Bryan took a picture of his sign on TV!

He also took one of Seacrest loving the sign!

Me and my sister in front of CBS studio!

The studio!

Posing with Mrs. Archuleta! Doesn't she look SO young?

* With out even thinking about it... I did something really dumb. Brooke White's husband looked over at me and I lifted up the sleeve of my dress and said "G's"! He laughed and then stared at the group of us dorky moms the whole show... I felt so stupid and kept wondering why I would do that!
* Simon winked at us a few times through out the taping and then came over to shake our hands after the show. We were screaming loud for him and my crush is even BIGGER now! Nice guy and the man boobs are smaller in person.
* "Girls Next Door" Bridget and I made eye contact during a commercial break and then waved at each other like we were old time friends (I wish). She is beautiful and seemed sweet. I have always liked her the best of Hugh's girlfriends. P.S. She also doesn't wear underwear... enough said...
* Seacrest seeing Bryan's Man Crush sign and laughing at it on TV.
* Paula walking over to us during a commercial and giving us hugs.
* Randy asking Maryam twice if that was his baby in her belly!
* Paula near tripping off the stage after her embarrassing episode of thinking that Jason Castro had sung two songs already! It was VERY awkward in the studio. Nigel (the guy from "So you think you can dance" who is also the A.I. producer) was freaking out!
* Seeing my old cheer advisor from High School in the VIP seats right next to Rita Wilson and then Paula going over to her and saying HI and giving her a kiss. WHAT? How are they BFF's?
* Talking to David Archuleta's mom after the show and her telling us how much she LOVES living in Utah and how David's "Mission" is to sing! Sweet lady....
I AM DYING LAUGHING ABOUT THE G's!!! SERIOUSLY? I always do dumb things and then wonder why I did that! I bet Brooke's husband was dying laughing inside too! Of course Simon was staring at you girls and are all stinking CUTE! And how in the world do you know that Bridget doesn't wear underwear??? That's NASTY! LOL :-) Glad you girls had fun!!!
I'm glad you got in this time and even got such fab seats! Cate always asks me why Haven's mom is so lucky!!!
hey summer... first post to your blog. love your idol details. I saw your sign on TV and wondered, where is summer? later on, I spotted you girls on the floor and then it all made sense! did you get to hang out with jason outside again? ;) we are going next tues with our reject passes-- can't wait!
should have signed off... e would be elizabeth.
Total fun. I noticed your sign and got excited. Do you hate me if we reschedule tomorrow???
it was cute when Ryan noticed the sign and giggled on camera. We all knew what he was referring to! I saw the heart bleeds sign once too! Looked like fun! Now its time for Brooke to go home.
such a fun night. I can't stop thinking about it. What show are we going to next??? xoxo
we saw your sign we were laughing...i am feeling bad for bryan at home...hope he calls today and gets through! yOu guys are soo funny! so did Paula get yelled at or what?
I totally saw your posters... my husband and I were dieing!!! we kept on rewinding it... but who was holding the signs...and where were you in relation to them???? I have it taped so I would totally to back and see if I can see you...and lastly...where did you get your darling dress...I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!
Glad your signs made it on air.
I'm sure your "uncomfortable" moment with Brooke's husband wasn't as bad as Paula's LIVE comment.
I almost bought that dress in Chicago but I thought it was too see through. Guess not. I guess I'll have to look for it next week. I'm with you on Simon...minus the man boobs. There is something about him.
SUMMER! I saw the sign...hilarious!!! I will have to go back and watch it again to see if I can see you next to Simon. I will talk to you today and get the full scoope.
I saw the sign and I rewinded it about 10 times! I was laughing so hard! I love love love love love it! How awesome is that? You all look so cute! David Archuleta's mom is so tiny and looks soooo young! You are so funny! I always do things in the moment and I am like, ummmmmm what did I just do? But he probly thought it was funny! How fun! Now you can tell your grandkids that you got to go and be on IdoL!
what a fun night. I loved the sign! And yes how embarrassing for Paula for messing up. How bad was Brooke White's first song? seirously!
I hope my mom recorded it. How did I forget to watch? I was having contractions, so those can be distracting! Gosh, I just want to live a day in the life of Summer, does the party ever stop?
Looks like you had a good time friend. Man, you need to move to LA. You seem to be there alot!!!! Just teasing you girl!
Summer, I saw you! I knew somehow you would be on T.V. and I was right. Of course how could I miss your sign. So glad it worked out this time.
oh summer. I can just picture myself doing the whole "g's" thing. I do that kind of crap ALL the time, then think back and wonder what the heck I was thinking. I love it!
I am living vicariously through you on this post because I would LOVE to go to AI. so jealous!
Thanks for the update on Simon's man boobs. Seriously...why has he gotten sexier and sexier?
I saw your sign last night and screamed out loud. Your seats were AWESOME! So jealous. What a way fun thing to do. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one by a long shot who always seems to say things I regret either. The best part of that is.. it probably all gave a good laugh and smile on their face the rest of the night. I love our mormon world.. especially when you can make small connections like that ;) ha!
this is hillarious! I love it, How fun for you guys. I will have to go back and look for you guys.
go back to the high school advisor thing.... who was the advisor? Did she say hi to you?
Marc and I took a double take on the sign! We paused it trying hard to pick you out of the crowd! What a memory for you all. Who is your favorite A.I. How awesome does David sound in real life?
The advisor was named Leesa Bellesi... Bryan and I actually live 4 houses down from where she lived when she was my advisor in High school. She was my sister's too. She did not recognize us... it has been years. I do see her daughter around town though.. she is my age. I assume Leesa knows Paula through dance somehow? Who is anonymous by the way?
How fun! I love that your sign was on TV!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!! What a fun experience! I love that Simon winked at all of you guys. That is great! Glad you had fun!
What crazy fun you always have. Saw the signs and loved them. Perez Hilton and TMZ said Paula had a martini with lunch but her rep said that wasn't true...that would have explained the comment and the trip up. Poor thing. So glad you got up close and personal with your undercover crush Simon.
P.S. I'm so glad to see I'm not the only one who goes to Zoomar a bit overdressed.
i just wrote a long comment and hank deleted it!!! anyway, in a nutshell, that was sooo much fun, and the best part is that your grandma thought that you were one of the Girls Next Door and that you got a ton of facetime, well, you are more beautiful, so it's a compliment to Bridgette...i just wanna know where Simon goes tanning? i love that fresh out of the oven, red lobster look! can you please remind me next time to NOT dance like such a dork...who am I, Paula? No, i am just the "little old lady from pasadena"! amanda
Amanda... You stole the show last night. I could see you practically the whole time. And I wish you weren't a liar! There is no way I look like Bridgette (or am more beautiful). You and Paula have been taking something together! It is SO funny that my grandma called me and thought I was Bridgette. Leave it to Grandmas to have no clue! So funny.
spuds, i stole the "carnival-freak" show, are you kidding me? spuds, i am the leader of the circus people after last night, no wonder i attract them! and as for paula and i, of course we have, it's called a little shot of crazy! but, seriously, you are so much prettier than any of those chicks, spuds, my mom told hillary and i you looked like a "movie-star" on tv, but all she said about me is that she saw me bobbing my head and slapping my thigh, what am i a dang monkey? me and neil diamond both!!! amanda
Amanda... your dancing made my night. Especially once I saw it on TV... I felt like you were at a WHAM concert! And what is your mom talking about? I was not even on TV! Her and my grandma are in the same category about having "no Clue"! Love them both though....
I went to the park with my friend today whose husband works with Brooke White's husband and I told her your "G" story and she was going to have her husband mention it to BW's husband David. I will let you know what he says!! I completely forgot that you were going last night and Brian actually spotted the sign! So glad you had an amazing time!
I did see your sign! I had read your last week's post and then when I saw the sign I was like, "Cam that is Summer's sign!" We rewound it and saw you all after Brooke's performance. What a fun night! Looks and sounds like you had a ton of fun! I laughed so hard with what you did with Brooke's husband! LOL! Sometimes getting all star struck really messes us up! Funny!
What a fun night for you girls! Glad you had a blast!
I saw Bryan's sign and was wondering who was holding it!!!! I am dying about the "G's"...CLASSIC!! Sounds like a blast!
I'm bummed I missed your sign. I am cracking up about the "G" story! How awkward was Paula's mess up? Love that Simon came and talked to you and of course Randy had a crush on Maryam. You need to be famous... wait I think you are!!
that is soooo funny! way to be gals
So did Bryan get on Seacrest today?
wham bam i am....the little old lady from pasadena
Summer, you are so funny! I love the highlights, especially the G's comment. I can't believe that was Bryan's sign! Johnny and I thought that was the funniest thing ever, we both cracked up when we saw that. How did you score those tickets??? That is the best show! I am a huge fan too.
I am so glad you cute girls had fun! I was so sad to miss it! We will be going to So You Think You Can Dance soon!!! I love all your highlights! Randy's crush on Maryam is priceless! As well as your garmie flashing!
Fun! You guys are too silly. I am just glad that Brooke White is gone. I guess now she can star in her own production of "Forgotten Carols!" Idiot.
I don't understand the fascination with the girlfriend of a porn guy though.
OH my gosh, I am peeing my pants about the "G's" comment. Awesome. I also love how you guys brought the "man crush" sign. My husband and I laughed about that one all night. You lucky girl!
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