Lauren Conrad's Fashion Show!
Tonight we drove just 10 minutes to the Irvine Spectrum to see the Lauren Conrad fashion show. The seats were only for media, press and friends of LC. However, we were able to talk someone working there into letting us be seat fillers and we got the see the show 2nd row. Her collection was pretty cute and will be sold at Nordstrom. Lots of dresses. And Lauren looked gorgeous of course! Thanks Patience for finding out about this.

Fun night... now we just need to work on goin' to fashion week in NY!
fun times! I didn't even know that she was doing a fashion show there. How cool!
i would love to spend 'a day in the life' of summer.
you always seem to know just the right people to talk to, to get the 'good seats'.
did you see any of her friends?
how fun! I wish I could have come!! those clothes look really cute!
That last picture of her is funny. It looks like she is going to blow out a candle or something. I can't believe you always can get your way into things. I don't know how you do it. You should be a lawyer since your negotiating skills are top notch!
How fun you guys all look like you could walk the runway yourselves! :)
Of course you got seats!! I wouldn't expect anything less:) I'm surprised you didn't get backstage and meet LC!
What a fun night! I'm so jealous!
summer, my sister and I actually got tickets to this as well, but living in AZ and UT doesn't help us. Looks like fun!-Amy
You gals look HOT! Fun to see Christy and Corrine! Wish I lived closer.
SO fun! I heard about OC fashion week and was wondering if you were going to be there. I thought maybe you were hosting it! Maybe next year... and if that is the case, I'd like some tickets please. You and your GF's look like you all could have been on that runway. Too darling! So... was Spencer there hiding in the back?
you crack me up how you get into EVERYTHING!
i still think it's weird you stock my friend from hs. sorry.
i bet tmz, us, and perez would pay big money for these of her though.
Drew- if you are such good friends with her then where was my back stage pass? And you should know by now that I stock every celeb. :)
This is hilarious because I was at the spectrum that day walking around with Presley and all the sudden I am walking towards LC, Lo and her entourage. And I thought to myself that she was really decked out for strolling the spectrum, I had no idea there was a fashion show. Sounds fun.
That was a lot of fun. Christi's sisters were super sweet and nice (just like her) I had a great time. It was nice to take a break from being a crazy new mom!
looks like fun. was brody there?
My new sister in-law Courtney works at the Toni & Guy salon at the spectrum where they were getting their hair done...I kinda wanted to be a weird stalker and go lurk around that night.
What a fun girls' night though!
This is why I love your blog Summer! You're always doing something fun, looking cute, and keeping me entertained!!
summer....please share your secret on how to sweet girls amaze me every time!
that last picture is killing me!
I'm glad I finally figured out where you were. I was a little stressed, only because I swore you were at home. And your yogurt was melting. =)
Her dresses are pretty cute. But honestly, if I didn't read Perez, I would have no clue who she was. Sad, but true!
that is the funnest! you're so cute and up to something fun all the time! LOVE IT!..lauren does look gorgeous wow!!
Never a dull moment in the life of Summer Thacker!! I love it.
Summer, It makes me feel not as lonely to know other people have had shingles.... I hope you both never experience them again.
I would of loved to have been at that darn fashion Show, that would of been my cup of tea... you and Megs have fabulous events all of the time... Anything happy going on in the world right now is wonderful, and I love to see it on blogs and Summer you do make it happen......
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