This week was a little stressful. Bryan and I are the Chair and Co-chair of the activities committee for our ward at church. We have been planning a Bunco night and tonight was the night it all went down. I have to say that I have been nervous about it the past few days. This was our first activity. Would it run smooth? Would we have a good turn out? Would people have fun? I have to say that I am so glad it is over. And... I think that it went good! People seemed to be into the game and enjoying each other's company. That is always so nice to see! So, now we can breathe for a bit until we start planning our next activity. Bryan wants to do a 3K and breakfast. Sounds great! Bring on the FUN!
Bryan made our poster to have in church the 2 weeks prior!

The party people!

The winners with their prizes!

The treats! I swear.. this is my last encounter with cupcakes for awhile!

The milk to wash them down!

Our activities committee w/ special guest... Tristen!

looks like so much fun! glad it all went well. and that poster is amazing!
Bryan writes like a girl!
Not that there's anything wrong with that!
I had to comment on the poster that Haven has been talking about! Very cool! Everything looks fabulous. Your committee did an awesome job. Everything is beautiful, coordinated,and detailed! Looks like a blast. You guys will have to teach us how to play one night!
You should have your other "Rollin'" song on the blog! :)
Jenny, You never knew this? The first love letter he wrote to me... I got upset because I thought he had another girl write it for him!
I'm just jealous, really! :)
love that milk - really cute! well done.
Funny thing, Nate and I are on the activities committe in our ward, but not chair and co-chair (phew!) And gosh, wish you were on ours- looks like a success and so cute to boot! But I agree, its always a relief when its over. And i seriously can't believe bryan is so artistic-props!
Now I want a tall glass of chocolate milk....
We bought Bunco about a year ago, and have never quite learned how to play- I think it's about time we bust it out!
wow! jason and I are on the committee. I'll have to show this one and do it. maybe I can plan it for enrichment. Since I am in charge of that!! You always do it everything to perfection! Great job!!!
Sounds like fun. I love Bunco. Those cupcakes and milk look so good. love the poster.
I am so glad that your acitivity turned out good. I knew it would. Did you make the cupcakes? They look delicious! SOooooo jealous!
spuds, i LOVE that your outfit matches the decorations, did anyone else catch that? you are amazing and i am sure everyone loved it, and, if you really think that this is your last encounter with a cupcake for a while, then, you obviously don't know that we are going twice next week to sprinkles, is there any other way?
I'm sorry I missed the activity. I heard it was a blast. Good work Thackers.
great job on the poster bry
what a fun night! Everything looked really cute! good job Bryan on the poster! are you kidding!
Amanda - I totally caught that! A girl after my own heart. The only thing better would be if she got Bryan to do the same. :)
Everything looks awesome! Nice work on the poster Bry - I am impressed!
Love the milk!! Such a great presentation:) That's my fave chocolate milk!
Looks so fun. I would love to play with you guys sometime too.
So there is another man out there with handwriting exactly like Eric's?? That is really's the same. Eric's handwriting is perfection and can be quite feminine and mine looks like chicken scratch next to it.
We had a great time! Bunco was awesome. You guys did a great job pulling it together. What's next on the agenda...
Looks FUN! I love it. The 3K idea is also genius. Nice thinking, Bryan. Can I do it, too?
Looks FUN! I love it. The 3K idea is also genius. Nice thinking, Bryan. Can I do it, too?
fun and the boys were invited?
oh and PS-send some of those yummy sprinkled cup cakes over my way... I have gained 15 pound since Lillian was born...what the crap I am suppose to be losing it:)
and that is hilarious "Graham Thacker" HA!! I was cracking up!!!
He seriously does have the best handwriting! That is so cool! What a fun night! You guys are the most creative people! I love what you did! I wish you were in our ward and our activities chair and co-chair! Party! Nice job! Glad it was a good time!
What a fun night! Great Idea! The race and breakfast is an awesome idea as well!
Wait, was that Tyler Owens in that top picture? They look SO much alike! And Bryan DOES have the best handwriting. He sent home a package from his mission, and a few of my friends were shocked when I said it was my brother who wrote the address on the box. Just another talent of the amazing Bryan!
Yes Kristyn... that was no look a like but Tyler Owens himself!
You guys are the perfect event planners!! Seriously, you have a talent for it but it's hard not to stress.
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