Just wanted to wish my Grandma Jeanne a Happy Birthday! She will love that I put this "Glamour Shot" of her on here but I just couldn't resist. It's a classic!

A Happy Birthday to Faith too! She turned 3 today and we celebrated early this evening with bowling, California Pizza Kitchen and Sprinkles cupcakes! Anyone in AZ needs to be really excited that a "Sprinkles" opens there this month! Watch out... your wallets will be thinner and your bodies possibly wider. I know from experience... they are addicting and my weakness!

Berkley trying to bowl!

Haven and B-day girl Faith!

This is what happens when you take 3 and 4 year olds bowling. 2 balls in 1 lane!

B-day girl and her beautiful mama!

Yummy! I ate 3... Oops!

Later tonight was a little girl's night for Abi's Birthday! Happy B-day Abi! Hope that you were treated well!

you did a heck of a lot tonight!
good lookin' grandma we have
thanks for the heads up on sprinkles. now I'm jsut waiting for a pinkberry to come along!
Spuds! If only you had a picture of Hank the Tank in his hospital gown after, and the nurses thought he was a girl! It was a CRAZY night with ambulances, fire trucks, flashing lights, bumper bowling and red velvet cupcakes! Is there any other way? Spuds, are your cramps tonight from too many cupcakes or from another mini potato bug? ~ Amanda
cute pictures! That was such a cute movie, except for I still don't understand the midget at the end?! Anwyay, wait why is Abi taller than all of us in the picture? Go Abi!!
Wow Talk about a lot of Birthdays!!! Lots of fun!!!
spuds, that's more like it, don't diss us anonymousers!
Another yucky picture of me on your blog! Well after the movie last night I need to like myself the way I am right?!?! I agree with Elizabeth what was with the midget at the end?
Lisa- you are adorable. You do not look yucky. And I too am still pondering the Tom Sellick look alike midget at the end too. Cute movie though huh?
Love that glamour shot! Birthday's are always so much fun. What a packed day for you guys!
Hey you WON the drawing for the GIVEAWAY! :-) check out the blog! I'll email you. congrats!
you did not eat 3 cupcakes! where the H do they go!?!? can't wait to visit sprinkles in az!
I have never had a "Sprinkles Cupcake" I am a loser.
Is that the grandma that is born again, friends with my great aunt? Isn't she snazzy?!
I should have written "Born Again die hard"...that didn't really make sense with my grammatical errors. Sorry, anal retentive English major here!
Yes- Adrienne... that is the grandma that is friends with your aunt. And she is pretty snazzy. She is hilarious.
Your girls are so cute! Love the pictures.
Question.. how do you know about what is opening in AZ?? I dont like Sprinkles, but my friends all live there so I am curious where it is.
Cute picture Summer. Elizabeth--I was thinking the same thing--how do do I look so tall? I don't wear heals that often. Looks like you had a busy day summer!
What a fun day! I love the girls bowling! That is so cute! Glad you had a fun girls night out too!
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