Who knew that Haven had a thing for boys in white shirts, ties and missionary badges? These nice fellows came over for dinner the other night and I have never seen Haven show off more! She kept saying things like, "Hey guys... do you wanna come jump on the trampoline with me?", "I can do the monkey bars... wanna see?" or "Do you want to come push me on the swing?" And it didn't stop there. The whole time we were eating she was staring at them and saying silly things that she normally does not. It was like she wanted them to notice her so bad. It was pretty funny to watch her in action. I think this picture explains everything! I was trying to remember when my 1st crush was and I can remember Jimmy Sanchez from kindergarden. If my memory is correct (which I sadly think it is) I believe that I pushed him into a cubby hole and kissed him. Was this too early to be kissing boys? Probably so. Can you remember when your 1st crush was?
What better guys to have crushes on than the missionaries! I saw cute Haven's picture at Hush Baby the other day! Total Celeb!
that picture is TOO perfect! Watch out...she's gunna be a heart-breaker! My 1st crush was in 2nd grade on a kid who was probably wearing a Gotcha sweatshirt and pegged jeans with a mullet...gotta love the 80's!
Honestly, I think Andrew!
Ani- we SO thought you and Andrew would get married later in life... this was of course when you guys were like 6!!!
Wow, blast from the PAST! I am a friend of Bryan's from jr. high! Ha! Blog hoppin' (good friends with Shell), and saw the name, thought" hmmm, I wonder if it's Bryan?" And it is! What an adorable family you guys have! I'd say it's a pretty good start for your little girl (her crush).:P Let's hope she keeps her standards that high!:)
When I was probably 3 or 4, I remember sitting on my brother's friend's lap playing with his hair. His mom was my sunbeam teacher. His name was Darren. Ahhh, Darren Kelso. Takes me back! He was probably about 17 at the time.
I can't remember an actual "crush" though until I moved to MA in HS. I had it pretty bad for a guy name Mike. Man, I would get called on in class and I seriously was not paying attention at all because I was drooling over this guy. (Like in the movies) I feel like such a fool now at the way I acted but, come on! I was 15! He lost his magic though after we made out. Something about the chase...
I totally remember my first crush....3rd grade. Jared Donkersly. I'll never forget chasing him at recess and taking his hat-lol. I hope Quincy doesn't start liking boys for a long, long time. Highschool maybe.
real cute!!!
I had a crush on my sunday school teacher, Brother Love that was his name no kidding! He moved and I made him a pie and my mom drove me to his house to deliver it and say goodbye!
4th grade - mrs morrison's class - adrienne chavaria. ask bryan. and yes, he was mexican.
I remember my first crush in kindergarten also. His name was Warren. I can also remember loving it when the missionaries came over for dinner. At least she is making good choices on her crushes. Good job, Haven!
That is so cute Summer! Macey and Lexi are the same with the missionaries, they LOVE them. Heck I love them too!
I was a little player as a young girl. I loved men! I had a crust on ben when I was like four. He would walk me home and give me a kiss everyday! I know I was a wild child. In second grade I had a crush on cory! I had him wrapped around my finger though! He liked me and brought me flowers to my dance recitals. Those were the days! Dating was a lot easier then. haha! Haven is so funny though! I cannot wait to see you guys next week.
Matt Blasedell in Kindergarten! I definitely wasn't as bold as you were though. I'd just let him chase me around the playground. :)
Looks like she takes after her mother! Too funny you better watch out for her.
my first major crush was michael bewsey i think...brooke and i used to chase him around al recess. he seriously hated us! too funny!!
Good taste Haven. Good taste.
I think my first crush was on twins Brad and Brian. One was my boyfriend in first grade and the other in second. Besides, they bought me a Shera doll and horse. How could I not fall for that?
Paige's first crush was when she was 2 on a boy that was 11. He was sweet and suprised her at her 3rd birthday party with a My Little Poney - she would always smile as he passed the sacrament... luckily she has moved on to boys closer to her age. Watch out for the older boys!
Umm let's see who did I not have a crush on? Ummmm no one. I did have a major crush on all the guys that were in my dad's priest group. I thought they were all the cutest guys ever! I was like 10 probably. I used to love missionaries too! That is so funny! She is a doll!
That is too cute! So funny! Missionaries are great! I love that picture!
Ha ha...That is hilarious! I think that my parents had the same problem with me. I was most flirtatious around the age of 5 or 6. And the missionaries were certainly prime targets!
First Grade...Taylor Mitchell, and last time I saw him he had a mullet (and not in the european stylin kind of way).
Hey Summer, Hey Bryan
It was great to see you at the sample sale! Thank you very much for the Cheesecake Factory card! We took the tribe out to dinner and had a great time! The food was great and we had the biggest brownie ice cream thing we'd ever seen--made pretty quick work of it too!
1st crush? Jollee Jensen in
2nd grade. Blonde hair blue eyes...we would always get in trouble for talking in class. Unfortunately, her family moved to Montana in 3rd grade--1st heartbreak!
Take care,
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