Friday night after our ward activity, we came home and packed to leave saturday morning for Palm Springs. It was a really quick trip but fun. The weather was beautiful there and we got some good sun. I am already starting to get sick of laying out and the summer has not even begun. I certainly don't get that from my dad! While we were there, some friends of ours had a Grand Opening for their new Jewelry store in La Quinta. It is really nice and I am excited for them! We are home again to start a new week and I came home with a nasty cold. When do cold and flu bugs start to go away? Enough with all the sickness this year. :)
Haven, Berkley and cousin Reese

"You're blocking my sun!" is my Dad's favorite quote! Please at least start to wear sunscreen Dad! He NEVER will!

Berkley is taking after her Papa.

Getting ready for the Jewelry Store opening

Congratulations Tyson and Brooke!

Tanner making a delicious sunday morning brunch!

Berkley loving her new cousin Beck!

Twins again? We happened to bring the same church dress for sunday!

A sunday cruise

Haven sitting very lady like on the way home!

That picture of Berkley "tanning" is hilarious. I too am loving the pool these days. I'm planning a girls trip out to Palms Springs in a couple of months. We need to talk about nice places to stay/eat. It's been way too long since I've been.
That last picture of Haven is so adorable and the picture of Berkley loving her little cousin is so cute. What a fun trip for you guys. Your dad sunbathing cracks me up!
So, my friend Audrey up here is married to Trent who is brothers with your friend Brooke's husband... I think that is how it works. I love connections!
p.s. I'm dying over Bryan thinking you had lice. WHAT ?!?!
You guys and Palm Springs! Do you have a second home there or what??? I love that picture of Berkley laying out!
I think too many people read this for me to make my "real" comments. Sorry. You know what I'm dying to say!
I do Jenny... I do! That is what our daily phone conversations are for! Ha!
I love french toast, and your dad cracks me up! Haven's dress looks familiar?
How cute is Berks on the floaty thingy. Awesome! I also love that you look perfect in every pic. WHat is up with that?? hmmmm????? Jenny I love you comments and I do read the comments just for you comments! End of story! You are so funny
what a fun weekend. wish i could've been there!
Jenny... I think you gave me this dress right? Was it Cate's? How can you even keep track of what was hers with ALL those clothes that girl has? LOL!
I want the SUN!!! I can't believe you are already sick of it. Come up's been SNOWING and hailing all week...CRAPPY!
Looks like such a fun quick trip. I love that Berkley was laying out and catchin some rays. You have such a fun family.
p.s. do you ever wear the same thing twice? :-)
That looks super fun, and warm! I am also extremely jealous of the fact that you guys are tan! I am sitting in the snowing and freezing cold Utah! Even better then the snow is the fact that my skin tone matches the white blanket that covers the ground perfectly!! I am just kidding! It looks like a blast! It was super fun seeing you two weeks ago! I love your adorable family! Your girls are so cute!
Fun little Getaway! How exciting for the Homecs!
how fun! All I can say is I need to get out more! You are always going to these fun places. I wonder if my kids could handle it though! probably not! :)
I'm so excited for tyson and brooke. I can't believe they already opened the store! Sounds like a fun trip.
I am so jealous. I love all your sunday dresses!
What a fun getaway! I am wishing that I could lay out in the warm sun right now. Your girls look so sweet in all of these pictures! I also love your Sunday dresses and your green dress! You have the cutest things!
Looks like you guys had a great time. Sorry you are sick. I love the dress you were wearing. Funny thing, I bought the same one at Nordy's a couple of week ago. Though I dont look very cute in it pregnant. I am sure it will look better when I am not!!! Hope you feel better!
I'm telling Leland we need a place in Palm Desert. I want to go away for quick weekends too.
Well,at least we know that she and Katie don't share clothes to make it look like they have more. :)
I thought of you tonight as I watched the bachelor and heard Shayne talk about all of her shoes. Classic. Wait for the outtakes. Truly hilarious!
I am dying laughing at Tanner's hair. He combed it like that as a joke... guess the joke is on him. Ha! Kate
That's really exciting for Brooke and Tyson! Your dad is hilarious!
So fun. Your dad is classic. I wish I could be tired of laying out. I can't even remember the last time I actually did. I really need a tan.
Tired of laying out? Me, never! Your Dad and I would get a long great. So cute of Berks laying out too. Everyone here is getting away to Palm Springs and I think about you guys every time. I want to go! Love your dresses. You and Katie are too cute.
Always my favorite is your dad. How funny is he. That will be me in 20 yrs, I think!
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