Happy Birthday Mo! You have made my life SO much fun and entertaining! I have loved being friends with you for over 20 years! From playing on the same soccer team and rooming at EFY together to going to the same College and now having our kids play! Thanks for all the laughs... Here are some of my favorite moments with you:
* You heading the ball the wrong direction every soccer game.
* Our encounter with a Potato Bug which we thought was an alien sent to us from another planet.
* Our matching bright yellow Rollar blades we got on Christmas morning.
* Cruising in Ricky D.'s mercedes boat listening to "Money for nothing and your chicks for free"!
* Our sensitivity about Spiders after watching Arachnophobia. Later you would joke by telling me that there was a spider on my arm while we were carrying a box for my mom. I dropped it and stained my mom's carpet with bright red cherry juice!
* Your hilarious Arnold Schwartznegger stories from when you lived there as the nanny. "AHH-MAAAN-DAHH" in his accent.
* Summers with our Wild Rivers Season Passes!
* Alan... our disappearing Piano teacher!
* Your yellow diesel mercedes that you had to plug in up at Utah State.
* Dancing to our routine of "Can't touch this" by MC Hammer.
* Our Sprinkles bi-weekly trips. While there, a Russian man yelling to us, "Red Velvet... the rest are for rookies!"
LOVE YOU and hope that your day is a great one!!! Many of you know this crazy girl so if you want to leave your favorite memory of her... I think she would have fun reading them.
I'll always remember Maria Shriver calling my house to get a recommendation for Amanda. Although we only played phone tag and never actually talked, I kept her personal phone number in my phone book for a time. You were a great babysitter when we left town. Thanks. And Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Amanda!
I loved having you for a roommate at USU. You were always so fun and defintely brought alot of excitement to our apartment! Remember that crazy police officer? You were such a great and loyal friend to me. I am still waiting for you to email me.
Oh the memories I have with Amanda! I wish I could hang out with her more. This summer, I want to hang out with her so much more. A few memories:
Hide and seek in the dark!!
Vegas for In-n-out
Stealing the 400 pound ladder from that house to try to break back into the house
Singing camp songs trying to stay awake on the way back from Wyndover.
Amanda telling me she would pay me 50 bucks to write her paper. Yeah right, not for crazy teacher lady
Having her dye my hair bergundy and then telling people to tell me it looked good (which it did not)
Her paying to fix my hair (or maybe that was her dad!!!!)
I love you Amanda! Please call me so we can hang out. I got your step stool!!!
I totally remember the light yellow Mercedes, you could hear it coming from a mile away! I love Amanda- Happy Birthday girl!!!!!!
I love Amanda! I have truly enjoyed getting to know her in our ward and I am so lucky to have her as my visiting teacher. Joey has known her for a long time too. I am so happy to have her as a friend!
Happy Birthday, Amanda! I love that everytime I see you you always say something super nice to make me feel good about myself. You do that for everyone! I wish we got to hang out more often. Hope you had a great day felt as special as you are. You are seriously one of my favorite persons!
Oh Mo.. the good ole' days. Cruising in the old volvo in Marbella that I SWEAR you drove with your right and left foot at the same time, hitting fire hydrants every other week, your 1000 shades of red lipstick that we'd wear, your obsession with witchhazel, Ricky D and the damn ball, endless soccer games with backward headers, and just that there was never a dull moment around you. Miss ya, next time I am down hopefully this time you wont be a stranger. Love ya, Ash
Mo Mo happy b-day. I love the cupcakes you get me. love, Reese
Happy b-day Mo. we love you and are so glad you live so close to us. You are like a sister and such a great friend. love, kate
Happy Birthday Amanda!
Love you Moe!!!!!!
Happy B-day Amanda! I haven't seen you for such a long time - remember the good ol' days at St. Margaret's? I used to love playing with you! Would be fun to see you again sometime! :-)
The anonymous with no name was from my mom... she just called me and wanted you to know it was from her.
how'd i get so lucky? to have a whole post dedicated to me! thank you to everyone, especially summer for all those sweet/hilarious things you said! i had a great little trip down memory lane, as you all know, i am a the worst at keeping in touch, (obviously, it took me until tonight to respond!) but you ALL have been such wonderful, fun, special parts of my life that i always remember and think about often, i love you! and p.s. spuds, you forgot to mention that you locked me on my windowsill in my sports bra and underwear during our "can't touch this" routine! p.s.s. how did i get so old? i can't believe i have three kids! amanda
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