I was reading in my magazine what the top 10 spring fashions for this year are. Some of them are really cute but there are a few that I am skeptical about. For instance, I think these are very cute:
Bright Patent Bangles

Tribal Prints

Shirt dresses

Gladiator sandals

High waisted jeans

I must say that I really like the idea of the high waisted jean for the modesty factor. They seem to not allow everything to hang out. I also like the fact that they probably would hide my post 2 baby pot belly. However, I think they might accentuate the rear end. What do you think?
P.S. What is up with this model's waist? Or not waist!
I am not a fan of the gladiator sandals as well. Madison loves the music that plays on your blog. She runs over to see what is going on when she hears it. Can't wait to get together on Tuesday. Have a good weekend. ~Ayesha
Seriously, that model must be 9 feet tall. I think that it would make a belly stick out even more. Didn't you see Asia'h. Not flattering! Those sandals remind me of elementary school, and those bangles remind me of my sister in HS. I couldn't pull off any of these "looks." I do like the shirt dress, though. Just finding one to cover the G's completely probably won't be easy.
I noticed that so many of the American Idol girls wore those high waisted jeans and I honestly think you have to have a super model body to pull it off. I know it would give me a weird poochy stomach (even after the kid is born). Gladiator shoes? I have seen them every where. If you have soccer ankles like me, not flattering! Love the shirt dress though. They have a super cute one on layersclothing.com. I'm hoping I can wear it after baby if I go back to normal!
I actually saw someone with the gladiator sandles and so I bought them as well and I think with the right outfit they can be cute...it totally depends. As far as the highwasted jeans,if you have skinny legs, which I'm sure you do, then they can be cute if they are just a little high wasted and not like the model in the pic with no waist. It's a very fenceline issue, it can go really good or really bad! I'm glad you posted the new spring trends because i had no idea what they were!
I love those bangles but ya, don't know how I feel about those sandals. And I was thinking the same thing....seriously the smallest waist ever! WOW!!! They look like they are riding a little bit!
high waisted pants were never in i think. They make you look like you have hungry bum! however, if anyone can pull them off, its your little figure!
Hungry bum! That's funny. Summer, please post about fashion more often. This was so funny! The high waist pants make me want to cry. I am so afraid of having a long rectangular bum when I get older... it's one of my biggest fears. These pants make her bum look so long!!! Please don't let them come back in style! So scary. Also, the gladiator sandals are so "utah mormon with a denim skirt" not to offend anyone, but do you know what I mean?
Gladiator sandals = Nephi Sandals = no thanks. And the closest thing I'm getting to High waisted pants right now are my maternity jeans.
Loved the post. :)
That model is freaky! I don't like the high waist because I think you have to be so tiny to pull it off. Let's stick to the low rise. They are still my favorite. Plus they compliment the butt more than the high waist.
First of all, lets get this straight... YOU DO NOT HAVE A "POT BELLY"!!!!!
I am so jealous of your temple trip... I can't wait until Lillian can go without me for a while (better with a rice meal) then I am totally there doing a session.
I do have to admit that SOME high waisted pants can look super cute, but you do have to be pretty tiny. Unfortunately that model may be pushin it a bit! And those girls on American Idol were not that tiny and their pants were jacked all the way up to Canada, so NO they didn't look good in them! :-)
LOL ...I don't believe most ad pictures... major photo shop!
i kinda dig the gladiator sandals...i found a pair down here in South America and snatched them up.
Yeah...I don't care for the nephi sandles either...and I don't think I will ever wear jeans that high waisted...even if it is the style. I know some of the celebrities have been wearing those the last year. I don't think it is flattering.
You will never find me in a high waister anything. It makes your butt look way to big and long!!! No thanks. I am not one to follow trends anyway, I just do what I like and what works for me. If it happens to be in style awesome, if not, oh well!!!!
Yeah, my A$$ is big enough without those pants. I wish that they would just stick with mid-rise. That is the best look, and totally modest. I am not into the plastic jewelry though.
Yeah, my A$$ is big enough without those pants. I wish that they would just stick with mid-rise. That is the best look, and totally modest. I am not into the plastic jewelry though.
summer..i was dying laughing at shalyse's comment about canada..i'm going to start using that one:) you're so lucky to live close to a temple..take advantage:)..the pants scare me too..but it's funny some things scare me... then i see them on people i know and they can work it then i like it..so time will tell:)
glad to see 2 comments were deleted.
Okay... no to the high waisted pants. I just can't do it but I'll admit I have a pair of gladiator sandals. I bought them before our trip to Mexico. I was actually excited to see that they are a trend for Spring but it's interesting to me that so many people don't like them.
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