Click here to read an article that was just released about a Mumps outbreak. I have always been intrigued with the vaccine controversy because I do see both sides. I realize that shots are good and that they do help in our country. However, I disagree with how many are given at once to a child. I feel that it is too much toxin for their little bodies to handle at once.
With both of my kids, I have spread out their shots. I get one at a time (every now and then two) and I wait on the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) shot! I don't do the first MMR until they are 2 years old. In the article that is linked, it says that these shots wore off when the kids became college age. With the Newer Chicken Pox vaccine, it's worries me that it could wear off later in life too when this illness is more dangerous. If elderly people get this, it could be fatal. We all got through the Chicken Pox as children and were fine so why pump our kids with more poison?
So, basically my Pediatrician thinks that I am a little bit crazy for being so paranoid about shots for my kids. After reading this article... I realize why I am. What are your thoughts on vaccinations? I would REALLY love to hear what other moms think about this.
P.S. Does anyone else cry when their kids get shots? Because I sure seem to EVERY time! I absolutely HATE it!
Ashley's pediatrician gave the MMR in three different shots and everyone thought it was so weird. But I see some wisdom in spreading it all out.
Yes I hated my kids getting shots and I think I'd really hate seeing Ava get a shot. So I stay away.
Summer, I am so with you. I cry everytime, but try and keep a smile on my face for them. But I totally do their shots super slow too. I have some pretty strong feelings regarding shots. I don't trust what all the "experts" say about them. My girls go to the same dr. that I grew up going to, so we know eachother real well and he has been super sweet and supportive of my shot issues, but he also kinda rolls his eyes at me when I start to get too crazy about them.
You know my opinion on shots. I feel like you should take as long as you want to get them while you control every aspect of their environment. Then when you lose control (for me - it's kindergarten this year) you better get them vaccinated because you don't know what other parents are choosing for their children. Also, with all the immigration we have here I would never take any chances.
All that aside, practically every disease that we vaccinate for can be treated fairly reasonably now with other medications. And with as often as you are at the Dr. I'm sure no disease they would get would go unnoticed!:)
On to my rude comment for the day: Good thing we don't live in in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wisconsin. Sucks for them!
I spread out shots too, especially the MMR one. I wait until they are 2, too. That Autism thing scares me. And I like to wait just in case.
If I had it my way, I wouldn't even give immunizations, but then I worry about the flip side too. I have some friends that were vaccinated for the chicken pox when they were little and now they have the chicken pox! And with a brand new baby in the house! Can you imagine. I guess vaccines aren't fail proof.
Vaccines also have me torn. I have battled them also ever since I became a mom.
Last week I was so intrigued by Larry Kings show with Jenny Mccartney on autisim, very, very interesting. I think it is going to be amazing down the road to find out all the "real" pros and cons of vaccinations. Of course we need to vaccinate, but really, are we all educated on what is going iside are children, I will be honest, I sure am not.
You know me, I have been spreading them out since day 1. Actually going tomorrow for little B to get one more! It just makes me feel better to be lessening my chances for anything to go wrong.
Give your kids Briar Rose 3 days before and after the shots to boost their immune systems. It's herbal and totally safe. This whole vaccine thing has been my biggest challenge as a parent. Some shots are made with formaldahyde or aborted fetuses--it's CRAZY!! We only got the HIB and DtP shots for Daegan and we wait a month longer than requested. Jenny McCarthy is trying to get a new recommended shot schedule approved. I am going to amazon right now and ordering you 2 books that are AMAZING! The "Vaccine Book" by Robert Sears (love him) and "
Childhood Vaccinations" by Lauren Feder MD. Also ordering you one more called "Natural Baby & Childcare"- it's my FAV! Its a book on homeopathy! Good luck Sum!xoxo You're such a good mommy!
My good friend Abby just got back from an autism conference in NJ that really focused on Vaccines. You should look at her blog and read all of the crazy things that she learned about. It really makes you think!
i chose only a select few to give kaia and didnt allow kardiff to be vacinated at all because of all the research i did on them after i heard about the link of autism and vaccines in males. and i will just sign the release's in order for them to go to school. anyways if all of a sudden there is a return or outbreak of one of these illnesses my kids wont be going to school anyways! i do think it is ludacris that a dr. would give all those shots in one appointment that they attempted to give my son! and im right there with the crying thing! in fact im trying to mentally prepare myself for friday already when my 2 year old has to be put UNDER for a ct scan... uhhhh! the joys of motherhood.
I'm definitely not as paranoid as you about shots but I hate it when my children have to get them. In fact, Weston just had his 18 month check up and I was so excited because he wasn't due for any shots. One scary story... there is a 18 yr old girl in my ward who received a wrong vaccination as a baby or too much or something but she is mentally retarded from it. It is really sad. Her family won a huge settlement from it and have been well off ever since but REALLY sad! NOT WORTH THE MONEY! Not to scare you more. But I love the pics of your girls at Disneyland. Berkley is looking so grown up.
are you kidding me. i cry like a freaking baby when my kids get shots. and half the time THEY don't even cry. it's pathetic. i had a traumatizing event happen with needles when i was little though (had to get a shot in my forehead), so i've always been deathly afraid of them. i get major anxiety when i see them.
I obviously have very different opinions because my husband is a doctor. having seen him go through 4 years of medical school and than 4 years of residency - all the studying and research doctors do it astounding. How many of us are willing to go through that many years of studying? Granted doctors don't know everything and I don't think they profess to know everything. I agree you have to do what you feel is best for your child and doing a slow schedule with vacinations sounds really good, but it also can be quite ignorant to not do anything at all as well, do you really know and have you spent as much time understanding why we vacinate like most doctors understand and are confident in because of all their studying? Honestly we don't know exactly what causes Autism and the research is still going on, it is easy to make blanket statements without having full understanding. Sometimes I think doctors get to much wrap which amazes me, unless you have been through or have seen all that doctors go through in order to help us out . . .wow, sorry I had to write this.
Ok, now I feel like the only person who totally trusted her pediatrician to give Ava whatever she thought was best. Guess I should do more research. I just love my pediatrician and totally trust her. I know it's also different with boys and girls too.
p.s. You know when you see someone get hurt and you can't help but laugh? That's kind of how I get when Ava gets shots. I probably laugh to keep myself from crying. But when her mouth is open and nothing is coming out because it takes like 5 minutes for the cry to actually come I can't help but giggle.
It's official, I'm a horrible mother.
We just had our kindergarten physical and they have to be up to date on all immunizations, hearing/eye test, etc. They had to get 4 shots each, a urine test and blood drawn...SOOOO awful..we are still recovering from it. I kept a smile and when I got in the car, put on my sunglasses and started crying. I too just give them when my ped. says..I trust him and dont really agree with the autism thing..I just think autism is over diagnosed these days. Out of control child = Autism? Anyway, just my thoughts ; )
I have gone over and over with this and my dad, since I had a little boy and was afraid of everything you hear. The problem i guess they are finding is that because people are choosing now to not vaccinate their children, the chances of major outbreaks are much more likely. It freaks me out that we just trust doctors to pump our kids full of something we don't know much about, but I think the alternative could be much worse. My two cents :) That's the beauty of being a loving parent, we all get to chose what is right for our children.
to the person who wrote about trusting your pediatrician as you should, they are the ones who went through years and years and years of medical school, that is why they went to medical school so they know and understand things that those of us who don't, don't understand. if we want to be the doctors than we should go to medical school
it was great seeing you today!
I totally cry everything landon gets shots, especially when they drew his blood. i'm gonna read that article cause I feel totally uneducated about the whole thing... scary!
I think the amount of aluminum in the shots is almost worse than the trace amounts of mercury. They put way more than our babies bodies can even handle....so sad. Chicken pox has a lifetime immunity once your kid gets it, so I am not getting my kid that shot!
One of my very closest friends AND her husband are doctors. We have talked this issue over. She said she tries to be patient and open-minded with people and their views, but when it comes to immunizations, she has a hard time accepting peoples choice not to. She said if people were only educated about it, they would never miss one. I claim ignorance on the issue, but am with Janice that I trust my doctor and my friend and I'm all for immunizing! Totally stretch it though if that's what makes you comfortable. I have done the same thing!
I have a hard time with this issue too, but I think I have a very different perspective, having been born with a heart problem and having basically grown up putting my life in the hands of doctors and having to trust them completely that they know best.
I have a great relationship with my pediatrition and she has given me great advice. With Payton she was given everything, with Owen I have spread things out a little, but he is still completely up to date. I think that not getting the vaccines has far more consequences than getting them. My pediatrition also said that because of all the media attention autism has been getting it seems to be very common, but in reality she said it isnt, and that they have not linked autism to vaccines at all. On the other hand I think that not every child is created equal and some vaccines may affect others differently.
Anyway, I have a lot more to say but I will leave it at that! That is my two cents!!-Amy
So you totally don't know me, but I'm good friends with Megan Hess. I complelty agree with you worries about shots. My little boy Jospeh has autism and I can't express it enough to really think before we inject these harmful toxins into our perfectly healthy babies. For people who say Vacines are not linked to autism, they need to think again and listen to the Moms. We totally need a better schedule and we need to clean the vacines up and get rid of the ridiculous ones like the chicken pox. We all had the chicken pox when we were younger and probably have a better immune system because of it. Anyways I could go on forever. Sorry to write such a long post but I think you are right to be careful and spread them out. I wish more Mom's were willing to think past what the DR says.
I would love to get contact your neighbor. I need all the help I can get. I'm moving from NY back to AZ in a couple of weeks and am trying to find a new Dr so I would love to hear more about hers. Also, I know who your husband is taking about. Her name is Anney Abney. Actually if you check out my blog the post about Kathy is acutally the Abney family and Anney is in it. Our families are best friends and people always mix me up since my name is Abby and there last name is Abney. I totally rememeber Bryan but he would have no clue who I was. I am couple of years younger then him and lived a couple of houses down from the Stapleys and was good friends with Kippy so I was always over there and so was he. Anyways, funny how its such a small world. Now back to vacines. A lot of times we acutally get immune right after the first shot but they don't bother testing to see they just keep injecting. You have to ask them to test to see if they are immune or not. But I wouldn't worry to much you waited a lot longer then most people, but it's awesome that you are so aware. Nothing is going to be done until us Mom's demand it and stop being bullied by our Drs. They are having a ralley in DC in June about this. Hopefully this might wake some people up. It is so frustrating to watch this happen. I think you are doing awesome though by waiting and spreading them out. I'm going to do a vacine post with lost of info and wesites to go to soon. So I'll let you know when I do. I lose sleep over thinking about my friends vacinating so much. I just don't want any of them to have the life that I have, when they don't have too.
I could go on and on about this since it was a big part of my major in college, but basically I agree with you. Micah hasn't had any shots yet, but eventually I will get a few for him before he goes to school. There are all sorts of nasty things in those vaccines. Did you know there is formaldehyde in them? As for cry with him, I probably will. I hate to see my baby in pain!
for someone who used to GIVE immunizations to babies, i am right there with you on the tearing up when my own gets them! and i agree, there are WAY too many. 10+ years ago, when i was a medical assistant, we'd only give 2 at a time, that's it... now it's like 4!!!!! i've spread rowan's out too and he's "way behind" according to the IZ schedule... but i have to admit, i'm a bit paranoid about the whole autistic connection too... especially w/boys. so, i agree with you and also feel like my ped thinks i'm cuckoo.
oh! and when i was 22 years old, i got the measles (after having my regular MMRs throughout my life)... it was AWFUL! and apparently traced back to the late 70s-early 80s where there were "bad batches" of MMR vaccines causing in the late 90s outbreaks of measles... it was nuts! i could go on forever, i'm very opinionated about this too...
I worked for a lady with an autistic child and told me of all of her vaccine issues. It is smart to be careful and informed when it comes to them. I HATE them and have some serious funny stories of when my kids have gotten them... mostly because Lexi turns into a rabid beast and one time she got out of the room and took off down the hall and out of the office running from me! It was a nightmare.
I am so nervous about having this baby and starting up with the vaccines. I didn't have to worry as much with Kalli (or I guess there wasn't the same scare that there is now). It was nice to get others points of views. I think I will be spacing mine out. So scary!
I don't have enough time to get into it - but I'm pretty anti shots. I still give them, but I wait on some. Owen just got his MMR at 3 1/2 and he was suppose to get it at 12 months....
Go to askdrsears.com. he has a new book out about an 'alternative vaccine schedule'. He is on the same page about spreading them out over five years! Check it out.
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