This morning... Bryan and I woke up to Haven saying, "It's OK Berkley... Just take your time." I went down stairs to see what was going on. Haven had put her little sissy on the potty and was wanting some results. When she saw me she said "Oh hi mom. She already went pee and I am telling her to take her time for number 2."

I guess this is a hint from both of the girls that I should start potty training Berkley like I had said I would a few months back...
what!?! that is beyond adorable!!! tell Haven she is hired, and can come potty train Sam ant time!
Seriously that has to be the sweetest thing ever...what a little momma...priceless!
what's up w/ the weather it's been unusually hot for this time of year over here too!! no fun! berkley on the toilet and haven telling her to take her time is SO FUNNY! kids ...what to do with them:)
Okay, that is THE sweetest picture I have seen. I love that Haven is just hanging out on the counter being so patient with Berkley. Really sweet moment. Silly kids! miss you..
that story rocks!
that is the cutest story ever! Tell Haven I like to "take my time too!"
i was wondering how potty training was going. weston always tells me he needs to go poo but i'm not ready to potty train. go haven!!
that is so cute! i really need taylor's help with my girls!! I'm too lazy right now!
That is so funny! I love it! I am needing to probably start the potty training thing too but Haley is so not interested yet. I wish I had a "Haven" around to help me out! So cute! Cute bathroom! :)
Why do I hate potty training sooooo much! Dallin is ready too, but I don't want to! I guess the second kid just gets it quicker! Berkley is the cutest with her little legs hanging there!
That could be just about the cutest story ever!!
haven - what a great little helper...is she always so sweet with her lil sis??
seriously, sweetest picture ever! i love berkley's cute face! and the bed head!!
oh my cuteness!!! I think this is my favorite post...EVER! it just captures the best parts of raising little kids.
they are so sweet!!! and that hair...OH MY! :-)
I could use her help at my house! I am still picturing Micah in a diaper in high school!
Hilarious! Tell Haven she's hired. Just don't give Berkley anything to drink before Haven gets home (j/k) from school. Then put her on potty duty.
...especially that look on Haven's face in that pic!!
I love cute sisters! These are the best times!
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