Bryan decided to take sharpie markers and draw tattoo art on one of his surf boards. I think it turned out pretty good...

Now if he would only create a picture for our house! I have been asking for years now. Maybe for Christmas? hint hint Bryan....
WOW! at least you know that if he ever needs a second job he's got one in the tattoo industry no question!
are you kidding me! That is sooooooo great! He is so talented! this is what came from those silly little sketches we were looking at that one night?! Very impressed Bryan!
Bryan, what a talent. I am beyond impressed. Awesome!
Wow...who knew that great talent was lurking there?
Tacky...looks good, nice work. Now I am going to have Micah taking a Sharpie to everything! Can it go in the water? Marc was bragging about it on our way to Knott's. He said it was awesome. -LD
that looks insane! I love it.
i love bdog he writes like a girl
Wow that is incredible! I knew Bryan was artistic but i underestimated him! Good job Fred Savage! :)
why doesn't he take it big time? is he taking personal orders? I've got some in mind. it's incredible
and that board would look "finished" with a freedom sticker on it!!
WOW! Thats awesome! All from a sharpie!
shut up! is that really done with sharpies? It looks airbrushed. Your man has some serious talent.
That looks awesome!
WHHHHOOOAAAAAAA! We want a picture,too.
that is amazing that he can do that! serioulsy!!
He has always been so talented. I still remember the one he drew for his parents with the little boy in the fireman outfit. I wish I had that kind of talent!
Whoa! That is amazing! Nice job Bryan!
thaction & co.
bryan is so talented! way to go bry! and it is great to be a girl!you have such cute girlfriends. and YES on prop 8. way to do your part.
Amazing! I love it! It looks so cool!
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