We have had fun celebrating for Halloween over the past couple days. Saturday night was our ward Trunk or Treat which Bryan and I were in charge of. I am SO glad that it is OVER and I think everyone had a good time. Haven and Berkley were not excited to be Geisha dolls until I bought them these umbrellas at the swap meet for $2! It did the trick!

We had no idea that Haven's good friend Saylor was a Geisha girl as well.

We had a "Mummy" wrap contest and the kids thought it was so great to watch.

They thought this one was even better~ getting eyeballs out of brains (aka pasta of course!)

For family night we went to the Pumpkin Patch. We have such a busy week with my brother's wedding in 5 days that we talked about taking a year off. I am glad we didn't. The girls enjoyed themselves so much.

Buying food for the donkey

Tractor ride!

This thing is only a quarter and they love to ride it while waiting in line for the pony ride!

Haven wanted me to jump on the extra horse while we waited some more.

Me and my girl!

My man and I (we will celebrate 8 years of marriage tomorrow)!

Finally the ponies were ready!

A last picture with the cousins

and group shot to end the night!

The saddest thing happened when we got home and I realized that my Helen Ficalora necklace that I have not taken off in a year and a half was gone! It must have fallen off at the pumpkin patch and is probably under lots of stomped on hay. I am sick about it and hate to lose things! Maybe a replacement for Christmas?

so sorry about your necklace. I love that necklace. bummer! You look too cute to just be at a pumpkin patch! What is the deal! cute scarf by the way!
bummer about your necklace! how cute is the pic of all the cousins? I love berks arm around becks.
I HATE losing things! Especially jewelry. Last time I was in NY, a charm on my Tiffany charm bracelet fell off. I still tear up when I think about it!
BTW, is that Jason?
I love the outfit coordination!
Allison... I HATE losing things too. I have shed a few tears tonight because I feel guilty I lost it. And yes that is Jason. He is in our ward. Great guy!
the girls look so cute in their costumes! and looks like the pumpkin patch was a lot of fun. beck looks like a little man--growing up quick.
You guys are unreal--- how do you all match all the time! you look great as usual. Sorry about your favorite necklace gone. Still pray hard and maybe it will turn up!
Ugh..sorry about your necklace. However, your weekend looked wonderful. Berkley's hair for her cute. Perfect little geisha's.
That's such a bummer about your necklace! Maybe it fell of at your house and you'll find it today! I'll say a little prayer.
Okay, so can your girls look any cuter in their costumes!!
I love that your entire family cordinated to wear black at the pumpkin cute. Your family picture is so sweet!
Congrats on 8 years!
The girls look adorable in their outfits, umbrellas and their cute hair.
I know what you mean about the candy overload. Between birthday parties and Disneyland my basket is filled with candy to pass out at the door.
So sorry about your necklace.
I am laughing at all the coordinating comments... it didn't happen on purpose... well of course the matching of the girls was but everything else.. I think we were just trying to wear Halloween colors.
love the matching outfits you nerd. ever try the saint anthony prayer for lost items? saint anthony, saint anthony, please come around. something is lost and it hasn't been found. an old catholic trick to finding items.
when did berks turn into a knockout???? i need to take my girls to the pumpkin patch. last year i took them to walmart and took pictures of them sitting on the pumpkins.
love you pudds.
yah right
you and your family are so stinkin' cute!!
Love all the outfits!!
I think going to the pumpkin patch always ends in losing something. I am so sorry... but it doesnt hurt to call and see if anyone turned it in.
Happy Halloween!!!
sucks about your necklace. sorry
Happy Anniversary!!!
Those geisha costumes are so dang cute! Wish Andrew and I could have joined you all at the pumpkin patch. Boo for school in Provo.
Happy Anniversary Bryan and Sum!!! You guys are still as adorable as you were 8 years ago!!!
How cute are they! Looks like the party was a hit. I am on the activities committee too. I might have to call you up for ideas!
We went a few nights back and Joette lost her brand new prescription sunglasses at the pumpkin patch-----luckily, Craig found them when he went back there today!! Never fails.....something always gets lost or left behind at the patch!! Cute pics
I love your girls costumes! They look so cute and those little umbrellas are a great idea!
Cute pictures. Happy Anniversary...what did you guys do? We just had ours a week ago. I forgot it was so close...a year and a week. We must have all got the same memo for the pumpkin patch apparel... the denim and black thing too! Can't wait to see you Saturday!
This is Kim. I never like to leave comments because you have so many, I'm not sure if you even see this.
Anyway, I should've mentioned this to you when I was there, but did you know that a Geisha is an oriental prostitute? Well, not a really bad one- a geisha is more elite; hooker for politicians and other big wigs. If you knew this, please continue to call your girls geisha girls. If not, maybe they should just be oriental girls!!
They sure look cute!
geisha girl costume- the cutest!!!
This par-tay looks fun but how can it not when Bryan and Summer are in charge! Cute costumes and I love that you cordinated the fam to go to the pumpkin patch...hope you get another necklace!
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