This drink just came out in Japan and it actually looks pretty good. It's like the water they give you at Day Spas with some carbonation added. I hope that it makes it's way to the United States.... I would like to try it. Would anyone else drink this?
NO! Ewww.
Allison... you're joking! YUMMY!
I like anything with the letters p-e-p-s-i in them. I will cross my fingers. Are you going to post the finds from the sale? Looking forward to it. Thanks again!
Looks refreshing!
Um...DYING over the darling stuff you got me!!! and thanks for getting stuff for my sista too! you are so sweet!
Can't wait to get it in the mail. We'll send out your moola tomorrow!
It looks so refreshing. I love cucumber water! The best though (the montage trick) water with mint and lemon or lime and strawberry water! It sounds weird but it is really good! I promise! Oh and summer I think I will be home for the summer! I am trying to figure everything out. It depends on a lot of things!
I will try anything with PEPSI on it...you know I was raised on the stuff...
Looks disgusting, cucumber soda!!??!! No thank you!
i love you spuds, i think it looks really good actually, allison & laura you are hilarious
Look Goo! I'll try anything from Pepsi.
Always a fan
With a straw and crunchy ice and I'm in.
Well on one hand, I think it would be good if it's anything like the water at Burke Williams. However, I'm not sure if I'd like the carbonation with that combo. I'll have to agree with Tracy and say anything's good with yummy ice and a straw.
Oooh, I would love a swig of that right now! Definitely LOOKS refreshing. Still jealous of all your days at the beach.
Yeah, it looks somewhat refreshing. Hopefully it will come here. The only way I would not drink it is if it is sweet. How do you find these things??
If its from Pepsi, it's probably good. I'm definately a Pepsi girl, the cucumber is a little interesting so we'll see!
I am a little scared! I don't know if I could try it!
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