18 October, 2008

Since I use this as a journal, I am going to write an entry with some personal feelings.  I feel like I have had so many thoughts in my head lately.  Some good and some bad.  With everything going on I do say a prayer of gratitude daily for everything that I have been blessed with.  I am so glad that I have a knowledge that I am a Child of God and that He knows me and looks out for me.

I see our world changing so much.  And the sad thing is that it is not for the better.  Well, some things are I guess.  But it's almost like slowly our society is becoming de-sensitized to things.  One of the things that I have been very involved in these past few months is PROP 8 here in California.  I will admit that when I first heard about it... I didn't fully understand it.  I DON'T think it is good to judge others for what lifestyle they choose and whether or not they decide to have a same sex union.  However, I now understand it's IMPORTANCE and the huge role it will play in our state (even country) if it doesn't pass.  Teachers will talk to kids about gay "marriage" as early as kindergarden.  And with no parental approval.  Our kids will grow up with stories about a King and a King instead of King and Queen.  Something about that seems so wrong.  It should not be something that is taught to kids.  Yes... they will end up learning about it but not like that.  

If PROP 8 doesn't pass we will also have our religious freedoms stripped of us.  I see this to be very hypocritical coming from a group of people who want equal rights and to be treated fair.  Catholic churches in Massachusetts have already had to close their adoption agencies because their church did not believe in allowing kids to be given to homosexual couples.  Religions such as Mormons, Catholics, Presbyterian and others will have to allow same sex couples to marry each other on their property... even though it goes against what their religion believes.

Another thing that is on my mind a lot lately is my small trial.  It really is not one that is a big deal.  I have a few friends going through much harder trials.  Life gives us all trials... sometimes big and sometimes small.  They always seem to be learning experiences and I have learned great lessons from some of you with bigger trials.  My trial right now is not being able to get pregnant.  I do realize how blessed I am to have 2 beautiful girls.  I really do!  I just always thought I would be fertile myrtle.  I conceived Haven the first month we tried.  When trying for Berkley... it took 7 months.  I know it doesn't sound long but when I was going through it and wanting to plan the timing... it seemed long.  I learned patience from this and that sometimes it is not "MY" time but rather "HIS".  I am going through this again right now.  We have been wanting a third child to join our family and again I find myself sad every month when it doesn't happen.  I have turned it over to the Lord to know when the time will be right.  I hope soon...

It's no secret that our economy isn't the greatest right now.  Some say it is going to get as bad as the great depression.  I sure hope not... but are we prepared?  I certainly don't feel like I am.  I certainly worry about our financial future.  It makes me feel SO grateful to have a home and a car.  It makes me feel bad that at times I want a bigger house and a nicer car.  It has really put things into perspective for me that I am so fortunate to have what I do.  

With all this said, I feel overwhelmed to be a mother in today's world.  At times... I have even gone so far as to think that maybe I shouldn't have another child or that I am not supposed to.  The worry that I feel as a mother to raise these children in such a harsh world scares me daily.  I know that I can do it but I also know that it won't be easy.  I know that by the time my kids are in high school... they will probably be faced with things that I never had to be faced with.  These are the last days.  I feel priveledged to be here but also know that I have a duty which I need to fulfill.  I truly feel blessed to have a great network of friends and family to help me through it.  

I know sometimes that my words don't come out exactly how I want them to.  I just hope that one day my kids and grandkids can read this and understand a little more about me, my feelings and what the world was like in 2008.  Hopefully they won't think I was a Debbie Downer?  I LOVE my life...


Anonymous said...

Big Hug Sum!! Love you! It will all work out the way it's suppossed to. You are blessed with 2 absolutely beautiful girls!! Just stay positive...

But are you SURE you want 3 kids??? So much work. 2 is perfect!!!


Ash and Christian said...

Two words Sum: OV Watch. Worked for me after TWELVE months of trying. Check it out.

Hang in there... and just keep reminding yourself that Heavenly Father knows exactly what's in store for you and will give you the things you need when you can handle them best.

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet Summer, you have such a beautiful heart. These times are hard but you can't let them get you down. Just remember that evil can only prevail if good men sit back and do nothing. Keep doing your part as a soldier for Christ and struggling souls will follow your lead. xoxo

D-dawg said...

Summer, I feel the same about all of this- it is scary and stressful. I always remind myself that "God has not given us the spirit of fear" basically reminding myself that fear comes from another source, not God and I need to just have faith. It is hard. Sometimes I just want it to be over- but there are so many good things about life/the world too. Hang in there- you are a good person and good mom! We all need to stick together during these times and lift eachother up!

Wendy said...

So scary! I'm so glad Jake was asked to help in this effort. Otherwise, I don't know how involved I would have gotten. We will all be blessed for giving it our all.

Peck Family said...

Ah Summer! You really are such a sweet heart. I know how you feel when you have to wait. Soon enough you will be throwing up and sick and the wait will one day seem like the shortest wait you ever had. I too am so nervous for our Society and it's scary when the stuff you read in the scriptures you see come true right in front of your face and so sad when it happens to your family.

lilprince2000 said...

I often feel the same way you do Summer! I look at my 4 sweet little children and think that I never want them to come in contact with all the sick things out there. But then I pray about things and listen to the Prophet's words and I know that if we do waht we are supposed to as parents and teach our children the way to go they will do amazing things and they will follow the teachings of the gospel. When I think about this it brings me some comfort.

Bill and Paige said...

It's like you took the words right out of my mind (except for the pregnancy thing, but don't think I didn't have my own issues). I won't comment too much on that because I know I got alot of "advice" that was overwhelming. I will mention a book that I bought that was really amazing. "Taking charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. It really helped me and I learned alot!

About Prop 8...scary if doesn't pass. They tried this before and it didn't pass, so I think we don't have much to worry about, but still need to get people to vote!

The economy is just as scary, but we have to remember that we live in a GREAT country and we will come out on top!

Meggan said...

Hang in there Summer! I struggle with the Lord's timing (and what He's thinking I can handle!) on things too. I am pregnant and although it's really rough on me, I know I'll be thankful when the baby is here.

That book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is a good one. The charting each month really gives you enlightenment on what your body is doing at any given time.

Prop 8 will pass. The Lord is on our side and with Him, ALL things are possible.

Teagan said...

you are not the only one that feels this way. It is scary to bring or to raise children in this world...but we have to think that maybe our child will be the ones who can make a difference b/c of what we taught them.
You will be blessed with a precious one soon! My prayers are with you guys.

Mama Mia said...

Thanks for the reminder about Prop 8! Sorry you are having a trial right now! You are a great mom!

Roney Family said...

Summer, Your concerns are all real. I think it takes all of us to realize how important of a part each one of us play in the world. I agree with you about not wanting to tell people what to do. My sister is gay, I sure love her a lot. My sister is very aware of how I feel about my kids she very much respects me and understand how it is my place what to tell my kids. I wish everyone felt that way. I think that this is a way of people trying to make their own situation seem right. If the state recognizes it, they wont feel as wrong. You are awesome.

About your personal dilemma right now, Please know that I am thinking about you. I am so sorry you are going through this. Your girls are beautiful, you WILL get pregnant. But I know it is tough when we have plans or idea's. You are loved. Arent we so grateful that we have a heavenly father who love us so much and promises us so much!!

If you ever need anything, I am always here!!

Ashley Park said...

Sum, I totally know how this feels. It took almost a year with O and then another 14 months of fertility treatments with G. I wanted my kids close together, but they turned out the way they did. It will happen. Its heartbreaking to say the least, especially since everyone around me and all of my friends seemed to just get pregnant when they wanted to. Your baby is waiting for the right time! XOXOX

Hess Fam said...

Debbie Downer...never! Your posterity will know you for your love and energy for life. They will appreciate your honesty in your feelings. I'm sorry you are struggling. I know how you feel from trying to get pregnant with Collin. My way of looking at it is that it just means more roller coaster rides! Is that a selfish outlook? love you!

Sara Decker said...

This is such a scary time, I feel the same as you on a lot of your thoughts and concerns. I wish we could see ahead and see what the future holds. I guess we just need to remember that we will not be given any trials that we can't handle, this may not seem true (believe me!), but we will grow from all of this and things will get better. Hang in there, you are right, you do have so much to be thankful for, that will get you through.

karlin said...

you are definitely not a debbie downer... it's scary times right now. we are living in the last days and i don't feel prepared at all. i've been waiting for your pregnancy announcement... it is so FRUSTERATING waiting when you feel ready. it WILL happen just not in your time. you are such a good mom... i'm sure you will have another one. try to be patient and enjoy the ones you have is all i can suggest. good luck. xoxo

Sarah Hull said...

Very well said Summer about
Prop 8. thank you for that.

You've got to get that watch Ashley told you about. It seems amazing! Good luck to you. That is such a tough trial to want something so good and have to have patience for it.

I just gave the RS lesson today in the Joseph Smith manual about the storms of life. Did you guys have that one today? It has some beautiful quotes throughout the whole chapter. I want to print a few out and put them up so I can be reminded that trials are indeed opportunities to help us to become closer to our Savior. When I think of trials like that, it helps me to get through them a little easier.
Much love to you at this time.

Bethers said...

I love hearing your heart talk!!! I am right there with you on Prop 8and I have close friends highly involved with it. I think you need a darling little boy. It will happen. Just slow down. Love you!

Bethers said...

I love hearing your heart talk!!! I am right there with you on Prop 8and I have close friends highly involved with it. I think you need a darling little boy. It will happen. Just slow down. Love you!

amanda said...

spuds...i love everything you wrote. we are all faced with huge trials every day, and don't ever feel like yours aren't a "big deal" because they are to you. you are a wonderful mom and i know that when you do get pregnant that the special spirit waiting to join your family will be blessed to have you and b-dog as parents. it is people like you 2 that give me hope in these bleak times that there is still good left on this earth and that our children will have a chance.
now when are we getting some darn cupcakes...i am back and ready to roll to newport, and the temple asap!!!
i love you spuds
you are my best friend forever.

Anonymous said...


Christy said...

Sometimes you just need to get it all out. Way to go! I feel sad about things in the world also. General conference totally made me feel better. It seemed like the overall message was that everything will be okay if you are doing what you should be.

Abi said...

Good job summer! thanks for that post. I feel the same way.

Ann Marie said...

I agree with you and feel worried every day about what the future holds. In terms of you - I hope you get what you want and SOON! That would be great! :-) Good luck, I am sure Bryan doesn't mind the "practice"!