and by "it" I am talking about Christmas!!! Today it didn't just cool down... it was down right cold! A high of 65 degrees and a low of 47! We went to the Spectrum tonight and it was great to walk around with cool, brisk air and wear a sweater.

and even hoodies!

And YES- the "Holiday" Ice Skating Rink is starting to be put up...

as well as my dear friend Santa Claus' house!

HALLELUJAH!!! "It's the most wonderful time of the year!"
do you think santa will bring me cupcakes this year? spuds, wish i was there with you, but instead, it's 25 degrees here! love you love you love you............
lovin the BOOTS!! bring on the Christmas Spirit!!
I have to agree. I get an anxious, excited, sad that it will be over too soon feeling during the holidays. Luckily, my excitement doesn't come with the physical problems that yours does! Yay for Scrooge, yummy food and treats, even cold weather, and the music!
I was listening to my Christmas playlist in the car the other day. Kylie had a blast singing Frosty and the Chipmunks song. I am getting excited too! :-)
I loved yesterday and how I was able to wear a sweat suit and was warn and cozy.
love those pics at the spectrum...Katie and Tanner are so fun - tell them HI for me.
I am loving this weather too. Finally, huh? How adorable are Katie's kids? I can't believe how blonde Reese is!
And I loved your Take your time post too. Hilarious!
Umm, you failed to mention that Santa's house was up in August when we tried to play in the fountains. Although we were disappointed, I could tell you were excited then. But I'm with you on all the rest! =)
Don't you love it? It finally feels like fall. I wore boots to church today and it was so very exciting!
I am laughing so hard at you for wearing boots (as darling as they are) in perfectly dry weather! I always get anxious to switch out my wardrobe too. By the end of August, I'm sick of shorts and capris and am ready for my jeans and sweaters.
We actually woke up to snow today! I was not shy about breaking out my new, cute black boots for church!!
BTW..That last comment was Kim
it was so fun last night. it was cold and the girls were so silly.
Looks like fun! You are lucky that you have a sister who lives close by!
why are your boobs ginormous in that pic of you and bry under "us" what's going on?!
I love this time of year too!
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