Yes- it's true! She is almost 1 and I'm so sad! I can't believe how FAST this first year went by. I am starting to plan her birthday party and feel like I just did this with Berkley and Haven yesterday. We die over this sweet little August. She is SO happy and doing SO much now. Crawls and explores everything. Pulling herself up to stand on everything. Says "Mama" and "Dada". Loves to eat table food. Her favorites are string cheese, peas and bananas. Every morning and after naps I am welcomed to her standing up making silly noises and smiling. She officially stopped nursing last week and it was bittersweet. She was my BEST nurser and I really enjoyed it with her. NO mastitis this time! A miracle. I am grateful for her in our life. She is a sweetheart! This next year is filled with so many "firsts" and I can't wait to see her develop more and more everyday.
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