We had the busiest yet most fun weekend starting on Thursday! It was a great time we were able to spend with family and friends. Here are some of the things we were able to enjoy in this beautiful spring weather:
~ Picture with the Easter Bunny (Berkley did not think that was too fun as you can see)!
~ Lunch with Kristi and her darling kids at the Spectrum.
~ Haven's pre-school program. They all dressed up like cute little bunnies and hopped around while singing... all the moms were in heaven!
~ Spa afternoon with Amanda. I needed a massage SO badly!
~ Receiving a FUN box of Modbe clothes that I won on Shalyse's blog!
~ Easter dinner and fun Easter activities with Grandma and Grandpa Thacker!
~ Bryan saying "YES" and then a few hours later "NO" to our pet bunny!
~ Four Egg Hunts!
~ Making hair bows late at night with Jenny Tucker
~ Hearing stories all weekend about why we should NOT get a pet bunny!
~ Getting our first bad sunburn of the year while enjoying pizza and building sandcastles at the beach!
~ Dinner in Newport with Tom and Joy!
~ Easter morning surprises for the kids.
~ Great Church meeting.
~ Delicious Easter dinner with some of the cousins!
~ My mom surprising my sister and I with bright yellow JCrew dresses for Easter.
*** I LOVE this time of year***
Yeah first to comment! Awesome! you are insane! I love Easter too I cannot believe that it is over. It was way to early! I hope that you get some rest!
Happy Easter. Cute easter dress, cute girls, cute baby (below), cute shoes (below again), cute suburn, cute friend!
is it Bryan's dad that is the really tan guy? or yours? way to rock the gladiator trend!
Meg- It is my dad of course! Mr. Tan man all year long. He looks just like Craig if you look close. And, I am just nervous about the leather version of the gladiator trend. It is growing on me though...
Sounds like a very fun weekend. I'm just aching with jealousy looking at green grass, flowers, beach.
Sounds like a very fun weekend. I'm just aching with jealousy looking at green grass, flowers, beach.
Looks like you had a busy weekend also! Those are the best. Cute matching dresses with your sister! I don't think I have matched my sister since I was six!!
spuds...wake up potato bug...rise and shine!!! how many times are we going to go to sprinkles this week? we should meet vicki there...vicki, if you are reading this, meet us there, i am on a sugar mission addiction. that was seriously some fun times this weekend...i needed it, the weather was amazing, even if it made a giant lobster colored splotch in the middle of my back! tell dana-face to get on the golf-cart purchase asap it's gonna be so much fun, we can drive down to ralph's for that "wonderful" salad bar! ha! i love you summer, you are one in a gazillion! katie, make summer email you the pizza picture, it's hilarious! i need to STOP eating so much, it is out of control! amanda
It was so fun to see you guys..the boys were saying this morning that they had so much fun with Haven!
It was so fun to see you guys..the boys were saying this morning that they had so much fun with Haven!
Where at sprinkles? Sorry, summer for using your blog to communicate with Amanda! this is the only way. Can we please meet up? You tell me when and where and I am there!
Where at sprinkles? Sorry, summer for using your blog to communicate with Amanda! this is the only way. Can we please meet up? You tell me when and where and I am there!
Glad I got a shout-out! That was funny. Brad asked me if I had planned for you to come and make hairbows, why didn't I have everything ready to go? (looking for the hot glue gun) Plan? Are you kidding? We don't plan! Anyway, fun post! You guys are always so busy!
Right on Bry - Rockin' the hat!
P.S. Cute dress, but it would give me a headache! :)
What a fun weekend! I love all your girls dresses and you and your sisters yellow dresses! Very cute! I am glad you had a good Easter!!! And am so jealous of your warm weather and the fact that it is warm enough to go to the beach!!!
Wow! You weren't kidding... that was a full weekend. How do you do it all with SO many activities and keeping everyone looking SO cute?! You are talented. Fun to see Christy... tell her hi for me! I love Spring too. Your green grass looks beautiful... we'll get there soon.
Your sister has great legs!!!!!!!!
what a fun easter! I need a massage NOW!! I love the yellow dress, it's so cute!
I wish I had your sunburn. Though unhealthy, tan skin makes me feel healthy. What a fun Easter week you had. Yeah for Spring because it means summer is near.
What a fun, busy weekend! Loved the Easter dress pictures-both you and Katie and your girls. Man, I love Katie. She's so stinkin' cute! I also loved seeing Amanda. I don't think I've seen her in 10 years! She looks just as I remember her...and beautiful as always. Glad you had a great Easter!
ms. hess makes me laugh. i am glad you guys had fun. it was good to talk to you this am. i will call ya after my next dr appt and let you know what's up.
Hey Sum! Fun weekend...you and Katie look so cute! I saw her at church with that dress on. Your mom is adorable to get you matching dresses like you are little girls again! Talk soon!!
Way to butcher my name lil lady... try Kristi! Thats ok, I still luv ya. Lets playdate @ My moms this week. Thurs sound good?
Oops sorry Kristi! I don't know why I always spell it like that... I just changed it. I will call you about Thursday! :)
The Berkly picture totally gave me the giggles...so classic. Why is it that I have to look at your blog to see pictures of my family? Thanks for taking such good care of Mo!
Poor Berkeley looks traumatized! I decided I am going to start publishing my wish lists soon so that a random rich friend will send me gifts. How nice is that? I'm not that lucky. How fun though to have your easter wish come true!
Looks like a fun Easter weekend! Sorry no pet bunny, maybe next year!!
love the yellow dresses. and LOVE havens salt water sandals-my favorite. looks like a very fun easter.
Looks like a fun Easter! You lucky! I wish I had someone to give me Easter presents:(
I love your last comment. But you love every time of year - you're so funny! I could never sport that bright yellow color, but of course you look absolutely gorgeous in it!! The girls look so cute!
Beachin it again! Always makes me jealous! I love this time of year too. And somehow every family picture you guys take looks like a Christmas card! How?
Hmm spending Easter weekend at the beach, not too shabby. Love your dress, and your girls always look so adorable.
ok what CUTE dresses your girls are sporting... SO adorable.
for real...I hear ya on the needing a spa day...I am so jealous.
Your mom is so cute that she bought you the same dress, i want one! I'm jealous that i was in Utah and it looks like you were soaking in the rays and the beach all weekend. Cute pictures, all of them.
Great Easter pics...so colorful and fun! Love the new blog design as well. The matching dresses are the cutest ever!
cute pics sum! what a fun weekend. so bummed i couldn't have been home this year for easter!
Ok, first of all, love that your have David Archaleta (sp?) singing on your blog. I LOVED this song when he did it. I'm downloading it now. FInally I get to see your blog. Those were fun and such cute Easter pics. Love that yellow dress. So, why did I miss the Rothey's and Ridds and you at the beach? Love your Dad in that picture!!! Hope I get to see you soon.
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