What do you do at the Fair besides?:
- worry your kids will be abducted
- Stand it long lines in the summer heat with sweat dripping down your face
- Become filthy & dirty by the end
- Walk in and out of thousands of people with a stroller and baby who doesn't want to be in the stroller
Well of course you:
Show your kids all of the cute animals!
SO glad that I only have TWO of these(see pic below)!!!
Then of course you watch the fun pig races!
That always needs to be followed up with some rides and playing
And also eat some greasy, nasty and unhealthy JUNK! I couldn't decide which deep fried food to order out of these:
After almost getting the deep fried SPAM (kidding) we went for the deep fried Avocados with Pesto Sauce. Pretty good!
This photo is for you Mo my cupcake Queen!
This little cut out made Haven craven some ice cream
Berkley tried Cotton Candy for the 1st time!
Make your last stop the pumpkins to get excited for the fall
Until next year.....