Thursday and Friday I went to work the American Idol Auditions in Scottsdale. It was a really quick trip. We flew in wednesday night late and out friday after the day was over. I LOVED seeing how everything worked behind the scenes. It is pretty crazy! Paula, Randy, Simon, Kara (the new judge) and Ryan were all very nice. It was really great and such a fun experience!

We also got to go to a Phoenix Suns party that was for the Grand Opening of our hotel "The W"!

Our "Dawg"!

"Bliss" day spa had a free hand massage booth.

Friday morning we had to go to the Grocery store to get the judges some of their snack foods and drinks.

Randy's drink preference!

Paula likes the blue Jolly Ranchers seperated from the rest. She also likes a pink straw so her lipstick does not show.

Ryan is a FIJI water guy!

And they allowed Simon to smoke his "Kool" brand cigarettes inside the room.

Seacrest... out!

How did you get this gig?
I was wondering the same thing! How cool...my mom is going to be so jealous, she is an Idol nut!
Looks like you had a wonderful time. You are one lucky girl!
Christy and Rachel- a friend works there.
HOW FUN! I didn't know that Simon smoked. bummer! Love all the pics!
my 2 favorite things about his post...Paula's lipstick trick and Bryan's perfect handwriting!
how fun! what an awesome experience!!
Looks like a fun trip! That's so fun you get to tell your grandkids one day that you had a part in all that!
Wait, why is Ryan Seacrest's legs as thin as yours!! He is so tiny! Glad you had a good time, I will be calling for details!
Looks so much fun, you are a lucky girl!
I swear, I don't know how you have time to breathe! What a fun thing to do Summer, totally up your alley. How fun! And Orange is a great color on you :)
Busy 3 days!!!
AWESOME SUMMER! Thanks for sharing. I love checking your blog just for moment's like this! SO, were you and Ryan chatting, and what about please?!?
how cute is ryan!! i love it. and i am laughing at paula's choice in jolly ranchers. too funny!
looks like a blast, I'm so bummed I couldn't come...maybe next year! I love Ryan.
holy crap girl!!! so you guys were like the judges little assistants or what? HOW FUN!!!
will we get to see your cute faces in the backgroud on IDOL? :-)
Nice! And looks like "the W" had a few more accommodations then I would have (ie. Suns Party!) What a fun experience. And I didn't know they were getting a new judge....hmmmm.
How great!!! SO lucky. I too, would love to see what goes on behind the scenes. What a fun experience. You look cute Summer.
fun times summer!
I never thought Ryan and I would have something in common...
I"m officially jealous! What a great experience. I love Ryan! He is my favorite person in the world. I want to walk a day in your shoes...when you have fun weekends like these:)
Shalyse- Yes... we were like the people who got them their drinks, snacks and food. And you will possibly see my on TV. I had to wear that orange shirt because I was in with the judges and gave out the golden tickets if the contestants made it through to Hollywood. I felt like it was January already and I was watching it on TV sitting in there. It was really fun.
ok i am loving that you have the orange shirt on all the time. also love that you did this! who does this??
Brooke- the ticket person in the room with the judges has to wear an orange shirt. Trust me... I would have rather been in my regular clothes than in that bright orange thing.
summer you are a stinkin' crack up..always up to something so funny! looks like so much fun!!! you make me laugh:)
WOW! Fun couple of days.
good for you! were you tempted to audition?
you are kind of a big deal, people do know you, ha.. looks like randy has a little crush on tristen! any action? check out his hand around her waist.
Orange is sooo your color!
ok you are officially the luckiest person alive... you always have such fun opportunities. I can't wait to try and find you on tv when its az try outs night. (are they airing sooner then January?)
so much fun!!! - kara
Another amazing Summer adventure! Looks like you all had a great time!
Oh my gosh! What a fun gig, Summer! I am jealous. I think you look cute in the orange shirt! What a blast...minus the flight part.
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