When kids dress themselves take 3!

I thought I had another year or so until Berkley had an opinion about her wardrobe. I was WRONG! This little girl is crazy about putting on gaggy outfits with shoes (or slippers) and running down the street. She is a crack up! I took her for her 2 year check up the other day and I was so excited when she finally made it on the chart. She is so small that she was never on it. Now she is in the 5th percentile weighing in at a whopping 21 pounds!!! AND... she has finally outgrown her 6-12 month clothes and is into 12-18 months! Our pediatrician estimated her to be my exact height of 5'1". They estimate Haven to be around 5'5". I am excited she will have some more height.

This is more for my records so sorry for the bore but I wanted to write down a few of her favorite things to say:
"Please Mommy"
"Where's Sissy?" "Where's Dito?" "Where's Daddy?"
"Yeah-I do!"
"Poo Poo and Pee Pee!"
"Hi Puppy"
She is so funny and I can't believe it but I think I will start potty training her next week! She already takes off her diaper 5 times a day and goes to sit on the toilet. She hates to have a wet or dirty diaper so I guess we will give it a shot. It sounds like she is trying to tell me something. And as much as I realize that it will save me in diapers... a part of me is lazy and doesn't feel like doing it yet. Or maybe it just makes me sad to think she is getting bigger and will not be a baby anymore....
Good luck with that little cutie of yours. I HATE Potty training. Good luck. I am stuck doing that with Peyton. You should come over and bring your potty. We did a lot of that today with all the kids Potty training. No more diapers is a good thing.
she seems so little to be potty trained. i am dreading that with tills.
your brother and his almost wife's pictures are so good. oh my gosh! they belong in a magazine!
She is way too cute in her get-up! Ok, Payton could walk around with a huge poo in her diaper for hours and she is over 2 1/2!! What is up with my kid? You are lucky if B wants to do it on the potty! How cool. And, I LOVE that one of your girls will be cute and petite like you. I wish I was!!
I am quoting everyone that has said it to me.... "its time for another one..."
I love the outfit... she is so cute! I am going to have to ask them to estimate the height of my girls... they just tell me that they are in the 99%'tile... Shaun is 6'6 so I hope they wont be that tall... I think if I could pick I would say 5'7 or 5'8 is good enough for me...HA HA HA!
She may not match, but she's so cute!!
Don't worry Sum, I was a 3T when I started Kindergarten. And now I'm a whopping 5'3".
I'm starting potty training this week too. Good luck to the both of us!
she will be a fashion diva someday - and you will have some fun pics to embarrass her with
If you can get her potty trained at two I will be GREEN with envy! I want to send my kid to booty camp now. I'm starting to picture him going to high school with a diaper!
I hear ya on potty training! I feel like i should be doing Grace and Olivia too but they don't seem to be ready, or maybe it's because I'm lazy too! I can't stand the thought of doing two kids at once!!
Oh Angela! At least she's happy as she smears poop all over the carpet! I love that mini girl!
Daegan weighs 21 pds too.....but he's 11 mo old- too funny!!!
I am dying that she is so small, Summer!
My baby (turned 5 months old last week) is 20 pounds and wears 12-18 months on a good day- sometimes even a 2T!! He's huge and I am starting to have chronic back and elbow pain from carrying him around. Be grateful!
Summer...you are officially not allowed to compare your children's looks to your dogs.
Dogs are cute...but not even in the same league as those precious girls of yours.
Brooklyn is putting her outfits together as well and it so frustrating yesterday she went up to her room and changed into her swimsuit all by herself. Yeah she wore it the rest of the day...what do you do! Cute brother love the pics!
Bring on the potty training! She'll do fine.
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