Although we didn't go anywhere for Spring Break, we still had fun! The weather was crummy at first and then got beautiful toward the end of the week. Here are some highlight pics:
Neighborhood get together with our favorite gal Patti!
BBQ at the Ridds!

Haven was scared of the Rollarcoaster at D-land. We went again to get use out of our passes.

Utah/ California Women's Conference
A run in with my old roommate Sarah
Beach... Bry and I used to babysit these boys when they were in high school. L.C. and Lo were down there too.

What to get the B-day girl who has everything but LOVES Sprinkles? Oh... a knitted cupcake of course!

Rock Band with our old neighbors

Your table spread with amazing food looks wonderful!!!
Looks like tons of fun! Glad you had a good spring break!
I want a sprinkles RIGHT NOW! CUW was fun! Thanks for coming! I love you girls! By the way I love that pic of berks with the corn! I go to the doc tomorrow I will call you!
You have got to stop teasing me with the pictures of Sprinkles cupcakes. I still have not had one and you are making them very tempting! I also am beginning to think you guys keep a supply of princess dresses in the car so Haven can dress up on a whim!
Rachel... Haven wished we had some in our car. Luckily all of her friends seem to have ample supplies of them too!!! Just wait until you have a girl....
sounds like a fun spring break. I love the picture of Haven freaking out about the rollercoaster. I just took Taylor on that same Rollercoaster last week and she was freaking out while we were on it and said she didn't want to go on it ever again!
What cute photos! What roller coaster is that at Disneyland? We are so excited to get down there! Love-Kira
What cute photos! What roller coaster is that at Disneyland? We are so excited to get down there! Love-Kira
I don't think I've ever seen you wear a hat before! Cute!!!
Wow! I must be behind in checking your blog...or you've updated a lot in a little time! Looks like a fun spring break! Maybe we should meet up soon?! Disneyland? SCP?
What a fun spring break! I love all the pictures! So, I noticed some hair bows in the background of your utah/california women's conference picture. Did they have them there? Do they have a website that I could go to? They look so cute! And I am all about bows! Glad you had a great week!
Laura- I had no choice with the hat. I needed something to cover the 4 day un-washed hair! I don't understand why it is so hard for me to do my hair.
That looks like fun. We stayed home too and it was so fun being home and doing whatever we wanted. The best was the weekend. The best beach day ever!
I love that Berks glasses are not set straight. oh, everything went well at the doc. they did another ultrasound and the baby is growing proportionatly and looks just fine. so alot of relief. thank goodness
Um, LC and Lo were at the beach and you didn't get a pic with them? I'm surprised! :P Sum, your legs are the skinniest ever- you are one hot mama!
love all your pics. I am pretty sure that I look nasty in that one on your lawn, though. Bummer! I keep telling myself that big glasses DO look good on me. J/k! It was so fun hanging witcha on Sat. Love being around you, SumThack!
'bills' and chris, ha!
and i like the girls' shades at the beach too.
missed u at the bay, saw your dad, dont know where u were?? saw lc and lo too and chris too. r u going down this weekend?
looks like you are having fun. I love your girls in their shades. Too cute!
spuds, the cupcake picture has gotta go, i look like i have had one too many and like i need to go to 3 arch with you and lc and now jt and get a tan...my fav picture of your whole spring break is of you playing rock star, you look so serious and nonchalant at the same time. i love you and had a great week too! amanda
Summer, it was so great to see you on Saturday! I wish we had more time to catch up. You would have just died if you would have stayed for the performance! It was just too much. My stomach hurt from laughing!
Looks like you guys had a great spring break!
A big Happy birthday to Amanda! She is just too fun. I miss her & would love to all get together sometime.
One more thing... I know I am going to be watching the Hills one day and see you on it. I am just waiting for that moment!
I'm totally laughing that I see my sisters more on your blog than anywhere else! Maybe I need to get up there more.
Fun weekend! Love the pics of your girls eating corn. Always so cute!
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