30 April, 2008
I Scream for Ice Cream!!
Not only do I scream for Simon Cowell but of course for Ice Cream too!!! And for 31 cents a scoop how could I not? Baskin Robbins will be donating it's proceeds to the Firefighters this evening from 5-10 pm... I love to eat for a good cause! So, you will know where to find me tonight after my kids are in bed and right before A.I. starts!!! Rocky Road... here I come!

29 April, 2008
2nd times a charm...
So we made it back to American Idol today and had a great time. Although the BEST part of the night was when Bryan saw his sign on TV and kept rewinding to see it. He was also making me laugh when he said he wants to call Ryan Seacrest tomorrow morning on KIIS FM and tell him that he is the one with the man crush. He is so funny! We had great seats. We were standing right next to Simon the whole time. We were not allowed to have signs down where we were so I gave my signs out to people and told them to raise them high and proud.

Highlights of the night:
Bryan took a picture of his sign on TV!

He also took one of Seacrest loving the sign!

Me and my sister in front of CBS studio!

The studio!

Posing with Mrs. Archuleta! Doesn't she look SO young?

* With out even thinking about it... I did something really dumb. Brooke White's husband looked over at me and I lifted up the sleeve of my dress and said "G's"! He laughed and then stared at the group of us dorky moms the whole show... I felt so stupid and kept wondering why I would do that!
* Simon winked at us a few times through out the taping and then came over to shake our hands after the show. We were screaming loud for him and my crush is even BIGGER now! Nice guy and the man boobs are smaller in person.
* "Girls Next Door" Bridget and I made eye contact during a commercial break and then waved at each other like we were old time friends (I wish). She is beautiful and seemed sweet. I have always liked her the best of Hugh's girlfriends. P.S. She also doesn't wear underwear... enough said...
* Seacrest seeing Bryan's Man Crush sign and laughing at it on TV.
* Paula walking over to us during a commercial and giving us hugs.
* Randy asking Maryam twice if that was his baby in her belly!
* Paula near tripping off the stage after her embarrassing episode of thinking that Jason Castro had sung two songs already! It was VERY awkward in the studio. Nigel (the guy from "So you think you can dance" who is also the A.I. producer) was freaking out!
* Seeing my old cheer advisor from High School in the VIP seats right next to Rita Wilson and then Paula going over to her and saying HI and giving her a kiss. WHAT? How are they BFF's?
* Talking to David Archuleta's mom after the show and her telling us how much she LOVES living in Utah and how David's "Mission" is to sing! Sweet lady....
28 April, 2008
A HOT day at the Farm!
Today Haven's pre-school had a field trip at a cute little farm close by. It was a HOT one with temperatures nearing 100 degrees! The children still had fun riding horses, petting goats and sheep (or in Berkley's case... getting attacked by one!) and holding little guinea pigs and bunnies. A few were accidently thrown when scratching got aggressive... and we won't talk about the bunny with the broken neck. I can't even think about it. It makes me sad. But luckily it wasn't anyone from our group of kids. The day trip ended with a train ride there on the farm. Both my girls had a great time!

The kids got to see many interesting things...

27 April, 2008
Weekends are for...
23 April, 2008
After waiting for a while in line today, we ended up not getting into see the show. They had too many VIP's and not enough seating for the general tickets (the guy in charge told us that rarely happens). They gave us guaranteed tickets for next weeks show. So, we will all hopefully be going then. We made a fun night out of the trip to L.A. though and went to eat at Ketchup again. So- I guess we'll have to hang on to those signs until next week!
P.S. Thanks Maryam for getting the tickets. Thanks Annie for driving. Thanks Tristen for working your magic and trying to get us all in by becoming BFF's with every staff member. Thanks Randy Jackson, Pete Wentz and Jack from Project Runway for walking by us in line and making our day more exciting!
21 April, 2008
19 April, 2008
Haven's 1st crush(es)!

Who knew that Haven had a thing for boys in white shirts, ties and missionary badges? These nice fellows came over for dinner the other night and I have never seen Haven show off more! She kept saying things like, "Hey guys... do you wanna come jump on the trampoline with me?", "I can do the monkey bars... wanna see?" or "Do you want to come push me on the swing?" And it didn't stop there. The whole time we were eating she was staring at them and saying silly things that she normally does not. It was like she wanted them to notice her so bad. It was pretty funny to watch her in action. I think this picture explains everything! I was trying to remember when my 1st crush was and I can remember Jimmy Sanchez from kindergarden. If my memory is correct (which I sadly think it is) I believe that I pushed him into a cubby hole and kissed him. Was this too early to be kissing boys? Probably so. Can you remember when your 1st crush was?
17 April, 2008
How does this look? Refreshing?
15 April, 2008
Although we didn't go anywhere for Spring Break, we still had fun! The weather was crummy at first and then got beautiful toward the end of the week. Here are some highlight pics:
Neighborhood get together with our favorite gal Patti!
BBQ at the Ridds!

Haven was scared of the Rollarcoaster at D-land. We went again to get use out of our passes.

Utah/ California Women's Conference
A run in with my old roommate Sarah
Beach... Bry and I used to babysit these boys when they were in high school. L.C. and Lo were down there too.

What to get the B-day girl who has everything but LOVES Sprinkles? Oh... a knitted cupcake of course!

Rock Band with our old neighbors

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