When I was younger and we were living in LA, I have memories of a really delicious Chili Burger. It has and always will be one of my family's favorite places. My grandpa would frequent this place while he was teaching at USC. He would take his kids whom all fell in love with it. Then my Dad did the same with us who now all love it. This month, Tommy's Burgers celebrated their 60th anniversary. Tonight for Family Night, we went to dinner at their newest location which is only 10 minutes from our house!!! Greasy Chili cheese fries and a Chili Cheeseburger are sitting in my stomach right now and I couldn't be happier! Thank you Tommy!
It's always great to have one of your favorite places come closer, convience is a great thing!
But, that picture kinda looks like something ELSE may be sitting in your stomach right now...and about to make its exit! :-)
Oh Shalyse, Tommy's is one of those things that is so gross... it's good! Yes, I agree that the picture looks nasty but that nastiness is pure goodness. And yes, This place is one of those that keeps you regular but it is ALL worth it!
Sounds yummy. Where is it located? Ever since I saw you and Jenny eating Ted's Place, I have been having cravings. All this greasy food.
I have to say I think Tommy's is an acquired taste...Matt LOVES it but I've never been able to stomach it. I agree with Shalyse!
You better call me and tell me where that is friend. Reagan will be so excited! Plus, on a funny note, I use to go there also. And I am sure that your grandfather went there all the time with my grandfather! How funny is life. And probably your dad with my uncle. The world is so small!
Summer - You beat me to this post, Sucker! I knew I should have put my memories up on Friday! I guess I'll post here instead.
True that sometimes it so gross it's good. Although it is yummy anywhere, there's something I miss about standing at the counter in L.A. with the greasy chili spilling out of the yellow and white wrappers, drinking a cold canned soda and snacking on a bag of chips. My parents would take us there every time we would go see my grandparents in Hollywood. Then as a teenager, we ventured into L.A. almost every weekend for awhile. Many a nights were spent there with friends. I loved seeing the 40 gallon drum full of the greasiest chili you ever saw in your life. You forgot to mention the best part. They're open till 2:30 a.m. on the weekends. You and I might be making a few late night runs... Ha, I said "runs". We won't eat that much :)
Confession: I was just watching TV and my stomach started to feel nasty. I wondered why? Then I thought back to what I ate for dinner... the grease is starting to settle into my arteries and they are NOT happy about it! It is NOT an every day place to eat. But certainly a once a monther! More if you need some regularity with your bowels!
I didn't eat dinner on Friday night before I came to watch the girls. I wasn't hungry either. I had to remember why. You need to try it earlier in the day next time.
My dad is in love with Tommy's! I don't remember liking it but that was in high school when I didn't like dark meat. That all changed once I became a mother! I don't know if I'd love the chili with the burger- maybe we'll have to give it a try sometime though!
P.S. You are like Oprah- you never wear the same outfit twice. But that's how it's always been! :)
Funny thing - they have this place in Provo. Provo of all places! I know, why? There was like no one ever there I swear. I think all the zoobies saw the greasiness in all it glory and got out fast. Paul and I ate there - just like I remembered from when my dad took us there years ago.
You are Matthew's dream girl! USC fan and Tommy's? You're the total package. I'll barf on both!!!! :)
What Megan?.... Even USC? I semi understand about the grease burger though...
been there, my grandpa had one by his work in fountain valley that we would visit. Yummy!
Those little places always seem to be good! I am glad that you have one close by and that you had a fun little family night at Tommy's!
The boys in my family LOVE this place... I don't mind it as long as I nix the chili. The fries are yum-o.
i enjoy tommy's chili fries
When I come to California, for a visit I will have to try it out. I love good food! That is pratically all I wrote about things that make me happy - all the food was unhealthy but so good (Inn and Out, Wahoo's Fish Taco . . )
Your friend Shalyse said exactly what I was thinking. Love having yummy places close to eat but the hamburger does look kind of gross. How are you feeling now?
Wow! What a throw back - I love Tommys and haven't been there in YEARS! I'll tell ya, I don't know if I can handle the food like I use to - I swear I'd gain at least 3 lbs just smelling that burger!
We would always eat at Tommy's when we lived in the LBC. I love Tommy's, but that picture you have up looks kind of gross, wouldn't you agree?
Where is that?
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