... and I am a Sprinkles cupcake addict! No, I am NOT pregnant but I have been craving Sprinkles cupcakes almost every day lately. I will visit there at least twice weekly! This has been going on for about a month. I have gained 4 pounds and my clothes are starting to not fit. I will go and not just order one, but 6-12 cupcakes. Most of the time, they are with intentions to give to other people. They don't seem to make it all the way home though. I average eating 3 cupcakes per visit! The rest I save for the next day or give to Bryan. I wondered to myself if I am just getting into a craze as places like "Sprinkles" and "Pinkberry" can do to someone. However- every time I bite into one of those sweet, soft cakes... I know that it is not a craze... it's love. I really need some help. This is a bad habit I'm forming and a horrible addiction! I lay in bed at night and feel like my arteries are clogged with Red Velvet cream cheese frosting... and then I crave another. I must be stronger! I am going to get over this addiction. Even with peer pressure from Amanda, I will not be giving into Sprinkles runs for the next little while. What are you addicted to or crave these days?
Sometimes I am grateful we don't have a Sprinkles. I don't know if I'm addicted to anything but diet soda right now. Check back with me in a month or so and I'm sure it'll be Golden Spoon - happens every summer.
Okay right now I am addicted to the cinnabon oatmeal with peanut butter. When the oatmeal is nice and hot you take a spoon of peanut butter and let it melt. So good!! I am also glad I don't live near a Sprinkles.
Every since I tasted those when I was back home, I have become obsessed. BUT I am pregnant, so am hoping this addiction will subside as I have gained MUCH more than they think you should at this point. Oh well, I am loving the treats!Next time I am down, we should make a run! Then you wont feel guilty about eating 12. I don't:)
Chocolate covered strawberries. Ever since I was pregnant with Hudson. I bet they put something in their cupcakes to make people wanting more. HEE HEE. But the one your holding sure does look good.
I was reading your blog with Micah on my lap and he wanted me to click on your picture. When it got bigger he said "Oh my gosh!" He loves cake. So, are you going all the way down to Newport to get these cupcakes? If so, that is a true addiction!
Easter candy. I don't know what it is with this pregnancy but all I have wanted is sugar it seems like! Basically I am one gigantic malt ball or robin egg!!!! I really need to stop because it may not seem to matter now but in 3 mos when I am trying to lose my weight I will be hating my life and saying to myself I shouldn't have eaten all that easter candy!!! I haven't ever tried Sprinkles cupcakes because they do not have them here but I will have to order some....maybe!!!
I think they put cocaine in their cupcakes. They must put something because even though I didn't find them amazing (but they were good) the flavor they leave in your mouth is so good and wanting more. Luckily, I am not willing to drive all the way out to newport to get one. By the way, the red velvet one was probably the best. I should go back and try other ones now. Wanna go??
Yumm, thank goodness we don't have one near us. I love them! I am addicted to LEMONADE this pregnancy. Preferably strawberry...Cheesecake Factory, CPK, Wood Ranch and TJ's Cranberry Lemonade are the best oh and Hot Dog On A Stick!
I crave almost everything. looking at yoru pic makes me crave cupcakes. tatum and i are headed to the grocery for some popsicles. can't live w/o them. you can afford a few pounds. some of us can't!!!
Mmmmmm!!!! I want to come to your house. Wait...do you share with your guests? You seem like you might be a little greedy with the cupcakes!
Oreo style! is the way to go. I had to give up my strawberry one for my "secret sister" (enrichment thing) I was a little bit sad. :(
Summer I feel so bad for myself that I've never tried a Sprinkles cupcake. They look so so good on your blog. Now I might have to go make some cupcakes of my own. I am addicted to Cadbury sick Cream eggs these days and I, too, have gained weight... with summertime approaching I need to start running or starving myself.
This post is hilarious! I WAS addicted to too many things, now that I am cutting basically EVERYTHING yummy out of my diet for 3 weeks (in hopes to settle this new litle baby), I can't have anything and it completely SUCKS THE BIG ONE! So I guess right now I am addicted to mocha mix and froot loops! sounds temping, I know! :-) I can still eat cupcakes though, wish we had a Sprinkles then maybe I'd get hooked on those too!
Anything with sugar, butter and unhealthy is my drug of choice...I am a food addict!:) I need to stop! Eat 12 cupcakes for me!
lol. I'd never even heard of the place before your blog! And I'm not asking you where they are located either. Four pounds on you might show up in your big toe, but on me it's a different story! So NO, I do NOT want to know where this place is even though the red velvet with frosting sounds divine!
i have yet to taste one of those. I am sure I would be addicted too.
Summer you crack me up. The one time I did go to Sprinkles I ordered 6 or 8 because I had to try all the flavors. I will be in big trouble when they open here soon. My obgyn just about flipped wnen I told her they were opening one in Scottsdale. Everyday of my life I crave some baked good, cookies, candy, muffins, cake whatever. OH well! I love my sugar and I'm not willing to give it up!
the reeces pb eggs. i could eat the entire bag-by myself...in one sitting. parker bought all the kids easter candy from them (to save their teeth) and I've pretty much taken care of their pb eggs. my mouth is watering just talking about them. and i'm too afraid to get on the scale OK.
That's a great thing to be addicted to. I love "cakey" (is that a word?) things too like donuts, cookies, and honey buns. Yummy!
anything reeses! LOve chocolate and peanut butter! Also, Summer I don't have your email address and want to invite you to view our blog. send it to me at allysonar at yahoo dot com and I'll send you an invitation. Good luck on the cupcakes!
I tried Sprinkles cupcakes last time I was in L.A.--I LOVE THEM. I can totally see why you are addicted. And I don't blame you. I tried Pinkberry too, but I gotta say, I don't see what all the craze is about. It just didn't do it for me. But anyway, I say EAT UP!
LOL that picture is HILARIOUS! I've never had Sprinkles cupcakes before so I really don't know what I'm missing out on. For a while I craved Daiquiri Ice from Baskin-Robbins but now it's retired. SOOO SAD!
iced venti old school americanos....
you are so funny! I am obsessed with frosted cup and pinkberry. Those places are so delicious!
Spuds, do you wanna go tomorrow? Don't give up now, we have to go at least 100x...Red Velvet in that Soul Southern Style!
Even if they are delicious I cant handle that they are so freaking expensive...i am too big of a cheap skate, luckily because i can't afford to gain four pounds right now either.
Helloooo, I love those also. Next time you go woman, pick the pregnant lady up a velvet one!!!!!!
I hate to say this but I just tried my first Sprinkles cupcake last week. And as delicious as it was, I think Frosted cupcakes on 2nd Street in Belmont Shore are, dare I say, even better.
Lucky for you, that's too far for you to drive or else this could be very dangerous inside information.
Not to mention the gas you are spending driving up there everyday! Thank goodness we don't have one too close because I'd be right there with you! My latest addiction is Frosted Cup, well it has been for awhile. I am constantly thinking about the Tart yogurt, it's sooooo good! Next time you go to Sprinkles, pick me up on the way!!
The Frosted Cupcakery wins for me too, just like Ash. But I'm really a cookie lover...Paradise Cookies - oatmeal, snickerdoodle, ginger molasses, etc. They are all good. I really like my cupcakes without frosting...call me a freak.
Trace- no frosting? That is the BEST part!
Amanda- NO I will not go with you to Sprinkles again tomorrow! Are you the devil?
You are hilarious! I love that you love treats as much as I do! However I too have never had a sprinkles cupcake. I'm missing out on life. I crave Dr. Pepper always... and YUMMY, SOFT cookies! preferably chocolate chip.
No kidding! I was just there last night! I got some cupcakes for my vt girls and I told the kids we would get one and share it. But no, what did I do? When they went to bed last night I decided to have my share.....and that meant I ate the entire thing! Today I had to try and explain to the kids where the cupcake went. RED VELVET! YUM!!!
well annie, now i know what treat to get you next month...and maybe i will get myself another one too...cupcakes and twilight, two devilish delights! amanda
and spuds, no, i am not the devil, but i do have strawberry milk for you for your ward bunko night! and to answer your blog question about what is my addiction, obviously it is sprinkles, is there any other way? "red velvet...the rest is for rookies"...also, next time you are at target, i need more q-tips! thanks for being my personal shopper!
You have to have Lyndsey make you the strawberry ones from scratch. They are better than the ones in the shop, I think! YUM and I am not even a cake person Bummer about Babystyle I hope your wrong. I love that store
okay now I'm starting to worry about you! I think you can afford to gain a whole 4 pds Summer- haha...so go ahead and indulge!
My weakness would definately be mint chip shakes (darren makes the VERY BEST!!)
summer..love all the easter photos..i love it that your mom got you & your sister matching dresses...they're so cute...i was laughing so hard at this post! the cupcakes do look divine, though, i must admit...
Cute before picture. I want to see the action shots. Ha!
I've never had a sprinkles cupcake, but I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on something. Cupcakes are my fave dessert! These days I am addicted to french fries (or chips or any kind of potato.. they just taste soooo good right now) or Cheerios with sliced banana. Yum.
summer, i love it! but, please... 4 pounds?!? i'm looking at the summer months with an extra 20++ (yikes!) keep me away from the sprinkles after this baby comes!!! before then, i'll indulge anytime! if i reveal my cravings, some people might be ill... because i told my friend (who is also pregnant, totally thought she'd be down w/it) but she was super grossed out! don't worry... i'll reveal anyway. cherry poptarts, mini marshmellows, the white or the fruity, both are equally yummy to me. there. it's gross, but i can't live without right now (?)
bry, check out the movie trailor on my blog, if you haven't already! can't wait to see it.
I know this sounds crazy but I have been craving yogurt and granola lately. Why? I have no clue except that I want to eat it every day. Oh and See's Butterscotch Squares too. Every time I hit the mall I have to get my half pound box that I stash away for when I am desperate for a treat!
I can't believe you have gained 4 lbs. you can't tell. They are delish!
I must admit I have never been to Sprinkles, but I have had a couple of their cupcakes (from the mix). It sounds like I am missing out. I think I'll have to make a special trip and try them out.
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