! I just remember thinking you were tiny back in college, but I guess you just proved me wrong! I was also about 10-15 pounds heavier in college when I met Cam. I look at old pics and I am chubby and Cam is SOOOOOOO skinny! It does kinda look like you are in a fat suit, but just because you are so small right now, not Fat back then! Just a little soft! Nothing wrong with that, I am always a little soft and smooth!
FLASHBACK FRIDAYS YEAH!!!!!!!! i have been missing them, spuds, i can't handle you, i will never forget the "taco-bell skit" at aliso on our wolverine morning news that featured you eating about 12 burritos...and you were still a rail, it was The Legend soccer team that kept us in shape...p.s. i am wearing my fat suit today...
summer..i'm going to post my pulled-put wisdom teeth photo..i look just like that..i remember it being so awful! and i never remember you being fat...you were always so cute! this post was really funny though!
i meant to write "pulled-out" above..sorry ha!ha!
Summer, its called my 6th grade picture, as mom to show you ha ha ha (this is eric)
I can TOTALLY sympathize! I am petite so nobody believes me when I say I used to be chubby--but check out my 7th grade yearbook picture and you'll see I had one chin too many! Gotta love the awkward teenage years. It's pretty hilarious. But, just makes people appreciate how great we look now, right? ha.
Yes, you have big cheeks, but you DO NOT look fat, Sista! I love it. You look so sad that your dad is taking that picture. You are hilarious!
so you gained a few freshman year. the crazy thing is...by the end of the summer it was all gone. explain that. just look at some of my pics I totally gained the fresh 15.
What's Going on? What's Going on?
I got you beat everyday of the year. IN fact, please check my blog and look at MY ARMS!!! They are defin the size of your legs!
cheater- thats when you got your wisdom teeth out! funny shots sum
you are so funny... I don't think you look heavy at all...you just didn't have your womens body yet!!:)
You look so cute prego (last post)... when will we get to see that cute little bump again???
Teagan... plan on seeing a prego belly again maybe sometime end of this year or beginning of next year. :)
this is hilarious. I got that email of all the celebs too...it was a crack-up!
and you are still SO cute!
I lived on Top Ramen every flippin day my freshman year...the talk around town when I got home was "did you see shalyse, she gained some weight!"...made me feel SO good about myself! :-)
Yeah I am with everyone else...only your cheeks are swollen...you are blessed Summer can I swap metabolisms with you?
I love it. I do have some good ones myself. actually, at first, I didn't think those were you. Thank goodness for weightloss right!!
You're nuts is all I am going to say! If THAT is fat, then I feel REALLY sorry for a lot of other people in this world. You are beautiful so just get over it.
oh summer, summer. nice try. the first three pictures look great, so they don't count! and while the last picture is chubbylicious, i'm afraid you can't count that either because of the surgery.
now I'm convinced that even on your WORST day you still look fabulous!
SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funniest ever! I love that you have no shame and posted that last one- I am dying here it is cracking me up!! And yes, we were both a little chubby in college! THat picture of me you and Wendy is so humiliating. I was chubby and ugly! I had no idea how to do makeup or hair- whatever! Thanks for the laughs! I gained 12 lbs freshman year- we really must have been eating the whole time!!!
Yea! I can't wait to see it:)
Summer, you are hilarious! I am laughing at the chipmunk picture! My Freshman 15's will beat yours!
You are so cute and hilarious!! I love the fat suit pictures! I just got back from the saddest viewing and your blog totally cheered me up. Thanks and fun weekend!
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