Today we made a "YES on 8" chain on major PCH cross streets from San Clemente up to Long Beach! Even though we got the bird several times and a few other names... it was an AMAZING experience and I loved every second of it. My favorite part of the day was when a group of Harley motorcycle men strolled up on their loud bikes and cheered and gave us a thumbs up! My second favorite part was when a few different police came by on motorcycles and gave us a secret smile with a wave of their head "YES"! I got chills every cheer and thumbs up we got... it is a great thing to witness a major part of history take place. I really hope that it passes... it's going to be very close here in California. Click HERE for some great info.

P.S. I wore flats and am realizing how short I actually am in this picture....
This was such a rad idea! Go prop 8! I just voted yes on my absentee the other day and sent it in.
yes on 8! so bummed i had to work...
I heard about this...what a neat experience!
Good for you guys! We are fighting the same fight here in AZ. Vote Yes on Prop 102!(AZ)
I am glad you had a chance to do that. I have done that a couple of times and loved every minute of it. I felt like a pioneer. We are fighting for a great cause!!!
good for you on prop 8, that is awesome. i must say that your family pics are AMAZING!!! Seriously - wow!
Kara Smith
Nice work! I was by the shell on Cliff. It was really neat seeing so much support and that there are other people fighting for our rights and to protect marriage!
Great job Summer. We're supposed to be doing that soon up here too! I hope it passes. and I can't wait for it to all be over. Our sign got stolen last night again!
where's your yellow???
Megan... I wore my yellow in my heart. Oh, and also thought that they had yellow shirts to put on when we got there. I was obviously wrong....
I'm so in awe of all you young mothers out there in CA standing up for parental rights! Know that us Idaho moms sure appreciate you!
that's so awesome! I wish I could have gone that day, that must have been so great with all those people there helping!!
it is so fun to be a girl!..good for you for getting involved in the political arena summer!! i agree with you 100%
Thank you for doing that for all of us!
Uh ... ya can you cut me out of that photo please. It was a good experience.
we were there too!! i wondered if your ward was out since we got paired with your stake! Would've been fun to see you!
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