The night Bryan left to pick up Gordon... he made me sign a contract. In that contract it basically said that I would have to do EVERYTHING for the dog! Bryan would simply just pet and play with him at his convenience. AND, so far this has all been true. I can report to you today that Bryan has never taken him out to the bathroom, picked up poo, walked him, fed him, bathed him, etc.! I have done everything myself. It has not been hard. I have fallen for this little Teddy Bear faced poodle. He has become a great joy in our home! The girls LOVE him and are gentle with him.
A few more updates on Gordon:
*He sleeps in with me (in my bed)
*He has never had an accident in the house... he always waits to go outside
*He lets the girls kiss and pet him
*He will NEVER run away from my side. In fact when I take him out... I never have to have a leash on him.
* He always wants to cuddle
I feel like we really lucked out with this sweet dog. He is amazing and I am so glad that we decided to get him. It has not been hard at all! I am so glad about that b/c I was a little scared it would change our lives. So far, only for the better. I feel like he just fits here with us so perfectly. Here are some pictures from Gordon B.'s first bath I gave him while Bryan was at his "Tuesday night/ Man Night"....
A little unsure at first

Cutest face ever (don't look too close at this pic b/c he may get embarrassed his man part is semi showing)

Dry again and fluffy! Not to mention smelling like a million bucks!

Relaxed and ready for bed!

Come on! Is this not a cute dog? I have turned into a dog person! I never imagined myself getting excited to go into Petsmart! And maybe I did buy his Halloween costume today. And so what if I maybe ordered this...
and this too!
Love the camo jacket. So what is he going to be for Halloween? Does it go with what the girls are going to be? He will be so cute walking sown the strett Trick-O-Treating.
Okay that pic of him standing on the tub is hilarious! I swear he still looks fake.
Love it!!
ok, so at first i have to admit i thought poodles were kinda ugly, but yours is REALLY cute. i have never seen one look like him, and he does look like he has a cute little personality. im glad the dog thing has not been hard for you. i want a dog, but my husband would totally make me sign a contract too.... and with 2 still in diapers, i feel like i have enough poo to take care of right now.... maybe someday...
Summer, you are cracking me up with your dog loving self! I am so glad that it is going so well. I love that Bryan made you sign a contract! Too funny!
Oh Summer, you are too funny. The bathrobe kills me. Do you really need a bath rob for your dog?
Maevis, of course I don't need the bathrobe for him. It just makes life a little more fun for me. And how silly is it? I love silly and love things that make me laugh. This will make me laugh every time I see him wear it! And he did shiver quite a bit when he was wet.... I don't want to make Gordito uncomfortable. He may be my only boy!
gordito is a cute little fluff ball. how about you ship him up to utah for a couple days and he can visit all your fellow blog viewers and stay with me?
That is hilarious!! You are right, that bath robe will make you laugh every time you see it!
He has a sweet little face. And ps. Jim has told me the same thing--I can get a dog but he let me know that he will be doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for the dog. That pretty much put it on the back burner for awhile for me. :) But I'm glad you two are so blissfully happy together. :)
He looks like a person in the the picture getting out of the tub. An ugly wet person. When my dog was wet, I swear it was like a big huge rat was running around our house. I'm sad he didn't like the hair dryer. How stinking cute is he all dry and perched on top of the pillow?
What a good dog! I'm glad I came around! =)
that is hilarious! he's so cute, and you are so lucky he hasn't had an accident in your house yet!!
Ok, we did it! I still have the butterflies! I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I know it is going to be hard, but the benifit outways it right? See you at the dog park!
uh oh. someone else to shop for. looks like trouble!
i am dying right now...he is adorable
You did not buy that robe, did you? Bryan didn't know he was going to be buying another wardrobe for his dog.
He is adorable! I can't get over it. Andrew is hoping I turn into a "dog person" too! ha.
OK, I take it back...he is perfect. I am so glad that you found the perfect dog for your family. Come to think of it, if I ever got a dog I would want a poodle. They are BY FAR the smartest dogs and they don't shed cause they have fur, not hair! Cool! I love him and can't wait to meet him.
crazy - but I would love a dog too. Twins is enough for right now...but I think you are so lucky!! Looks like a lot of fun and a lot of work.
you are freaking hilarious AND out of your mind.
You are too funny! I love the outfits! Can't wait to see him in it:)
Ah, he is just so cute Summer. So glad you got your pup!
Summer this is just so funny to me! I need to know your dog history. Have you always liked them but now you just love Gordon? Did you have one growing up? I am just not a dog person and that is why this is so funny! I love the clothes you ordered. Please post photos as soon as they arrive- On Gordon. Also, I"m so glad he's turning out to be easy and fitting in well. Why did his owners give him up?
I miss having a dog, but I honestly don't think I can do it with a stubborn kid and an infant. Maybe later, but I think it is hilarious that you are dressing him up! I hope he keeps it on. You know you will have to post those pictures!
So glad you are lovin' your little Gordon B. He is cute!
He sounds like a great dog, and he certainly is cute!
SO funny about Bryan making you sign a contract!! Matt made me sign the same contract before we had kids.
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