My Mom and her Mom
Today my mom turns 51 and looks great. She is an amazing person and I love her. Here are some things about my mom:
* She is kind to all!
* I never hear her say bad things about people. She always looks for the best in everyone.
* She can rack up a dental bill like no other. Poor mom and her teeth!
* She HATES to fly and rarely will. In some cases if forced... medication is required. I must get this from her.
* She LOVES Rod Stewart, Michael Love from the Beach Boys and most recently Jon Bon Jovi. She really asked my Dad for tickets to his concert. Will she get them? And will my sister and I be going? Come on Dad!
* She grew up with a 100% Italian Mom who taught her how to make a mean Mostacolli dish!
* She is an only child and is the only member of the Church in her family.
* She walks every day and does Yoga 2 times a week.
* She has ran over two dogs. Both were two of our past Bishop's dogs! What are the chances?
* She taught Piano the whole time we were growing up!
* She LOVES Frozen Bananas!
* She has dreams and goals and accomplished them.
* Her favorite store is J.Crew! All the managers know her and send her B-day and Christmas cards. She has been known to buy them B-day gifts in the past too!
* She was Homecoming Queen, Prom Queen, Student Body President, Captain of the Cheer squad and Valedictorian in High School. She received a full ride scholarship to USC but never used it. Her dad thought it was in a bad part of town. Shortly after graduating High School, she married my Dad.
* She loves and worries about her kids and grandkids every day!
---- Happy Birthday Bethers! Have fun at Conference on your special day!----
i love bethers! happy birthday! even though my sweet dog was one of the victims of he driving, he was the cutest 3 legged dog you've ever seen after the amputation!! i still love you! one more thing i would add to the the list is that she remembers everything about everyone. she could probably tell you what i got for christmas when i was 16...i love it!!!!
Ours was the other dog... and he, fortunately, kept all four legs. Beth was the best piano teacher... my primary presidency thanks her (I just got called to Primary Pianist because I'm one of the only people in our ward who plays.)
Happy Birthday!!!
Wiley was Beth's second victim. But he survived after surgery to insert a pin in his hip and a plate in his pelvis. Gaye Rios recently saw Wiley walking with his current owner down at Capo Beach. He is fat and sassy and still walking slightly sideways. All's well that ends well. Happy Birthday.
happy birthday to the best mom and nonny. we love you! tanner, kate, reese and beck
Happy Birthday, Beth! Lots of good memories with her! Tell her I said hello!
Happy birthday beth! your cute mamma had on this adorable j crew dress the other week at church and of course i told her how cute it was! she always looks so cute n stylish at church i enjoy checking out her outfits each week!
the dog thing is hilarious! real sweet blog full of fun facts & memories. I have met Beth!!!
Summer: You made me cry! Thank-you for your sweet words and everyone else for their kind thoughts and birthday wishes. I am so lucky to have such dear people in my life!!!!!!!
P.S. To the Lark and Bruce family...Thank-you for forgiving me for running over your sweet pets.( I have still not forgiven myself)
Ahh, I too LOVE your mom! Of course I've always known her, but I got to know her so much better this past year during Savior of the World and she is so thoughtful, sweet, considerate of others and so so hip! I think Summer you get your great taste from your Mom! She is always so put together and has such a beautiful smile on her face each time you see her. She also gives great hugs and knows how to give a girl a good compliment! She always made me feel better about myself!
Happy Birthday Sister Garlock!! :)
Your mom really is one of my favorite people in the world! She is awesome!
Happy Birthday to sweet Beth, she makes everyone smile!!! I remember when i first moved to Capo and she was my Mia Maid advisor for a little while. Wow, I've know you guys for a long time!!!
Sounds like a pretty neat lady! Can you get serious with meeting Jon Bon Jovi??? That's just too out of control!
Beth, you look more beautiful every year, surprising that you don't have more gray hairs from Summer and I smearing chocolate pudding all over your house, maraschino cherries on your carpet, and all the other crazy things we tortured you with, thanks for putting up with me all these years (and for being there for me when I got my 1st period, when Carol was out of town), I love you like a mom! Love, Mo Mo
that was an awesome post about your mom, Summer! It is no wonder why you and Katie are as darling and outgoing as you are. I haven't gotten to know your mom as well I want to, but now it's my mission cause she is just too good to miss out on. I know Ann talks about her like she is an angel. Happy Birthday, Sister Garlock!
What a sweet tribute to your mom Summer!
"Pretty good?" She looks fantastic! I hope I can look "pretty good" when I'm her age too. I'm surprised noone else has called you on that one!
Beth, we too have grown to love you like a mom. Maybe we didn't smear cherries on your carpet, but we love you still the same! You truly are a beautiful woman. Always thoughtful and kind. Well, that is to those of us don't have 4 legs and love fire hydrants! :)
We love you! Happy Birthday! The Tuckers!
Happy Birthday, Beth! I haven't seen you in years but have great memories of you and your sweetness and cuteness!
Happy Birthday Summer's Mom! What a fun post!
Happy Birthday, Beth! I don't think there is anybody in this world nicer than your mom! I really do love her!
Happy Birthday Aunt Beth!!! Hope your day was wonderful!!
Beth...you don't look a day over 31! Seriously, you have aged VERY well. Dayna is one luck man :) Happy Birthday.
So fun that our mom's share the same birthday! Hope her day was fabulous! She is such a neat and fun lady!
Your Mom is beautiful... I wonder where her children get it from?? Fun to read facts about her. I love MOMS!
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